This weekend rapped up a good weekend.

Sorry everyone that I spilled my guts. It has be a rough year and something a little positive for my birthday that got me excited. I did not want anyone to feel sorry for me but wanted to express my happiness with UT vs VT tix. Thanks for the positive replies but would appreciate some prays for family. Go Vols!
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Chemical Technology Operations. The Big company in Kingsport that begins with E offered. Then after I quit my job ... a week later they withdrew offer. I passed drug test physical and interviews. I worked for a contractor inside that company and know I was slandered but hard to prove. I applied for similar jobs but no luck in past 7 months. I hope the chemical company near UT gives me a call that I applied for a week ago that begins with D. Thanks for all of the encouragement guys.

Blindsided by some vindictive slime lord? That sucks. I hope s/he gets caught somehow and karma-ized for costing the company a valuable potential employee.
You got some good advice from some wiser heads than me in this thread so best of luck with that. I still think that since this cost you your existing employment, a lawyer may be able to advise of some kind of legal recourse. Might not be a bad idea to maybe explore the Internet to see if that has a leg to stand on and if so, go for it. In the meantime ignore nitwits here who seem to have to interpret everything into some political burrito wrap with 8 tablespoons of salt. This is no time for that BS. You lost your job. Yet amazingly seem to be so orangeblooded some tix were enough to give you a thrill despite the devastating reality you got hit with. You're going to be OK, man, you got the 'tude to win in the end. You're a winner, so just go and get it. You already know it's yours.
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Thanks for the laugh.

Okay go ahead and deny the unassailable facts, millions lost as much as 2/3 of their 401K thanks to supply side economics. Guess y'all forgot the obtuse shrub's stock market crash. Bet those folks aren't laughing. :yikes:
Sorry everyone that I spilled my guts. It has be a rough year and something a little positive for my birthday that got me excited. I did not want anyone to feel sorry for me but wanted to express my happiness with UT vs VT tix. Thanks for the positive replies but would appreciate some prays for family. Go Vols!

Done. Will have you on the list at this evening prayers.
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Blindsided by some vindictive slime lord? That sucks. I hope s/he gets caught somehow and karma-ized for costing the company a valuable potential employee.
You got some good advice from some wiser heads than me in this thread so best of luck with that. I still think that since this cost you your existing employment, a lawyer may be able to advise of some kind of legal recourse. Might not be a bad idea to maybe explore the Internet to see if that has a leg to stand on and if so, go for it. In the meantime ignore nitwits here who seem to have to interpret everything into some political burrito wrap with 8 tablespoons of salt. This is no time for that BS. You lost your job. Yet amazingly seem to be so orangeblooded some tix were enough to give you a thrill despite the devastating reality you got hit with. You're going to be OK, man, you got the 'tude to win in the end. You're a winner, so just go and get it. You already know it's yours.

Agree Woodsy some people just look for the opportunity to inject politics into any discussion. :rolleyes:
Okay go ahead and deny the unassailable facts, millions lost as much as 2/3 of their 401K thanks to supply side economics. Guess y'all forgot the obtuse shrub's stock market crash. Bet those folks aren't laughing. :yikes:

Government should stay out of economics. Neither side can balance a budget, so the Dems and Repubs have no business telling other people how to run their livelihoods

Once Americans stop depending on politicians to solve their problems the better America will be.

You can't spend yourselves out of a recession (liberal democrats) and you can't shut things down( Republican)

The farther the government is from our pockets and lives, the better off everyone will be
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Which will of course return us to the Screw The Middle Class for All They're Worth and Saddle Them With Perpetual Debt Government (Milk American Dry and Sell It To Foreign Interest Economics).

Get it through your heads, people, neither party really gives hoss "shet" parasite about the common man. Haven't hot mics at least shown you that much? If not do some Will Rogers reading and look at todays state and federal Congressional behavior to see how he's still on the money with his observations.

In the meantime 1725gatorhater, hang in there. BUT also look to see if some law, perhaps related to breach of contract allows you to seek compensation for inconsiderate act of this company. Look elsewhere for a, hopefully more trustworthy business fit for your talents and understands what commitment to an employee actually means. GBY!!!!!!!!!!

