This is mushroom cloud worthy

OP wanted to drop a nuke on them. I can't tell whether he proposes that because of the killing of this one child, or because he blindly hates all Muslims because it was the Taliban that did this and OP doesn't particularly care whether a few innocents get taken out in the process.

You decide.

He is a she
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Yes, because "special place in hell" sounds a lot like the religious rhetoric those monsters over there use to prop up their atrocities.

You sound like some sort of new morality police.

Do you believe there is such a thing as good and evil?

Another evil act: - Bomber Kills 40 at Afghan Wedding Party

And to make it doubly evil the lying muslims deny it and try to blame it on the Americans.
Ok so a couple things LOL. Lawgator knows me and knows I'm female, however, Thanks guys for backin my gender!
Next is hand to God. These islam idiots muslim foolsn call them whatever u will BUT if u live n the land of the free and u have constitutional rights there is ZERO reason not to come forward. The horrible truth is this. They r separate and definitely superior n their race and religion. Why should they (all brown folks still practicing any form) give a crap what we think$ I mean, u guys realize n these muslim mosque around the world they r not subject to US law so long as it happens on their soil. Anyway, I wanna nuke the land, I hate them for killing children, their mothers, fathers anyone that doesn't comply w/their insanity. I hate taliban.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Come now, you call it as you see it more than anybody.

And I catch plenty of flack too, some of it from you. :)

Ok so a couple things LOL. Lawgator knows me and knows I'm female, however, Thanks guys for backin my gender!
Next is hand to God. These islam idiots muslim foolsn call them whatever u will BUT if u live n the land of the free and u have constitutional rights there is ZERO reason not to come forward. The horrible truth is this. They r separate and definitely superior n their race and religion. Why should they (all brown folks still practicing any form) give a crap what we think$ I mean, u guys realize n these muslim mosque around the world they r not subject to US law so long as it happens on their soil. Anyway, I wanna nuke the land, I hate them for killing children, their mothers, fathers anyone that doesn't comply w/their insanity. I hate taliban.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

Don't worry about ACLG, he doesn't even have balls enought to respond to my posts.

BTW, some of the taliban put several female teachers and students from two girl's schools in the hospital recently by poisoning their food.

We have over 1,400 mosques here in America now and 80% of them have Saudi funded wahibbist imans who teach the same brand of islam as they taught the taliban.

If you want to nuke the taliban you may have to nuke Washington first, it was Washington who was behind getting the radical saudis into Afghanistan to fight the Russians, the Russians left but radical islam stuck.

I just listened to someone even more irate than you on the radio who is the mom of a Marine now serving time in Leavenworth for combat related charges, meanwhile we catch taliban fighters in Afghanistan and then they are released if the 'promise' to quit fighting for the taliban and Karzai and company plan to reintergrate the Taliban into the Afghan future government.

I just ran across the following interview with Ergun Caner, a former muslim who wrote the book "Islam Unveiled."

By The 700 Club

Think you know what Islam is all about? What former-Muslim-turned-Christian-theologian Ergun Caner reveals may shock you. - Born into a family of Muslim clerics, Dr. Ergun Caner is now a professor of Christian theology and has written a new book called Unveiling Islam. In this interview, Caner shares the truth about the Islamic faith.

Pat Robertson: It is a pleasure to welcome to The 700 Club Dr. Caner. You have a Muslim background.

Dr. Ergun Caner: My father was the one who would do the call to prayer. In a mosque the only person who has a title is the imam. My father was very active and helped found the mosque in Columbus, Ohio, after we came to America.

Pat Robertson: What happened to you? You were brought up as a good Muslim boy. What happened?

Ergun Caner: I was the equivalent of a preacher’s kid, if you can imagine, and then I came to the point where I was invited to church by a friend who didn't care how I dressed or what I looked like. I found the Lord on a Thursday and went back to the mosque on Friday assuming they wanted to hear about this grace that I had received from Christ. That was not the case.

Pat Robertson: What did they do to you?

Ergun Caner: They beat me up.

Pat Robertson: When you say beat you up, what does that mean?

Ergun Caner: Exactly what it sounds like.

Pat Robertson: With fists or clubs?

Ergun Caner: With fists.

