Hair Metal is the guilty pleasure of err heavy metal headbanger who hums along and enjoys in the car, then lies about never listening to it later to appear more hardcore. But you loved em when they came out, than became a snob about it. You know I'm spittin facts. Bet you never changed the station or turned it down when Round and Round came on once in the 80's not one time.
I'm beyond worrying about all that. If it brings back awesome memories I'm listening and enjoying it.
Answer me this, would your 1980's self rather get laid with a girl you met at a 80's MC concert? Or one you met at the 80's Slayer concert. If you say the latter you got pegged for sure. Hair Metal meant hot chics mini skirts, and party girls....the more hardcore metal band fan girls meant mousy chics with anger issues that cut themelves and eventually you. If you say you went for the music and not the girls, see my previous comment about the types of metal fans, and I weep for your missed opportunities.
Hair Metal attracted super models, and women who wanted to be super models, where as the harder core metal bands usually attracted women that would enter the penititiary system for cutting your dick off.
You may not like these troofs, but they are no less accurate.