Not taking up for some of the Republocrats but you do see how ignorant your comments are. What President has accumulated more debt than all other Presidents combined? Let me give you a hint, he is still in office. Need to get off the democratic talking points and try to look at things objectively!
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This has been a tough year for me and my family. After I was offered a job I dreamed about for several years at one of the biggest companies in the state they decided at last minute that I was not right for them after I fulfilled my notice at my job. My wife, 2 year old daughter and I had to move in with mother and father in law due to finicial problems due to temp and seasonal jobs. My wife works with some BMS season tix holders and they ordered extra tix and my best half managed to order 2 for us for the Battle in Bristol UT vs VT. My wonderful wife made my birthday a great weekend. We live in Tri Cities and always hear how great VT is and how much better they are. Let's fill Bristol up and kick VT butt.

I know exactly how you feel man. I was out of full time work for 3 years until everything finally fell into place last fall. Glad you have those tickets, and believe me when I say that even when it seems dark, the sun is going to shine on you again someday. Best wishes!
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Government should stay out of economics. Neither side can balance a budget, so the Dems and Repubs have no business telling other people how to run their livelihoods

Once Americans stop depending on politicians to solve their problems the better America will be.

You can't spend yourselves out of a recession (liberal democrats) and you can't shut things down( Republican)

The farther the government is from our pockets and lives, the better off everyone will be

Great balanced post.
Not taking up for some of the Republocrats but you do see how ignorant your comments are. What President has accumulated more debt than all other Presidents combined? Let me give you a hint, he is still in office. Need to get off the democratic talking points and try to look at things objectively!

Salt burritos. 1725gatorhater, don't eat the food.
You know the real stakes in this trying time for you and what you don't have time to waste your energy on. Have a great day, guy. Take to heart some of the wiser folks here. I just know you're going to come out of this just fine.

As for you GoVols15, the guy has plainly said he got slandered by some sorry excuse for a human being sad-azz and not Obama-ized. But you know how it is with salt burritos. Now, I'm out of here as I've said all I should say about the guy's situation. Plus refuse to contribute to further political sheep dip that has nothing to do with what 1725gatorhater has told us about his situation. He doesn't the politco shet right now. Over and out.
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Conservative economics brought us the Great Recession of 'o8, you conservatives are FOS, and blame your ills on every one but the ones that bare the responsibility. The OP made a bad decision , it's his fault he lost his job ! :roll eyes: :rtfm: :bs::bs::bs: Here we go again mods. ! Good luck finding employment OP, despite the efforts of a certain party, the economy is looking up.:yes:

and you actually believe this.:lolabove:
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Government should stay out of economics. Neither side can balance a budget, so the Dems and Repubs have no business telling other people how to run their livelihoods

Once Americans stop depending on politicians to solve their problems the better America will be.

You can't spend yourselves out of a recession (liberal democrats) and you can't shut things down( Republican)

The farther the government is from our pockets and lives, the better off everyone will be

you done did it now. :good!:
I love how this gets turned into a political argument, then when everyone does not automatically agree with the with the truly uninformed and propaganda filled statements they make... THEN, it is "let's not turn this thread into a political debate".

People should really stop taking everything said on agenda driven media stations as gospel. All they do is blame the opposite party for everything that is wrong, and try to take credit for everything that turns out good. Then they use propaganda to get the public into "Hate" mode towards the other party. In order to blind people to the real issues.

Anyone who honestly believes we live in a two party system and actually get a choice, or that there is any difference at all between demo and repub. Seriously need to stop falling into the propaganda trap, look past that junk and see what is really happening. You do not have a choice... you do not get a are sheep controlled completely by the government. And the illusion of choice is there to keep the public sedated thinking they have control when in fact, they have nothing.
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Politics is like the weather..everybody complains but nobody does anything about it.
This has been a tough year for me and my family. After I was offered a job I dreamed about for several years at one of the biggest companies in the state they decided at last minute that I was not right for them after I fulfilled my notice at my job. My wife, 2 year old daughter and I had to move in with mother and father in law due to finicial problems due to temp and seasonal jobs. My wife works with some BMS season tix holders and they ordered extra tix and my best half managed to order 2 for us for the Battle in Bristol UT vs VT. My wonderful wife made my birthday a great weekend. We live in Tri Cities and always hear how great VT is and how much better they are. Let's fill Bristol up and kick VT butt.