Pat Robertson: Who did this, the leadership or your fellow employees?

Ergun Caner: The ones who were in the youth jihad.

Pat Robertson: Really? That drove you closer to the Lord, I guess, didn't it?

Ergun Caner: What's wonderful is that day my father disowned me, but both of my brothers accepted Christ. My younger brother teaches at a seminary, I teach at a Christian College, my middle brother is a strong Christian and a member of a church, our mother accepted the Lord and is married to a church planter, and my grandmother accepted the Lord right before she died.

Pat Robertson: The president of the United States has said over and over again that Islam is a religion of peace, but these terrorists are an aberration. Tell us about that.

Ergun Caner: I have heard it over and over, as have you, 'How can they do this? Islam is just a religion of peace.' We are taught jihad from our youth. We are taught jihad in the hadith and the Koran from our youth. As a matter of fact, I am under the sentence of death, as is any Muslim who finds Christ, because the Koran says and the hadith teaches that anyone who changes his Islamic religion must be killed.

Pat Robertson: Just like that?

Ergun Caner: Hadith 957. It is one thing to say that they don't accept jihad. They can say that. They can be the equivalent of liberal Muslims, if they wish. But it is another thing to say that the Koran and Muhammad and the hadith does not teach it, because we are taught to convert or to conquer.

Pat Robertson: Jihad is explained as resist evil.

Ergun Caner: No.

Pat Robertson: You say not true.

Ergun Caner: Muhammad's last words were 'Push the infidels out of the Arabian Peninsula.' Those were the last words that he said. Anyone who does not worship Allah in the last day, it will not be accepted of him, paradise is under the shades of the sword -- these are the teachings of the Koran. The promise of forgiveness for men like Muhammad Atta was that you would be translated to paradise if you died in Allah’s cause.

Pat Robertson: Why don't Americans know this? Why doesn't our president know this? He has advisors. Surely someone up there has read the Koran.

Ergun Caner: I wish he had more contact with you, Dr. Robertson.

Pat Robertson: Regrettably he doesn't.

Ergun Caner: Last week while you were in China, he (Obama) sat at a Ramadan iftaar, the meal that they have after they break the fast at night. This is the Muslim equivalent of a closed communion. Anyone who sits at that table has to pledge allegiance to the Muslim faith. Thus, at that meal, our president professed Allah.

Pat Robertson: Did he know he was doing that?

Ergun Caner: I do not know.

Pat Robertson: Everybody says Allah and God are the same.

Ergun Caner: I consider it the Oprah-ization of our culture. You know the national cathedral and the prayer service at the stadium and they said, 'I pray in the name of Allah and Jehovah and Jesus.' It was offensive to me as a Muslim to say that Allah and Jehovah are the same. It is blasphemous to us as Christians. It is not an issue of semantics. Allah has no son. The Koran teaches that. There is no way an intellectual and honest Muslim would ever say that they are the same.

Pat Robertson: I have heard that Allah was one of the genies that hung out at Mecca. He was sort of like a demonic spirit. Were did he come from?

Ergun Caner: I think the terminology is as you said. But Muhammad had this view of a god who is remote and removed. The most amazing thing to me as a Christian, when I became a believer in Jesus, was the intimacy and the relationship with Jesus and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. And so a Muslim views Allah as remote and as judge. As a matter of fact, the only intimate term that Muslims know about Allah is as a threat. Allah is as close as your jugular.

Pat Robertson: So, the God of love, there is no such thing?

Ergun Caner: No.

Pat Robertson: How does a Muslim get saved besides blowing up the World Trade Center?

Ergun Caner: Since the events at the World Trade Center, I have spoken at the United Nations and I have preached around, and I get the same question from the media that you do: 'When did you switch?' I didn't switch anything. I got saved. The distinction is that I found grace, where as before I had lived with works. Muslim boys and girls and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said they train us from youth to die for our faith, hoping to shed our own blood so that we can find forgiveness, the release from our scales.

Pat Robertson: What about the concept of kismet? It is fate. Isn't that deeply involved in the Muslim religion?

