You gonna have to go to nights now ?I had to take my certification test today, to be completely qualified to be on my own. I passed ! It's literally the girl asking you everything, and you have to explain what you do physically, and on the computer to her, including the programs we use. I was nervous, but she said I nailed it!
It's surprisingly laid back, they say even more on nights. I mean, I have time to play on here, and I try to stay busy . I mean some moments will keep you very busy, but if stuff is running good, it gets boring honestly.are they giving perks like motor mouth gets at the other place ( 11 hour breaks ) ?
Living on slow time. No bridges. No serious roads. Only way to get there (or go home) is by ferry (there it is, down below, coming in from Cedar Island.) *Just reserved an itty-bitty cottage for 2 on Ocracoke for my spring break, aka Holy Week! Out by the lighthouse, uninterrupted view out the back of the Sound.
Yes, I will let Hubs come along.