This Isn’t Working Out (Allen West Statement)

Did Trump really win? Looks like he broke the country into at least two pieces!
The country has been primed to break into pieces for a while. The great divider and Trump both played a hand in stoking those feelings. I dont care if Trump stays or leaves it doesn’t change my view that I have nothing whatsoever in common with Biden’s agenda and want no part of living under his administration if he has any success in pushing that down people’s throats.
he had one of the highest approval ratings in history. central planning is a different form of government... FDR was a Democrat, he operated within the precepts of the Democratic Party, there was no central planning
He financed the war spending via war bonds which isn’t sustainable on a continual basis. You pointed to the country’s war time finances as being able to support his agenda. It was not sustainable in the long term it was ridiculous deficit spending financed by bonds.
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he had one of the highest approval ratings in history. central planning is a different form of government... FDR was a Democrat, he operated within the precepts of the Democratic Party, there was no central planning

I think you need to read into FDR some more. He absolutely believed in a strong central government that controlled most everything.
I'd still disagree. See ND40's comment a few posts back; he says it very well. There's a great divide, and I don't see agreement anywhere. It's not this simple but a good starting point would be that some of us want the America that used to be and some want something like a new socialized European country with a lot of US history erased. That's a big difference.

Please define “the America that used to be”for me. Give me the specifics of what you liked and what did you disliked. Where in the USA wss this and what was the years or timeframe
I think you need to read into FDR some more. He absolutely believed in a strong central government that controlled most everything.
FDR lucked into a country recovering from the Great Depression and a war requiring the nationalization of means of production. It was a central planners wet dream. If you weren’t actively engaged fighting you were guaranteed a job financed by unquestioned deficit spending.
Please define “the America that used to be”for me. Give me the specifics of what you liked and what did you disliked. Where in the USA wss this and what was the years or timeframe

Liked local community feel.

Liked low cost of living.

Liked that the country seemed to be more moral as a whole.

Liked it was more nuclear family driven.

Disliked that it was more segregated.

Disliked that interracial marriage had a huge stigma.
Liked local community feel.

Liked low cost of living.

Liked that the country seemed to be more moral as a whole.

Liked it was more nuclear family driven.

Disliked that it was more segregated.

Disliked that interracial marriage had a huge stigma.

Appreciate it. Thanks for taking the time
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If texas went Oklahoma, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Kentucky, Tennessee, South Carolina would follow.

The toss ups are ga, fl, North Carolina but I assume they would lean leaving.

You would then have civil war 2.0 except this time the south would have infrastructure more weapons and alot more money.

It would be very bad and honestly leave us open for outside countries to get involved. The northern states would have help from China and possibly NATO and the country wouldn't survive.

We have outside countries already involved.
The country has been primed to break into pieces for a while. The great divider and Trump both played a hand in stoking those feelings. I dont care if Trump stays or leaves it doesn’t change my view that I have nothing whatsoever in common with Biden’s agenda and want no part of living under his administration if he has any success in pushing that down people’s throats.
Good. Probably best for you and the other sore losers on here to secede and go form your own state/country. Good luck!!
On the issue of PACs its near impossible to find a working compromise on private money funding politics. I don’t care how much of your own money you spend. But everybody else’s private money either direct or via PAC or party or lobby should be removed.

I actually agree with you. PACs have just become political slush funds used to skirt mostly toothless campaign finance law. If the US (both sides) were truly interested in an equal voice for everyone, there would be hard caps on how much money can be donated to and spent on political campaigns. In fact I wouldn’t lose any sleep if the entire lobbying industry was dismantled.
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They can buy property in Georgia adjacent to the BLMtopia talked about a few months ago.
I don’t give a sh!t where it is, but it would be in their best interest to form it somewhere close to the US so that we could ship food and supplies to them after they realize they don’t know what the F they are doing.
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It never has needed to be. It's up to individuals to not buy into such a false dichotomy. It's not real. People are all over a continuum and mostly want the same things.

Step 1 is cognizance and awareness. Remember we are the same. We don't need a political party to remind us of this.

But there is a lot of money that's convinced millions of Americans this is not true. They've created a false narrative that America has never as racist as they are now. Between that, intersectionality and critical race theory, many Americans are convinced we are a bad nation. Too many forces at work to destroy this nation and too many politicians have compromised us.
Ok so yes you are a fundamentalist socialist. Just go ahead and say it.

So 2nd bull of rights has largely gone unanswered to. Pretty much across the board. Where we stand the government only guarantees an education up thru high school, has interfered in our free market healthcare which provides innovation that the whole world benefits from, and only provides income and healthcare for the elderly via compulsory pension and health insurance programs which im not a fan of.