Ergun Caner: Absolutely. I always say to my students that Islam is hyper Calvinist. Islam believes that if you are a believer in Islam, a believer in Allah, great. If not, it is our job to kill you and send you to hell faster. If you kill us, we go to paradise. It’s the only eternal security that a Muslim has.

Pat Robertson: That's it? In other words, if you live your life and you die, you have no knowledge of where you are going to go eternally?

Ergun Caner: Muhammad even said, 'I don't even know where I will go.' He said, 'Only Allah knows.' The founder of the faith in which I was raised had no assurance of his own salvation.

Pat Robertson: What about the satanic verses? Salman Rushdie said that in the Koran Muhammad admitted that certain of it came from Satan. I have not read the Koran and certainly not in Arabic. Is that true?

Ergun Caner: He started to have seizures at the age of 40 and his wife assured him it was from god and not demonic. What Salman Rushdie did was he switched it. He asked, What if the seizures and the visions that Muhammad received were from Satan? That's why it is called the 'Satanic Verses'.

Pat Robertson: I was under the impression that Rushdie found something where Muhammad was questioning if it was from Satan.

Ergun Caner: He did. Muhammad did question that. His wife said it was from god. She is the one who told him, 'God is trying to reveal something new to you.' Muslims who become Christians who speak Arabic, they don't even use the word Allah. When they speak of God, they call him 'Khoda,' a Persian word, because we are so terrified of confusing our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ with Allah, the false god that we served as Muslims.

Pat Robertson: There is so much misinformation in this nation about Islam. We have been given a massive public relations snow job, and unfortunately at the highest level of our country. These are questions from the Internet:

Internet Question: What do you think is the best way to encounter a Muslim and by God's help and grace lead him or her to Christ?

Ergun Caner: For me, the most liberating thing was hearing about grace, not the fear of the scales. You have to earn a hearing with a Muslim. But hearing that Jesus Christ not only died for me but that He did for me what I couldn't do for myself and promised to give me peace was huge.

Internet Question: Does the Koran contradict itself in the area of violence to other human beings?

Ergun Caner: It doesn't contradict itself. Islam at its core is a religion of warfare. Muhammad was a warrior. We are taught to conquer. We are taught to fight. If anyone says in the media that Islam is a religion of peace, they either don't know their faith, don’t know the Koran, or they are lying.

Pat Robertson: Strong words, ladies and gentlemen. You heard it here.


None seem to tell it like it is more than former muslims or Christian who have had to live in areas dominated by islam.

I read an article written about a sermon he preached in a Dallas church that was attended by several hundred Kurdish muslims, here is the last paragraph.

Adding that his father died in the shadow of three churches, Caner said, "Not a one of them ever came to his door in the 15 years that he lived there.

Who lives in the shadow of this church and has not heard the precious gospel of Christ?" Caner asked. "Who lives next door to you on their way to a devil's hell and you haven't told them?"
Awesome post gsvol, very informative. And I can honestly say if I lived in that village and that little boy was a neighbor, I wouldn't say a word about the taliban. Put that same horrible event on our soil and I'd still be hesitant to open my mouth. But I suppose that is b/c I struggle with faith. I don't know what their belief says about the after life. If you are a Christian then you can take comfort in seeing your loved ones again in heaven but when the rubber hits the road it would be hard to test that faith and continue to encourage people to rise up if it meant putting your children's lives in danger. Or possibly even losing them, just horrible.
Awesome post gsvol, very informative. And I can honestly say if I lived in that village and that little boy was a neighbor, I wouldn't say a word about the taliban. Put that same horrible event on our soil and I'd still be hesitant to open my mouth. But I suppose that is b/c I struggle with faith. I don't know what their belief says about the after life. If you are a Christian then you can take comfort in seeing your loved ones again in heaven but when the rubber hits the road it would be hard to test that faith and continue to encourage people to rise up if it meant putting your children's lives in danger. Or possibly even losing them, just horrible.

Well the muslim convert said that his dad who had been a devout iman, died thinking he was going to hell.

The only sure fire way to attain paradise for a muslim is to die fighting jihad.

The fear you express for your children's lives is what they count on to either make you a convert or a dhimmi that is essentially a slave.

