This Isn’t Working Out (Allen West Statement)

Let's do it.
It’s an intriguing play. It’s not rather novel coming from Texas we threaten this about every four years.

But when this case was petitioned I pondered what the long game was as I didn’t see it as having a chance.

As a minimum I see it as a declaration from today’s GOP that they’ve pretty much had it with the current state of affairs. There won’t be any returning to the pre 2016 GOP.

Will be interesting to see whom of the 17 others affirm this statement
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The only legal way this can happen is an Article V Convention and amendment to the Constitution. That isn't happening. The only other way is a civil war.
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The only legal way this can happen is an Article V Convention and amendment to the Constitution. That isn't happening. The only other way is a civil war.
We kinda bypassed that route last time and it happened anyway.

No I am most definitely not advocating for that now. Far from it.
So our own Allen West is proposing an amicable divorce of the Union as the next proposition after the Texas case was kicked. Is it time for an amicable divorce? An unamicable divorce? Discuss

BREAKING: Texas GOP: Perhaps Law-Abiding States Should ‘Form Union’ That Will ‘Abide By Constitution’

It's about the only real solution, but it's going to be a problem because the real divide is urban/rural and not geographical - see what the Atlanta cancer did to GA. We were screwed the minute we deviated from the original concept and let federalism take over; it's much easier to have a state full of agreeable people than a nation full of people who think alike. Better an amicable separation with a resolve to work together than a destructive dissolution of angry opponents.
It's about the only real solution, but it's going to be a problem because the real divide is urban/rural and not geographical - see what the Atlanta cancer did to GA. We were screwed the minute we deviated from the original concept and let federalism take over; it's much easier to have a state full of agreeable people than a nation full of people who think alike. Better an amicable separation with a resolve to work together than a destructive dissolution of angry opponents.
Don’t disagree on the distribution but there are some state differences. Once you toss out the inner city riff raff our TX Dems are far from the nutjob CA Dems I run into on business travel.

Yeah the dividing topics don’t geographically line up as easily as the 1870’s but there are some pretty serious splits now.

I’m gonna guess this is mostly saber rattling right now but who knows.

I thought when that case hit there were some planned plays lined up it was clear the case wasn’t going anywhere
We kinda bypassed that route last time and it happened anyway.

No I am most definitely not advocating for that now. Far from it.
Right, obviously if a state can forcefully secede and stay apart, then they are de facto sovereign. I'm just saying that's an extralegal route and the only vaguely realistic route that I could see happening. Texas voted only 52.1% for Donald Trump versus 46.5% for Joe Biden--even assuming that EVERY Donald Trump supporter also supported secession, that's not exactly a crushing victory that would make me feel comfortable with trying a hostile takeover of government.

Of course, you know, it's Texas. We shouldn't act like talking about secession is some sort of groundbreaking new thing for them.
Right, obviously if a state can forcefully secede and stay apart, then they are de facto sovereign. I'm just saying that's an extralegal route and the only vaguely realistic route that I could see happening. Texas voted only 52.1% for Donald Trump versus 46.5% for Joe Biden--even assuming that EVERY Donald Trump supporter also supported secession, that's not exactly a crushing victory that would make me feel comfortable with trying a hostile takeover of government.

Of course, you know, it's Texas. We shouldn't act like talking about secession is some sort of groundbreaking new thing for them.
I already conceded that point a few posts back.

I’m guessing this play was already setup just like the other states piling on the day after the suit was filed. Right now this all looks kinda orchestrated I guess we will see if states offer similar statements
Don’t disagree on the distribution but there are some state differences. Once you toss out the inner city riff raff our TX Dems are far from the nutjob CA Dems I run into on business travel.

Yeah the dividing topics don’t geographically line up as easily as the 1870’s but there are some pretty serious splits now.

I’m gonna guess this is mostly saber rattling right now but who knows.

I thought when that case hit there were some planned plays lined up it was clear the case wasn’t going anywhere

I do agree with that. There are a common core of states that would flock together - and it wouldn't look like the Confederate States, but a lot of those states would be in the "coalition". I could see some like GA waffling until they decided that they actually weren't CA or NY and didn't want to be. I've always maintained that the country would have been better if secession had worked because slavery would still have ended and the two countries (if they remained separate) would be friendly nations that still support each other. The end result would have been smaller pieces with less overall stress in trying to placate 350 M different people. Of course, if the original plan had been followed, leaving most stuff up to the individual states ...
So our own Allen West is proposing an amicable divorce of the Union as the next proposition after the Texas case was kicked. Is it time for an amicable divorce? An unamicable divorce? Discuss

BREAKING: Texas GOP: Perhaps Law-Abiding States Should ‘Form Union’ That Will ‘Abide By Constitution’

What our legislative branch needs to do is put laws in place to protect us from some of the crap that will be coming from the top. They need to be in session right now.
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