This weekend rapped up a good weekend.



Well-Known Member
May 2, 2009
This has been a tough year for me and my family. After I was offered a job I dreamed about for several years at one of the biggest companies in the state they decided at last minute that I was not right for them after I fulfilled my notice at my job. My wife, 2 year old daughter and I had to move in with mother and father in law due to finicial problems due to temp and seasonal jobs. My wife works with some BMS season tix holders and they ordered extra tix and my best half managed to order 2 for us for the Battle in Bristol UT vs VT. My wonderful wife made my birthday a great weekend. We live in Tri Cities and always hear how great VT is and how much better they are. Let's fill Bristol up and kick VT butt.
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This has been a tough year for me and my family. After I was offered a job I dreamed about for several years at one of the biggest companies in the state they decided at last minute that I was not right for them after I fulfilled my notice at my job. My wife, 2 year old daughter and I had to move in with mother and father in law due to finicial problems due to temp and seasonal jobs. My wife works with some BMS season tix holders and they ordered extra tix and my best half managed to order 2 for us for the Battle in Bristol UT vs VT. My wonderful wife made my birthday a great weekend. We live in Tri Cities and always hear how great VT is and how much better they are. Let's fill Bristol up and kick VT butt.

hang in there
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I kid I kid I kid I kid

Congrats on the tickets. Win or lose that will be a life experience you will never forget.
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I kid I kid I kid I kid

Congrats on the tickets. Win or lose that will be a life experience you will never forget.
Thanks lol. I am just excited about tix. I misspelled wrapped. I meant to say this weekend wrapped up a good week but the excitement got to me. Thanks everyone!
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Losing a job, even for a short time, is a scary thing. Hang in there and keep plugging away. You may find your next dream job in a position you'd never suspected.
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Only 2 1/2 more years of Central Government Planning (Progressive Economics) left!

Which will of course return us to the Screw The Middle Class for All They're Worth and Saddle Them With Perpetual Debt Government (Milk American Dry and Sell It To Foreign Interest Economics).

Get it through your heads, people, neither party really gives hoss "shet" parasite about the common man. Haven't hot mics at least shown you that much? If not do some Will Rogers reading and look at todays state and federal Congressional behavior to see how he's still on the money with his observations.

In the meantime 1725gatorhater, hang in there. BUT also look to see if some law, perhaps related to breach of contract allows you to seek compensation for inconsiderate act of this company. Look elsewhere for a, hopefully more trustworthy business fit for your talents and understands what commitment to an employee actually means. GBY!!!!!!!!!!
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This has been a tough year for me and my family. After I was offered a job I dreamed about for several years at one of the biggest companies in the state they decided at last minute that I was not right for them after I fulfilled my notice at my job. My wife, 2 year old daughter and I had to move in with mother and father in law due to finicial problems due to temp and seasonal jobs. My wife works with some BMS season tix holders and they ordered extra tix and my best half managed to order 2 for us for the Battle in Bristol UT vs VT. My wonderful wife made my birthday a great weekend. We live in Tri Cities and always hear how great VT is and how much better they are. Let's fill Bristol up and kick VT butt.

Sorry to hear about the job falling through. Can I ask what field you are in?
Was it Eastman that let you down? On Monday May 5 Eastman will be accepting applicants on their website starting at 8 or 9 am, sorry I can't remember the exact time. If it's something you're interested in then give it a try. Hang in there man.
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Sorry to hear about the job falling through. Can I ask what field you are in?
Chemical Technology Operations. The Big company in Kingsport that begins with E offered. Then after I quit my job ... a week later they withdrew offer. I passed drug test physical and interviews. I worked for a contractor inside that company and know I was slandered but hard to prove. I applied for similar jobs but no luck in past 7 months. I hope the chemical company near UT gives me a call that I applied for a week ago that begins with D. Thanks for all of the encouragement guys.
Only 2 1/2 more years of Central Government Planning (Progressive Economics) left!

Conservative economics brought us the Great Recession of 'o8, you conservatives are FOS, and blame your ills on every one but the ones that bare the responsibility. The OP made a bad decision , it's his fault he lost his job ! :roll eyes: :rtfm: :bs::bs::bs: Here we go again mods. ! Good luck finding employment OP, despite the efforts of a certain party, the economy is looking up.:yes:
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Was it Eastman that let you down? On Monday May 5 Eastman will be accepting applicants on their website starting at 8 or 9 am, sorry I can't remember the exact time. If it's something you're interested in then give it a try. Hang in there man.
Thanks for info. I may apply again. I don't agree what they did but it may have not been my time but has been very rough year.
Chemical Technology Operations. The Big company in Kingsport that begins with E offered. Then after I quit my job ... a week later they withdrew offer. I passed drug test physical and interviews. I worked for a contractor inside that company and know I was slandered but hard to prove. I applied for similar jobs but no luck in past 7 months. I hope the chemical company near UT gives me a call that I applied for a week ago that begins with D. Thanks for all of the encouragement guys.

NFS in Erwin is always looking for chemical people
I had to get out of the Tri-Cities to find a good job
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The big E did me the same way about 10 years ago. I was lucky because the job that I gave notice to gladly let me come back to my old job. Hang in there man there are better days ahead. Have you thought about applying at NFS in Erwin? I also live in the tri cities.
At least I know I'm not the only one going through the riggers. Been struggling since i lost my business in April of 09. Its hard as hell when you lose your tail. Lost my business. House. Both autos. And my travel trailer. Second chances are hard to come by after that.
The big E did me the same way about 10 years ago. I was lucky because the job that I gave notice to gladly let me come back to my old job. Hang in there man there are better days ahead. Have you thought about applying at NFS in Erwin? I also live in the tri cities.
My sister works there. I put my resume in last week. Hope they call for interview.
At least I know I'm not the only one going through the riggers. Been struggling since i lost my business in April of 09. Its hard as hell when you lose your tail. Lost my business. House. Both autos. And my travel trailer. Second chances are hard to come by after that.

Sorry to here that CT hope your situation gets better soon. :hi:
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Conservative economics brought us the Great Recession of 'o8, you conservatives are FOS, and blame your ills on every one but the ones that bare the responsibility. The OP made a bad decision , it's his fault he lost his job ! :roll eyes: :rtfm: :bs::bs::bs: Here we go again mods. ! Good luck finding employment OP, despite the efforts of a certain party, the economy is looking up.:yes:

Thanks for the laugh.
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