"It is easier to resist in the beginning than in the end."
Leonardo Da Vinci

Not saying anythnig bad about the Taliban reminds me of a Vandy prof friend of mine, he would say loud enough for everyone to hear; "You'll not get me to say anything bad about the Taliban, my sister married one, I don't want my grill to blow up the next time I try to cook out."
Well the muslim convert said that his dad who had been a devout iman, died thinking he was going to hell.

The only sure fire way to attain paradise for a muslim is to die fighting jihad.

The fear you express for your children's lives is what they count on to either make you a convert or a dhimmi that is essentially a slave.

"It is easier to resist in the beginning than in the end."
Leonardo Da Vinci

Not saying anythnig bad about the Taliban reminds me of a Vandy prof friend of mine, he would say loud enough for everyone to hear; "You'll not get me to say anything bad about the Taliban, my sister married one, I don't want my grill to blow up the next time I try to cook out."

Good Lord, that is just wild. I heard a report the other day and I can't remember exactly what the stat was but there are something like 200 cities with members of taliban in this country. Just makes me sick to my stomach.
What do you mean?

That any deplorable act you can find being copmitted on this planet, has in fact been comitted by good old Americans(at some point in our history). So, its a good thing nobody nuked us - as I'm sure we've been mushroom cloud worthy plenty of times too...
Posted via VolNation Mobile
That any deplorable act you can find being copmitted on this planet, has in fact been comitted by good old Americans(at some point in our history). So, its a good thing nobody nuked us - as I'm sure we've been mushroom cloud worthy plenty of times too...
Posted via VolNation Mobile

Yes, but Americans EVOLVE, we are a civilized society. These guys are animals and have been doing this crap since bible times, it's time to wipe them off the map.
Yes, but Americans EVOLVE, we are a civilized society. These guys are animals and have been doing this crap since bible times, it's time to wipe them off the map.

We must not live in the same country... I'm not sure we've evolved much at all.

I love the USA, but it's pretty clear we have our f'd up problems as much as anyplace.

This doesn't even count child murders, rapes, etc. Or regular murders, rapes, beatings, etc.
We must not live in the same country... I'm not sure we've evolved much at all.

I love the USA, but it's pretty clear we have our f'd up problems as much as anyplace.

This doesn't even count child murders, rapes, etc. Or regular murders, rapes, beatings, etc.

I see what you are saying, but the people committing those crimes in this country are criminals and they get jail time and possibly deterred from ever breakin the law again. The people killing over there are killing b/c they are animals and they don't get jail time.
We must not live in the same country... I'm not sure we've evolved much at all.

I love the USA, but it's pretty clear we have our f'd up problems as much as anyplace.

This doesn't even count child murders, rapes, etc. Or regular murders, rapes, beatings, etc.

Well I agree there is way too much crime commited against children in this country and the best Washington can seem to come up with is democrat sponsored 'pedophile protection act' (that also makes it a hate crime to protect a heinz 57 varitey of perverts and includes all muslims as especially protected individuals) and even the republicans didn't do enough to stop it, including Tennessee's own senators Alexander and Corker, either one of which could have killed that amendment to the Defense Bill.

But what is way different and you don't seem to get it is that the hinging of the seven year old boy in Afghanistan was and act of intimidation by an organized group for political purposes.

Huge difference OutThere, can you not see that??

What you really need to do is live in some other countries for a while and no doubt you would hold America in much higher esteem when you returned.

And no we don't has as f-d up problems as anyplace.

We must not live in the same country... I'm not sure we've evolved much at all.

I love the USA, but it's pretty clear we have our f'd up problems as much as anyplace.

This doesn't even count child murders, rapes, etc. Or regular murders, rapes, beatings, etc.

Seriously? Our situation is just as F'd up as any other country in the world? :blink:
Well it is Sunday! :)

I don't have any idea how any self respecting woman could have anything at all good to say about islam. - The Other Side of Jihad -- Honor Killings

Incredibly, young immigrant girls or first generation citizens are being murdered by their own families in honor killings in the West. In order to prevent such murders, it is important to understand that honor killings differ significantly from western-style domestic violence. However, when an honor killing occurs here, the police, as well as Islamist and feminist groups, still insist that the murder is just like domestic violence everywhere. But that is not true.

