This Isn’t Working Out (Allen West Statement)

The constitution doesn’t address a state seceding from the union. Only the Supreme Court has addressed it and of course that can be overturned by another ruling or an act of congress.
That's actually a fair point. As I said, the Constitution doesn't provide for a mechanism for secession, but it doesn't explicitly forbid it. If Texas v. White were overturned and SCOTUS laid out a method for unilateral secession, that would be another peaceful possibilty. I think that's extremely unlikely, but probably still more likely than a Constitutional amendment.
That's why West should go to prison. At least.
I think at this point he's probably safe. Courts have set a pretty firm precedent that simply talking about or suggesting leaving the union is protected by the First Amendment. Now, if it goes past just talk or trying to organize a legal secession and turns to actual planning for an illegal secession, that's pretty clear seditious conspiracy.
Some would argue were kinda there already. Nobody seems to be talking across the aisle now. We need some two bit floosey to get some strange with. I’d guess Trudeau is always up for that but Gawd what would we catch 😳
If the southern and central states start being governed by the wishes of a handful of metro areas, then anything is possible. Especially if we see DC and PR statehood, and court packing.
The Republicans and Democrats are essentially 1 party now.
Not even close. Both are big government, but the Dems have driven so far off the road it’s not even funny. When Tulsi Gabbard sounds like a right wing radical you know the Dems have lost control. That party has been hijacked. Regardless of what you say about Trump, at least republican voters went off script. And, a lot of Republican congressman came along.
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Not even close. Both are big government, but the Dems have driven so far off the road it’s not even funny. When Tulsi Gabbard sounds like a right wing radical you know the Dems have lost control. That party has been hijacked. Regardless of what you say about Trump, at least republican voters went off script. And, a lot of Republican congressman came along.
She doesn't ever sound right wing. Tulsi Gabbard is, in fact, as radically liberal as you can get. I don't think most of you know anything about her. Gabbard is in favor of federal funding for both Planned Parenthood and sanctuary cities. She also supports making all four-year college tuition free for students who come from households earnings less than $125,000 annually. This tuition would supposedly be funded by a new tax on trading stocks and bonds. She is also a hardcore environmentalist who has joined protests in North Dakota against the construction of the final leg of the Dakota Access Pipeline. She has spoken out in favor of the Green New Deal. Finally, and as if all of that is not enough, she also supports a common rifle weapons ban, and universal background checks on top of the checks people have to take to get their permits to begin with.
She doesn't ever sound right wing. Tulsi Gabbard is, in fact, as radically liberal as you can get. I don't think most of you know anything about her. Gabbard is in favor of federal funding for both Planned Parenthood and sanctuary cities. She also supports making all four-year college tuition free for students who come from households earnings less than $125,000 annually. This tuition would supposedly be funded by a new tax on trading stocks and bonds. She is also a hardcore environmentalist who has joined protests in North Dakota against the construction of the final leg of the Dakota Access Pipeline. She has spoken out in favor of the Green New Deal. Finally, and as if all of that is not enough, she also supports a common rifle weapons ban, and universal background checks on top of the checks people have to take to get their permits to begin with.
I actually know quite a bit about her. I’m speaking to a couple of things she’s come out on just recently, one this week about trans males competing as female.
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I think at this point he's probably safe. Courts have set a pretty firm precedent that simply talking about or suggesting leaving the union is protected by the First Amendment. Now, if it goes past just talk or trying to organize a legal secession and turns to actual planning for an illegal secession, that's pretty clear seditious conspiracy.

Sure but his comments making the rounds, Trumpsters calling for it on social media, Arizona GOP asking if people are ready to die for Trump.

Not exactly just expressing displeasure.
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If the southern and central states start being governed by the wishes of a handful of metro areas, then anything is possible. Especially if we see DC and PR statehood, and court packing.

If that happens states like Texas, Tennessee, Montana, Indiana, Alabama, ect are done. We're out.
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Think broader. I'm talking ends. Not means to ends. People will always disagree on how to accomplish the end goals. Those are not reasons to demonize others. We all want peace, justice, etc.

I just want to be let alone and my problem with liberals is they don’t seem to be able to leave people alone.
So our own Allen West is proposing an amicable divorce of the Union as the next proposition after the Texas case was kicked. Is it time for an amicable divorce? An unamicable divorce? Discuss

BREAKING: Texas GOP: Perhaps Law-Abiding States Should ‘Form Union’ That Will ‘Abide By Constitution’

It sounds great when you’re just pouting over an election, but there isn’t a single state where a lone ideology reigns. We live amongst one another, we’re neighbors with different points of view. Better just get used to it instead of fighting it uselessly.
Yeah, I would at least agree its anomalous in our system since only more recent history sees the delineation of only two parties. I like parliament because it allows room for variety and more calibrated representation, with the majority party gaining leadership while still allowing the other parties to maintain influence rather than having all representatives capitulate to a binary ideology that is incapable of representing the diverse opinions in a country like ours

My List:
overturn Citizens United and any form of corporate personhood
public funding of elections
return to serious news outlets having to agree not to allow advertising revenue
overhaul of lobbying ethics or removal of lobbying altogether
no Super PACs, no party fundraising arms
i haven’t thought enough at length on ranked choice voting, I‘ll have to process that one a bit

So basically do away with the 1st amendment?
I think there are factions of both parties that want to improve conditions for the working class, and see better representation of constituents over corporate interests. The problem is the status quo of both parties are abbhorent at the moment, and likely dont actually disagree much behind closed doors. I have always been an advocate of some approximation of the 2nd Bill of Rights to actually reference something from our own history. You can find staple achievements of both parties historically that would currently be labeled radical or fringe and find no modern support because some of our history doesn’t cater to corporate hegemony, wall street, and the sacred altar of colossal wealth accumulation.

What exactly is the “working class”?
I just want to be let alone and my problem with liberals is they don’t seem to be able to leave people alone.

Precisely. Liberals love to force people to conform. They also love to take more of your money. They love to call you racist or some other label when you disagree with them or won't go along with them. It's like my dad said to me once: "I wish they would all just leave me the hell alone, or go somewhere and f****** die". That is pretty much where myself and my entire family are now. Half of us used to be longer.
It sounds great when you’re just pouting over an election, but there isn’t a single state where a lone ideology reigns. We live amongst one another, we’re neighbors with different points of view. Better just get used to it instead of fighting it uselessly.
Thanks for the misdiagnosis of the situation but I should be used to that.

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