I believe the government should be minimized to the smallest extent possible and only provide the common defense and basic utilities while completely staying out of economic guarantees. They can only remove obstacles but not guarantee even basic outcomes. I am responsible for my outcome and the outcome of my family. I am not responsible for guaranteeing any body else’s outcome however if I choose to participate in anybody else’s outcome it will be by my own choosing via charity of my choice.

Sell me on FDR’s 2nd bill of rights since you are in the selling position.

I’ll summarize it in terms of impacts, in most cases it is just an expansion of rights:

right to a job = no need for unemployment insurance; work programs like TVA, ORNL, conservation corpse, etc were the first steps of being able to guarantee people work. It doesn’t mean you are prescribed a job, it just means there is always something to fall back on if you need it

living wage = when combined with a job guarantee this means broadening the tax base and increasing the GDP, if you then also team this with population growth a lot more opportunities open up for our country, more people means everyone gets richer. Welfare can be eliminated, and in turn people who have medical conditions due to malnourishment, poor hygiene, and insufficient living conditions would drop precipitously

A decent home = We have more homes in this country then we do people, so this wouldn’t be hard, and like previous points - if all homes are occupied there is more taxable revenue. Everyone benefits. Homes sitting empty don’t provide the revenue that occupied homes do. This eliminates homelessness and the need for spending on affordable housing which admittedly is currently one of the most exploited and corrupt programs

medical care = Medicare for all, essentially. its no secret that our country is one of the least healthy in the world, which is the main reason we spend so much as compared to other countries- if everyone was covered under Medicare, price gouging could be eliminated and we could save tons of money on healthcare expenditures

Economic protection = essentially we return to companies providing pension plans and continue (as we already currently do) covering employees who can’t work because of accidents or health issues

education = the goalpost has moved here, K-12 used to be enough to guarantee a good paying job, this would just expand to include years 13-17. rather than spending money on interest payments, people could be spending money on better living conditions, which grows taxable income, spending contributes more to the economy instead of private loan companies
I actually agree with you. PACs have just become political slush funds used to skirt mostly toothless campaign finance law. If the US (both sides) were truly interested in an equal voice for everyone, there would be hard caps on how much money can be donated to and spent on political campaigns. In fact I wouldn’t lose any sleep if the entire lobbying industry was dismantled.
Hard caps as long as funded privately will be circumvented. Get private money out of campaigns. Ridiculous money was spent on the current fiasco even to the state house level. Due to the census crazy money got thrown into Texas as we are picking up seats while NY and CA are losing seats.
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I’ll summarize it in terms of impacts, in most cases it is just an expansion of rights:

right to a job = no need for unemployment insurance; work programs like TVA, ORNL, conservation corpse, etc were the first steps of being able to guarantee people work. It doesn’t mean you are prescribed a job, it just means there is always something to fall back on if you need it

living wage = when combined with a job guarantee this means broadening the tax base and increasing the GDP, if you then also team this with population growth a lot more opportunities open up for our country, more people means everyone gets richer. Welfare can be eliminated, and in turn people who have medical conditions due to malnourishment, poor hygiene, and insufficient living conditions would drop precipitously

A decent home = We have more homes in this country then we do people, so this wouldn’t be hard, and like previous points - if all homes are occupied there is more taxable revenue. Everyone benefits. Homes sitting empty don’t provide the revenue that occupied homes do. This eliminates homelessness and the need for spending on affordable housing which admittedly is currently one of the most exploited and corrupt programs

medical care = Medicare for all, essentially. its no secret that our country is one of the least healthy in the world, which is the main reason we spend so much as compared to other countries- if everyone was covered under Medicare, price gouging could be eliminated and we could save tons of money on healthcare expenditures

Economic protection = essentially we return to companies providing pension plans and continue (as we already currently do) covering employees who can’t work because of accidents or health issues

education = the goalpost has moved here, K-12 used to be enough to guarantee a good paying job, this would just expand to include years 13-17. rather than spending money on interest payments, people could be spending money on better living conditions, which grows taxable income, spending contributes more to the economy instead of private loan companies
If you’re proposing any of those items be provided for and guaranteed by the government then I’m out. Those resources are there today. Go get them. That’s what I had to do and I didn’t even have a wooden spoon in my mouth when I was born.
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I don’t give a sh!t where it is, but it would be in their best interest to form it somewhere close to the US so that we could ship food and supplies to them after they realize they don’t know what the F they are doing.

Does NYC know what its doing?
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