This isn’t on Heupel

where/how does anyone come up with this "play to not lose" strategy? For God's sakes, it was a six point game two plays into the second half! Thats not a lead anyone would even think about sitting on!
It's funny too because they'll criticize Heupel for going for it twice on 4th down and then a sentence later say he was "playing not to lose". It's like they just have a stash of "attack coach" narratives, and they just started throwing stuff out there whether it went together or not. Lol.
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Milton is 100% the problem. He cannot see receivers open fast enough. That is why he holds the ball way too long.

The most important thing our coaches can do is to continue recruiting to close the talent gap.
You do realize that Joe isn't getting even 3 seconds of pass protection.....he looks like he is holding the ball to long witing for slow AF wr to get open.
The 2nd half adjustments (or lack thereof) doomed this team regardless of the NIL paid Refs. The team came out and did not pour on more steam after halftime! Some players said in the post game interviews, they thought they had it won at halftime, which as a coach, you stomp that attitude out and challenge them to put on more steam, not ride out on "My Little Ponies" and let Bama have its way with you. The Tide scored 27 straight points against a defense that only allowed 7 in the first half , inexcusable and embarrassing! Either Heupel smoked a pre-victory cuban cigar at halftime that muddied his decision making or Saban showed him what being outcoached was all about, either way, Heupel keeps getting embarrassed on the road and that is a serious problem for a program that wants to get to elite status.
I’d like to see more North and South passing instead of East and West. Especially against a team loaded with 5* players with speed.

After some reflection, it occurred to me that those screens and quick throws out to the sideline aren't nearly as effective without Bru McCoy out there blocking. He's a really good receiver, but he's a great blocking wide receiver.

The first half of the Florida game and the second half of the Alabama game are the worst game we've played all year. Having said that, I think we're a better team than Alabama and I KNOW we're a better team than Florida. I said out loud when CJH decided to go for it on that fourth and one play in our territory in the second half "I don't know about this call", but if we'd made it, he's a genius. We didn't, so he's a fool.

I hate to ever blame the refs, but poor officiating certainly cost Tennessee some opportunities, but that's all you can say with certainty. Hard to believe Alabama didn't hold the entire game, however, 1 penalty all game for Alabama? That's pretty hard to swallow.

I think we could have overcome two out of three factors that cost Tennessee this game, questionable second half coaching, poor red zone execution, and bad officiating, but not all three.

See you next year in Knoxville, gumps.
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There was one series in the second half where "bama was deep in our end of the field, and two plays in a row, Tennessee jumped off sides. I don't remember them showing a replay of the first one, but on the second one, they showed a replay, and the center moved the ball and Tennessee reacted for the second penalty. I wonder if that was the reason for the first one. Correct me if I'm wrong, but there are officials on each side of the line of scrimmage and if neither one of them throw a flag, it's either incompetence or indifference.
Going shotgun on 4th and inches drives me up the freaking wall. A tush push with Milton's size gets us that yard, I will never understand when it's less than a yard to go we decide adding another 5 is a good idea.

That call is on CJH.
Yes. Run the tush push, orange crush, something... but 5 yards deep standing still is maddening, and so many teams do it. Don't understand it. Practice taking a snap under center for that very reason. It's worth practicing -just look at this year and our struggles to get 1 yard.
It is on Heupe, it is in the team, it is on the offense, the defense, and the special teams. It is in the staff and the assistants. You win as a team and you lose as a team. I am done with trying to divy up individual blame. They will overcome their issues as a team or they will falter as a team
Get er done gents! Beat them mildcats.
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It was on the coaches and players. They came out of the half completely like they knew they had the lead with no urgency to step on the gas. The refs didn't give up a 46 yard pass play on the opening drive of the half. Our defense did. The refs didn't call 3 straight run plays when we were deep on our end of the field. Our coaches did. The refs didn't make the team go for it on every 4th down on our side of the field. Sorry but if you play well enough the refs just don't matter even if they miss calls. We stopped executing in every aspect of the game in the second half and we let the crowd back into the game and then our players couldn't handle the pressure of playing on the road AGAIN.
Only complaint I have on the game that involved Heupel was his decision to go for it twice on fourth down. If your must do it then you need the QB to be under center as that is the best way to get inches or less than a yard. Trying to run a fourth down play from the shotgun formation is just futile at least half of the time.

