It didn't seem like fans stopped reacting. During both of our games, it actually picked up steam as the game went on. Were you there?
No I wasn't there. But even on television it was annoying. I'm sure fans are still loving it in person. It's something new. But playing it 100+ times a game the excitement over it will surely fade. I think it's a great idea and they should continue doing it. But playing it less frequently would increase the impact when it is played. Sometimes less is more.
Do players or fans at the game care if it annoyed people watching on TV? You do have a mute button and air conditioning which I am sure felt good today.
How would I know what fans at the game are thinking Smarta$$? I think you're missing my point. I like the song. I think they should use it. It's a great idea. But using it less would give it more of an impact in key situations. Playing it when we're up by 30 points in the 4th quarter just doesn't make any sense to me. I genuinely don't care how often it's played I'm just giving my 2 cents on the matter and I certainly could not care less if I'm agreed with. I'm just engaging in the discussion. That is after all what this forum is all about. And yes, my air conditioning was great.
How would I know what fans at the game are thinking Smarta$$? I think you're missing my point. I like the song. I think they should use it. It's a great idea. But using it less would give it more of an impact in key situations. Playing it when we're up by 30 points in the 4th quarter just doesn't make any sense to me. I genuinely don't care how often it's played I'm just giving my 2 cents on the matter and I certainly could not care less if I'm agreed with. I'm just engaging in the discussion. That is after all what this forum is all about. And yes, my air conditioning was great.
FWIW, they did use it less today.
They used it EVERY 3rd down last week. They backed off of it during some of the lulls today (which is good, IMO).
That's all I'm saying. It's like when a new song comes out that you love and they play it so often on the radio that you get tired of hearing it. I think 3rd down for what is great. I'd hate for it to lose it's impact because they played it too much.
I was at the game today, and all of the fans around me (old, young, tall, short, men, women, whatever) loved it. People were upset and calling for it when, late in the game, it didn't get played a few times.
Neyland goes nuts when that bass drops, and the whole place shakes. They show an image of an actual decibel meter on the field during that song. It consistently showed upwards of 95. Pretty impressive for a game against Arkansas State with only 99,500 fans in attendance.
The players like it and recruits like it. Nuff SaidI don't understand what all the hype is about with this song.I find it to be REALLY annoying. They play it WAY too much. If they used it occasionally on big 3rd downs where we need a stop that would be fine. But every damn 3rd down is just ridiculous.
No I wasn't there. But even on television it was annoying. I'm sure fans are still loving it in person. It's something new. But playing it 100+ times a game the excitement over it will surely fade. I think it's a great idea and they should continue doing it. But playing it less frequently would increase the impact when it is played. Sometimes less is more.
No I wasn't there. But even on television it was annoying. I'm sure fans are still loving it in person. It's something new. But playing it 100+ times a game the excitement over it will surely fade. I think it's a great idea and they should continue doing it. But playing it less frequently would increase the impact when it is played. Sometimes less is more.