This isn’t on Heupel

I felt the coaching staff gave this team an opportunity to win despite having multiple external forces working against them.

Incorporating Milton more in the run game really gave the offense an edge and it should bode well for our offense moving forward. I like the agressive nature from Huepel as well. We just dom't have the overall talent thatvwe had last year. Or even what I expect down the road.
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Face it, they don’t trust Joe to throw on the other side of 50 and they dont trust him to throw all game like our favorite Hooker.

that effects how they are calling game…
I’m a CJH guy through and through, in fact you’ll be hard pressed to find a bigger fan. What he’s done at TN has been, for lack of a better noun, a miracle. The fact we’re looking at best 9-3 after what he walked into is just incredible. But all that to say, sorry OP, I blame a huge part of this on Heupel and staff. This was by far his worst coached game since he’s been here. Bad play calling, questionable conservative approach, lack of adjustments, and a complete change in tempo for the second half all add up to the L we just took.
CJH made terrible calls. Two forth down calls that should never even been considered. These calls put us in situations that killed momentum and our defenses confidence. Worst coaching performance he's had, have been the last two weeks. Terrible, absolutely pathetic.
I can't wait for his post gamer to shed light on all that great coaching that was taking place out there.
Milton is 100% the problem. He cannot see receivers open fast enough. That is why he holds the ball way too long.

The most important thing our coaches can do is to continue recruiting to close the talent gap.
Milton is not an NFL quarterback, but to say he's 100% of the problem is illogical. He played very well in the first half because the coaches put him in a position to succeed. That's wasn't the case in the 2nd half.
I really thought Huepel learned last year you never take your foot off the gas in the SEC. Apparently not, as the play calling went more conservative in the second half than an Amish community. And once you do that, you can’t just flip the switch and expect success.

But, and I say this from the heart, we are not going to be an elite or championship-level team until we can stop the road flops. 2022 it was UGA and S. Car. This year (so far) has been UF and AL. And we still play UK and Mizzou on the road. Road woes have to be stopped if we want to be playing for hardware.

Also, is Hazle calling the plays or Huepel? Because whatever game plan was going on the the second half needs to be cut, shredded, and burned.
Milton is not an NFL quarterback, but to say he's 100% of the problem is illogical. He played very well in the first half because the coaches put him in a position to succeed. That's wasn't the case in the 2nd half.

Holds the ball way too long. And not very accurate when he throws it.

Put a more competent QB back there and you would see immediate improvement.

And I like him a lot and respect him a ton. I really hoped that he had developed more. But he didn’t.
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In 3 years Heupel will have went 2-7 against the big 3 rivals (UGA, Bama and UF). With his big raise, it’s looking like he is entering into the overrated category.
Heupel is going to have to recruit better. We are not good at a few positions right now.

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