Anybody remember Tebow's jump pass on 4th and short? If Huepel insists on running all plays from the shotgun he might want to try that.
It's funny too because they'll criticize Heupel for going for it twice on 4th down and then a sentence later say he was "playing not to lose". It's like they just have a stash of "attack coach" narratives, and they just started throwing stuff out there whether it went together or not. Lol.
I can't believe he went the second time after the D bailed him out after the first failed attempt.
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So, bear with me, if we'd actually scored 4 TDs in the first half, which would have put us as 28 rather than 20, and then scored at least a single TD in the second half, you still think we'd have lost if the rest of the game went exactly the same as it did?
There is a very strong likelihood that the officiating would have still been very lopsided in Bama's favor or potentially worse until Bama had secured the lead. You don't call BS fair catches on a kickoff, PI on uncatchable balls/negligible contact, and 0 holding penalties on several egregious instances of holding unless you're home-cooking a game. The only way we were walking out of Tuscaloosa with a win was if we played well enough to beat Bama and the zebras.
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There is a very strong likelihood that the officiating would have still been very lopsided in Bama's favor or potentially worse until Bama had secured the lead. You don't call BS fair catches on a kickoff, PI on uncatchable balls/negligible contact, and 0 holding penalties on several egregious instances of holding unless you're home-cooking a game. The only way we were walking out of Tuscaloosa with a win was if we played well enough to beat Bama and the zebras.

They weren't calling holdimg or PI on Alabama in the first half either.
I don't see how this pertains to our previous topic, but I agree with you. The refs did not call an unbiased game in either half.

Your argument is that not scoring points in the second half, had less of an effect on us losing than poor officiating, correct?

Yet the poor officiating occurred in both halves, but we only scored points in the first.
Your argument is that not scoring points in the second half, had less of an effect on us losing than poor officiating, correct?

Yet the poor officiating occurred in both halves, but we only scored points in the first.
My argument is that the "poor" (targeted) officiating was significant enough to influence a 50/50 game into a certain Bama victory.

But to address to the degree which poor officiating can affect a team, we have to ask: which factors affect the number of points a team scores on offense? Surely biased officiating can hinder an offense's ability to sustain drives and put up points. Field position (influenced by a non-existent fair catch ruling) can affect the number of points scored by an offense. Play calling can also impact the amount of points we have, but it's important to distinguish between poor play calling and poor execution. Our Vols were affected by both against the Tide. On the flip-side of the ball, flagging our defense for innocuous play helps Bama extend drives where we may have been able to get a stop.

All that being said, credit must be given to Bama's defensive line for creating that scoop-and-score. Our opponent stepped up their game in the second half, and we did not execute on a level enough to overcome flag-happy (towards us) referees.

In total, I would attribute our loss to:

Poor Officiating - 40% / Poor Execution (Vols) - 30% / Improved Play (2nd half Bama) - 20% / Questionable Play Calls - 10%
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My argument is that the "poor" (targeted) officiating was significant enough to influence a 50/50 game into a certain Bama victory.

But to address to the degree which poor officiating can affect a team, we have to ask: which factors affect the number of points a team scores on offense? Surely biased officiating can hinder an offense's ability to sustain drives and put up points. Field position (influenced by a non-existent fair catch ruling) can affect the number of points scored by an offense. Play calling can also impact the amount of points we have, but it's important to distinguish between poor play calling and poor execution. Our Vols were affected by both against the Tide. On the flip-side of the ball, flagging our defense for innocuous play helps Bama extend drives where we may have been able to get a stop.

All that being said, credit must be given to Bama's defensive line for creating that scoop-and-score. Our opponent stepped up their game in the second half, and we did not execute on a level enough to overcome flag-happy (towards us) referees.

In total, I would attribute our loss to:

Poor Officiating - 40% / Poor Execution (Vols) - 30% / Improved Play (2nd half Bama) - 20% / Questionable Play Calls - 10%

We had 4 trips to the redzone in the first half, and came away with 20 points. If we'd managed to get a TD on three of those trips instead of two, and even score half as many points in the second half as we did in the first, we win the game.

As bad as the officiating was, it didn't make us score zero points in the second half, that was coaching, play calling, and player performance.
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