This Isn’t Working Out (Allen West Statement)

2016 Republicans: “LOL Democrats can’t accept defeat”

2020 Republicans: “We lost the election, then lost the recount, then failed to recruit faithless electors, then lost in the courts...time to secede from the country”
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And you’re wrong. The basic form is freedom of expression of which speech is an expression form. So is the usage of money. You’re narrowing 1a needlessly to support wherever the hell you’re going with all this

When i read the first amendment i see clearly stated a right which can apply to anyone and is impartial and universally applied. When you alter the interpretation and try to include money, the balance is gone, money creates hierarchy where there was never intended to be.

You claim I am abridging my definition, and yet While i do see the word “speech,” I certainly don’t see the word “expression.” I think it is a reach to correlate money with the precise phrasing in the amendment
I already defined it for you, and you already responded to my definition. Income levels have no bearing on the definition I apply - Are we going in circles now?

Ok then please tell me what anyone in the Democratic Party is proposing to improve the lives of the working class with incomes over $400k per year?
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There you go - there is our disagreement. Money is currency, speech is an expression through articulate sounds - there is no overlap there

With money being the source of so much of the corruption in politics i’m not sure why ‘money is speech’ is still an opinion that is widely upheld by anyone who is not trying to game the system

So art isn’t speech? Signs aren’t speech?
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When i read the first amendment i see clearly stated a right which can apply to anyone and is impartial and universally applied. When you alter the interpretation and try to include money, the balance is gone, money creates hierarchy where there was never intended to be.

You claim I am abridging my definition, and yet While i do see the word “speech,” I certainly don’t see the word “expression.” I think it is a reach to correlate money with the precise phrasing in the amendment
The right does apply to anyone and it’s silly to to assume everyone has the means to get their message heard equally so your statement fails on that point.

And in your second paragraph the 1a clearly lists several forms of expression but you’re disingenuously ignoring them and parsing because you don’t see a specific word that clearly states they are all forms of that word.

In summary to state clearly which you won’t do, you’re wrong.
Ok then please tell me what anyone in the Democratic Party is proposing to improve the lives of the working class with incomes over $400k per year?

We’re really losing the original point of this discussion here

Ok- several pages back I said there seem to be factions of both parties that want to improve conditions for the working class. When Trump originally ran with populist messaging he had a lot of that kind of rhetoric that resonated with the voter base. Bernie Sanders had a campaign that resonated with voters on the basis of improving working conditions. I want to zero in on the fact that i stated “there are factions of both parties...” nowhere was I indicating that this was somehow widely agreed upon or something that would be immediately adopted to each parties platform. This was in response to someone else’s statement about how there do not seem to be areas of agreement between the two parties.. your current question is veering off of that thread. Happy to continue to discuss areas of agreement/disagreement if you’d like to get back on topic
No, we WILL fight it. We reject the idea of higher taxes. We reject the idea big tech censorship. We reject the idea that the government can tell us what types of firearms we can or can't own. We reject the idea of the green new deal and refuse to pay more for essential goods and services because of the massive hit the energy industry would take. We reject the idea that we, because of the far left environmental policies, would be forced to drive a vehicle that doesn't suit our needs. We flat out reject the idea of unity with the left because they fought tooth and nail over the last 4 years against everything that we tried to accomplish, therefore we will fight THEM tooth and nail. We reject the idea of open borders. Let's start investigations and special counsels to smear and frustrate the new presidential administration. No unity, because we do not respect your wants, opinions, or goals because you did/do not respect ours.
Calm down Francis
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2016 Republicans: “LOL Democrats can’t accept defeat”

2020 Republicans: “We lost the election, then lost the recount, then failed to recruit faithless electors, then lost in the courts...time to secede from the country”
Wouldn’t be surprised to see Trump start playing this rhetoric up. If he can’t have the country, nobody can.
No, we WILL fight it. We reject the idea of higher taxes. We reject the idea big tech censorship. We reject the idea that the government can tell us what types of firearms we can or can't own. We reject the idea of the green new deal and refuse to pay more for essential goods and services because of the massive hit the energy industry would take. We reject the idea that we, because of the far left environmental policies, would be forced to drive a vehicle that doesn't suit our needs. We flat out reject the idea of unity with the left because they fought tooth and nail over the last 4 years against everything that we tried to accomplish, therefore we will fight THEM tooth and nail. We reject the idea of open borders. Let's start investigations and special counsels to smear and frustrate the new presidential administration. No unity, because we do not respect your wants, opinions, or goals because you did/do not respect ours.
Great post. We will not unite with these people, we should fight them on everything. They hate the country, I hate them. Be the resistance.
Wouldn’t be surprised to see Trump start playing this rhetoric up. If he can’t have the country, nobody can.

So far it looks like he would do just about anything to avoid admitting he lost, so I can’t say I disagree
art and signs are forms of communication, so I accept their being referred to as speech. Currency I do not. We aren’t having productive dialogue here so I am moving on.
And you’re wrong. Communication isn’t expression? Get a grip man!

And typical we don’t accept your broken logic so you take your ball and go home. So are you an LG alt?

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