The level of primal, sadistic, or barbaric savagery shown in honor killings often approximates the murders in the West perpetrated by serial killers against prostitutes or randomly selected women.

One can never fully trust any muslim because of the islamic rule of 'taqqiya' which allows, even mandates that they lie to infidels in order to foster a false sense of security among the intended victims.

Report: Pakistani spy agency supports Taliban - Yahoo! News

ISLAMABAD – Pakistan's main spy agency continues to arm and train the Taliban and is even represented on the group's leadership council despite U.S. pressure to sever ties and billions in aid to combat the militants, said a research report released Sunday.

If the victim and assailants were reveresed in the following case, it would be a federal hate crime and the committers of the crime would get twice the time.

Two more charged in St. Paul beating of good Samaritan -


Ibrahim Mohammed Abdullahi, 22, and Zakaria Abdinasser Yusuf (aka Zamria Yusef), 21 have been arrested.

If we don't place a moratorium on islamic immigration to America and begin to enforce the rule of law on our southern border, we will be seeing this sort of thing in America soon.

Philippines: Islamist militants blamed for beheadings - Adnkronos Religion

The worst thing of all is that we have people in responsible positions that we are supposed to trust painting us a completely false picture for the sake of political correctness.

PJTV - Smiley Infidel: PBS Host Shows Willful Ignorance to Islamic Extremism - Mpg
Seriously? Our situation is just as F'd up as any other country in the world? :blink:

Above your pay scale to understand ham, you just aren't sufficiently indoctrinated in modern day liberal moral equivalency. :no:
Well I agree there is way too much crime commited against children in this country and the best Washington can seem to come up with is democrat sponsored 'pedophile protection act' (that also makes it a hate crime to protect a heinz 57 varitey of perverts and includes all muslims as especially protected individuals) and even the republicans didn't do enough to stop it, including Tennessee's own senators Alexander and Corker, either one of which could have killed that amendment to the Defense Bill.

But what is way different and you don't seem to get it is that the hinging of the seven year old boy in Afghanistan was and act of intimidation by an organized group for political purposes.

Huge difference OutThere, can you not see that??

What you really need to do is live in some other countries for a while and no doubt you would hold America in much higher esteem when you returned.

And no we don't has as f-d up problems as anyplace.


Guess I need to clear a few things up -

1. I don't care at all what happens to any Taliban POS. They can all die for all I care. Light them up. Burn them down.

2. My posting was specifically targeting the OP's assertion that this child's murder deserves a nuclear response, or was, specifically, mushroom cloud worthy. Unless we have developed a nuclear bomb that can kill only talibani militants, this will result in quite a bit of collaeral damage. I guess you and I differ in that you are ok with this. I, on the other hand realize that not all Afghanis are in the Taliban, and therefore, should not be nuked.

3. As far as your assertion that there is a "Huge difference" between this poor boys homicide and what occurs in this country - absolutely I see it. Told you, believe the Taliban is dispicble and should be destroyed. But, seriously GS, in the few seconds before any child, or any person for that matter is murdered, do you think they give a shi% if it's "act of intimidation by an organized group for political purposes." I don't.

4. Your suggestion that I live in some other countries so that I would hold American in a higher esteem is a little odd. I'm not what gave you the opinion that I don't hold our country in a high esteem. I actually have lived in Brazil, India, and Egypt (only 3 months). I'm also fortunate to travel frequently for work. I've traveled extensively through Europe, Northern Africa, the Middle East, South America, and a little bit of Asia. Every time I get home I thank GOD I'm back. I love my country, but I don't look at it through rose colored glasses. We have done some wonderful things as a nation, and we've done some terrible things.

5. Lastly, I didn't say we have "as f'd up problems as any place", I said "we have our f'd up problems as much as anyplace." China has problems, Iran has problems, England has problems, and yes, the US has problems. We have serious problems - hunger, murder, lies, corruption. So this circles back to the original post. Just as I'm glad we will not nuke Afghanistan because of the terrible and disgusting Taliban, I'm glad some super being doesn't decide to wipe us off the face of the earth because of our problems or what we have done (thinking ending of the movie "The Abyss"). Most of us are decent people, just trying to get through the day. In my experience, that is a common thread running through most humanity across the globe.

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