Things you didnt know about UM

Well, isn't this just thread just full of love now? Just warms the depths of my heart. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Orangewhiteblood@Jul 28, 2005 8:58 PM
Well, isn't this just thread just full of love now?  Just warms the depths of my heart.  :rolleyes:

Shaddup OWB.

Originally posted by Orangewhiteblood@Jul 28, 2005 6:58 PM
Well, isn't this just thread just full of love now?  Just warms the depths of my heart.  :rolleyes:

Come on OWB, group hug :D
Originally posted by milohimself@Jul 28, 2005 10:01 PM
Come on OWB, group hug :D

:yikes: :lol:


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Originally posted by milohimself@Jul 28, 2005 10:01 PM
Come on OWB, group hug :D

He said it would happen one day. That I would be approached to have a group hug with a Gator, a Pac 10 fan and a crazy lady. I didn't think it would actually happen......... :blink:

Originally posted by GatorVille@Jul 28, 2005 8:49 PM
No No No No No....I like it here just fine.  I think several of you guys are a lot of fun to talk to and present a very unbaised point of view.  I like it here.  Im just saying that those that think GSMB bans members left and right couldnt be farther from the truth.  They ban almost no one.  But theres no need to worry LIO, I like it here just fine, hope you guys like having me here.

Hey GV...

I'm not saying GSMB bans anyone. And I've posted here very little, but have been reading for a long, long time, so I can vouch for the fact of how hard it is to get banned by these good people. What I am saying is twofold. One, that the GSMB-- or at least the majority of the members-- will try to run off any rival fan that doesn't go along with the assumption that the Gators have yet to prove ANYTHING.

Secondly, more directly to you, the question would be that if you have so much faith in Florida and their chances in Sept, and if TN is such a long shot in that game then why are you spending so much time and energy on the TN board? There should be no need for you to be here defending your powerhouse.

You are still yet to account for the fact that this is still a team that was beaten by TN and 4 other schools last year. The yesr before... And yet again 5 losses the year before that. You say that is because of refs (whatever...), coaching, and defense. Well... The coaching is replaced with a 4 year head coach from EXTEMELY weak conference play, who as of SEC Media Day has abandoned the scheme that brought him success. Can't really say whether it is because he knows the scheme will not float in a real conference, or if he has no faith that he has the atheletes to run it, or what... But as of the Meyer quote that they will have a run-oriented offense, you now have a minor-market coach that can't run the offense that got him here. That wou8ld scare me. As for the defense that lost the games for you last year, you have basically the same players, subtract a few starters, and the same Defensive Coordinator that called their plays. Again, refresh me how much better you'll be?

Not to defend anybody, but as bad as Florida's defense was at the end of games last year, the offense didn't help much either. There were a few times when all they had to do was grind out a couple of first downs on the ground (like against us for instance) and the game would have been over.

I can't remember which game it was, but I distinctly remember one game where Florida had the ball with the lead in the 4th, backed up against their own goal line, and on 1st down they ran a swing pass out of their own endzone!?!? I hate to second guess playcalling, but that's just ridiculous.
Warning. This thread has been hijacked and will be going in a totally different direction than where it was planned.

Quote me on denying that the gators had 5 losses last year. Quote me on saying that UT is such a long shot come 9/17. If you listened to what Meyer said, he said he would tweak it to fit his personell. He never said he was abandoning it? Oh and Zook practically called the plays, he gave strong very little room to be him self and execute his style of play, he even said that. Once he stoped doing so (after he was fired, his D was a lot better, ala the F$U game) And, I never see anyone get run out of GSMB until theres areason to do it (like theyre just there to get the members mad and what not).
I saw the video today of Meyer saying that FL will run a run-heavy offense. His former offense was so not-run-heavy it isn't funny. Maybe he wasn't serious. Maybe he was "fudging" on the changes. Or maybe he saw the writing on the wall with an immobile QB, and a group of defenses that are too fast and smart to trick with a gimmicky offense. Either way, you now have a minor-market coach running an offense that didn't get him out of the minor market.

Why was there such an uproar on GSMB a few weeks ago to install the ignore buttons? Most specifically for TN fans with opposing opinions? Just from the outside looking in, but they seem to get used a bit heavily. But hey... it's y'all's board. Bury those heads if y'all need to.
I have learned to stay away from rival boards. They make me mad and I usually end up banned anyway.

My record for being banned from a board was after one hour on a South Carolina message board and I wasn't even being mean.
What could you have possibly said to get you banned from a SC board? I didn't think that was possible unless you had a tiger paw carved into your forehead.
Well, some SC fans were talking about how they ALMOST beat us and how close the game was, blah, blah, blah, and I just presented MY theory that CPF didn't pour on the heat against SC cause he wanted to rest the guys for the upcoming week's game and knew that UT could win even with a less-than-stellar effort.

They didn't like my theory.

LIO... I don't go on and post, but pop in occasionally to get a feel for rival schools and their mindset. I just think that GSMB is... well... wow. Those guys are on edge with a seriousness!

It must suck to be that insecure...

Gatorville, your history here shows you in a pretty cool light, so I don't want to sound like I'm breaking your balls too much. I would like some input on my above comments, tho. I just don't see where all of the UF immortal feelings are coming from with all of the HUGE questionmarks.
Originally posted by OrangeFrenzy@Jul 28, 2005 10:05 PM
I just don't see where all of the UF immortal feelings are coming from with all of the HUGE questionmarks.

I think I can answer that, Frenzy. It's called "(insert a color here) - colored glasses, that ALL fans have a pair of. I keep my orange -colored ones on at all times. Don't you??

I think LIO is right to a point. Every fan probably thinks their school will do better than it probably will. But I think UF is very mortal, Ive never said UF will go undefeated, and i responded to your post above I believe. ---Quote me on denying that the gators had 5 losses last year. Quote me on saying that UT is such a long shot come 9/17. If you listened to what Meyer said, he said he would tweak it to fit his personell. He never said he was abandoning it? Oh and Zook practically called the plays, he gave strong very little room to be him self and execute his style of play, he even said that. Once he stoped doing so (after he was fired, his D was a lot better, ala the F$U game) And, I never see anyone get run out of GSMB until theres areason to do it (like theyre just there to get the members mad and what not).

We have holes, but I think a lot of Gator fans realize that were very talented, and we have a very good coaching staff, and that theres no reason we shouldnt win 10 games atleast.

I also have differing feelings on GSMB, i think that theyre pretty open to you until you prove that youre a moron or just there to stir up things (not that thats what you do or anything, just what ive captured from being there). A lot of ppl stir them up though, and when a gator is stired up, he likes to make his point and quote-unquote, win the argument, lol. I guess the unbaised fans are welcome, and the baised ones arnt. but my point stands at, almost no matter what you do, youll probly never get banned.

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