This Isn’t Working Out (Allen West Statement)

True. That's why it would need to be peaceful.
I don't see any realistic peaceful path to secession. The only legal course is an amendment, but there's nowhere near enough support to pass one. There is no other legal way to secede, the Constitution just doesn't allow for it. I guess there's a small possibility of a Taiwan-like situation, since nobody (sane) wants an actual civil war, but I find it hard to see happening.
I'd bet a lot of the non 47% who believe there was election fraud would admit to believing in the funny numbers too except they are satisfied with the outcome.
Trump wasn’t very popular in TX with the average Repub. They supported him but they didn’t like him. Hell I don’t like him. This state still has a fairly independent “F all of you I’ll do it myself” attitude once you get outside of the bloodline dilluted cities.
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The only way I see a civil war not happening is the country moving away from the two party system where it's no longer an us vs them scenario every single day.

It never has needed to be. It's up to individuals to not buy into such a false dichotomy. It's not real. People are all over a continuum and mostly want the same things.

Step 1 is cognizance and awareness. Remember we are the same. We don't need a political party to remind us of this.
Alabama, Mississippi and Texas have beaches and I’m sure the FL panhandle would be happy to split off from the rest of the state. It’s really just LA anyway.
I just meant that I was out on moving to Oklahoma with no beach front. It's nice down here on the Redneck Riviera.
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Trump wasn’t very popular in TX with the average Repub. They supported him but they didn’t like him. Hell I don’t like him. This state still has a fairly independent “F all of you I’ll do it myself” attitude once you get outside of the bloodline dilluted cities.
Like I said before, this election theft isn't about Trump. It's about our country.
I don't see any realistic peaceful path to secession. The only legal course is an amendment, but there's nowhere near enough support to pass one. There is no other legal way to secede, the Constitution just doesn't allow for it. I guess there's a small possibility of a Taiwan-like situation, since nobody (sane) wants an actual civil war, but I find it hard to see happening.

The constitution doesn’t address a state seceding from the union. Only the Supreme Court has addressed it and of course that can be overturned by another ruling or an act of congress.
Liberal millenials are way different from southern millennials. Alot of kids around here are hardcore hunters who are very patriotic. I am not in the sticks either. Average home in my area is 650k and up. I do believe this country eventually has another civil war. There is just mo way to avoid it with a two party system that ramps each side up against the other.

The only way I see a civil war not happening is the country moving away from the two party system where it's no longer an us vs them scenario every single day.

Hunters who are patriotic... interesting correlation. To your latter point- would you advocate then for a parliamentary system?

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