Things I'm happy about today

What I'm happy about today (hoping it lasts as long as we're in this "all remote learning" phase): I had 100 percent participation doing work AND in group video meeting with ALL my students on the first official day of school. Today was great, but I just want to get back to some semblance of "normality" as soon as possible! So I guess I'm happy because my students stepped up to the plate today!
What I'm happy about today (hoping it lasts as long as we're in this "all remote learning" phase): I had 100 percent participation doing work AND in group video meeting with ALL my students on the first official day of school. Today was great, but I just want to get back to some semblance of "normality" as soon as possible! So I guess I'm happy because my students stepped up to the plate today!

That is great to hear.

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