Things you didnt know about UM

Originally posted by GatorVille@Jul 28, 2005 11:45 PM
---Quote me on denying that the gators had 5 losses last year. Quote me on saying that UT is such a long shot come 9/17. ... ...I guess the unbaised fans are welcome, and the baised ones arnt.  ... ...

Yeah, because everybody knows that saying a preseason top 5 pick is a LONGSHOT to beat a team that lost 5 games the year before and now has a first year headcoach from a Mid-Major conference ISN'T being biased. Whatever. I thought much of what you have said made sense until that nice little snippet. The hypocrisy abounds.
Originally posted by rwemyss@Jul 29, 2005 7:18 AM
Yeah, because everybody knows that saying a preseason top 5 pick is a LONGSHOT to beat a team that lost 5 games the year before and now has a first year headcoach from a Mid-Major conference ISN'T being biased.  Whatever.  I thought much of what you have said made sense until that nice little snippet.  The hypocrisy abounds.


I think he was denying saying the longshot part-- defying us to find that quote because he didn't say it.

I have seen him say we'll be disappointed after the game, so that may be close enough. I don't want to be the one to put the word "longshot" in his mouth, so I'll come to his defense on that one.

Ans in hindsite, LIO and GV. I think you can only take the Orange and White/Orange and Blue tinted glasses argument so far.

Go back and look at the posts on this site beginning last season when we were starting freshman QBs, and see how realistic our posts and predictions were. We, as fans, figured on a building year with high hopes for the future.

There is a difference between being optomistic and just plain unrealistic. Sorry GV, but the gator fanbase is setting themselves up for a HUGE letdown, and you guys are doing you heralded new HC a huge disservice by putting this much pressure on him the first year out of the blocks.

And again, to the "tweaking" reply. I'll say again... I watched the video, heard his words and read his lips. You guys will run a heavily run-based offense. That is a 180* turn from the scheme that got him to FL. That is a polar opposite from the offense that Urban Meyer knows how to coach. That is not "tweaking".

Originally posted by GatorVille@Jul 28, 2005 1:49 PM
No, wait.  Make that 5 threads on the frount page.

Kinda makes you laugh @ bammer when they have 7 UT threads on their front page. Fulmer alone has 3.
So let me get this straight. Saying I think UF will win, and saying UT is a longshot to win, are basically the same thing?
Originally posted by GatorVille@Jul 29, 2005 1:30 PM
So let me get this straight.  Saying I think UF will win, and saying UT is a longshot to win, are basically the same thing?

No, let me get this straight...

You don't think that saying "Florida will win the ballgame" wouldn't come across as making TN a longshot in your mind, especially on the rival's board?

So, yah. They equate.

No I dont. I said that it will be a very close game, but I think in the end, UF will win. How does that translate into being a longshot?
Originally posted by GatorVille@Jul 29, 2005 1:44 PM
No I dont.  I said that it will be a very close game, but I think in the end, UF will win.  How does that translate into being a longshot?

You are actually serious here? You seriously can't make that connection? Throw that in with your convictions that you will be in Atlanta (virtually impossible without beating us), and you have no earthly idea how you may have come across to a group of rivals, on the rival's board, as having things bassackwards with US as the longshots?

You, my friend, are a credit to your University.
No. When I say I think we'll win the game, it does not mean that UT is a longshot, where you get that connection from, I honestly have no idea. Since I think we'll win, that helps our chances of getting to Atl, a lot. After we beat you (hypothetically), i think we could beat everyone on our schedule, with the toughest game being at LSU. But in all seriousness, I think we could be in ATL, come Dec. And I thinkw e could be winners come 9/17. However that does not translate into UT being a longshot. Believe it or not, there isnt always a long shot. I see both teams as capable winners, and look forward to the game. However UT is no long shot in my mind. (theyre actually a "closeshot", lol, I could easily see UT winning the game as well.)
Originally posted by GatorVille@Jul 29, 2005 4:42 PM
No.  When I say I think we'll win the game, it does not mean that UT is a longshot, where you get that connection from, I honestly have no idea.  Since I think we'll win, that helps our chances of getting to Atl, a lot.  After we beat you (hypothetically), i think we could beat everyone on our schedule, with the toughest game being at LSU.  But in all seriousness, I think we could be in ATL, come Dec. And I thinkw e could be winners come 9/17.  However that does not translate into UT being a longshot.  Believe it or not, there isnt always a long shot.  I see both teams as capable winners, and look forward to the game.  However UT is no long shot in my mind. (theyre actually a "closeshot", lol, I could easily see UT winning the game as well.)

That's fine, GV. It all boils down to alternate perspectives. As I said in the other thread, I'm not here to argue.

I've said my peace, defended with you what I felt needed defending. So, I hope we can pass and repass and have some fun on this great board.

Take care...

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