That sucks man. I had similar situation almost happen to me, I had accepted another job (software development) but I hadn't turned in my official notice yet, and about an hour before I was meeting with my boss to let him know, I got a call that the position was suddenly no longer going to be filled. Luckily I had some project specs to discuss with my boss so I turned that meeting into questions about that, but that was close.

Hang in there, I'm sure something will come open.
Blindsided by some vindictive slime lord? That sucks. I hope s/he gets caught somehow and karma-ized for costing the company a valuable potential employee.
You got some good advice from some wiser heads than me in this thread so best of luck with that. I still think that since this cost you your existing employment, a lawyer may be able to advise of some kind of legal recourse. Might not be a bad idea to maybe explore the Internet to see if that has a leg to stand on and if so, go for it. In the meantime ignore nitwits here who seem to have to interpret everything into some political burrito wrap with 8 tablespoons of salt. This is no time for that BS. You lost your job. Yet amazingly seem to be so orangeblooded some tix were enough to give you a thrill despite the devastating reality you got hit with. You're going to be OK, man, you got the 'tude to win in the end. You're a winner, so just go and get it. You already know it's yours.

The answer to all your problems. SUE SOMEBODY! Litigation is the new black.:crazy:
Chemical Technology Operations. The Big company in Kingsport that begins with E offered. Then after I quit my job ... a week later they withdrew offer. I passed drug test physical and interviews. I worked for a contractor inside that company and know I was slandered but hard to prove. I applied for similar jobs but no luck in past 7 months. I hope the chemical company near UT gives me a call that I applied for a week ago that begins with D. Thanks for all of the encouragement guys.

Thanks for answering. I have connections in the medical field and was hoping I could help. Prayers go up for you. Good luck.
Thanks for answering. I have connections in the medical field and was hoping I could help. Prayers go up for you. Good luck.
Thanks but probably not qualified. My degree is mainly for chemical company setting for chemical operations or lab analyst but have thought about going back to school for lab tech or cardio tech. Thanks for the prayers.
Government should stay out of economics. Neither side can balance a budget, so the Dems and Repubs have no business telling other people how to run their livelihoods

Once Americans stop depending on politicians to solve their problems the better America will be.

You can't spend yourselves out of a recession (liberal democrats) and you can't shut things down( Republican)

The farther the government is from our pockets and lives, the better off everyone will be

This, with a side of this, plz. :good!:
This has been a tough year for me and my family. After I was offered a job I dreamed about for several years at one of the biggest companies in the state they decided at last minute that I was not right for them after I fulfilled my notice at my job. My wife, 2 year old daughter and I had to move in with mother and father in law due to finicial problems due to temp and seasonal jobs. My wife works with some BMS season tix holders and they ordered extra tix and my best half managed to order 2 for us for the Battle in Bristol UT vs VT. My wonderful wife made my birthday a great weekend. We live in Tri Cities and always hear how great VT is and how much better they are. Let's fill Bristol up and kick VT butt.

Maybe you should put your job credentials etc down maybe someone can help. I know Yates at Nissan is hiring a ton of workers if you are willing to relocate to mid Tennessee.I think you go thru a hiring srevice in Smyrna. As far as not getting your job it is all political more than likely. No sweat it. Probably a Horrible company to work for in the long run. God bless.
Conservative economics brought us the Great Recession of 'o8, you conservatives are FOS, and blame your ills on every one but the ones that bare the responsibility. The OP made a bad decision , it's his fault he lost his job ! :roll eyes: :rtfm: :bs::bs::bs: Here we go again mods. ! Good luck finding employment OP, despite the efforts of a certain party, the economy is looking up.:yes:
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but this mess has been in the making for many years. Both parties are involved. P.S. I have a degree in Economics from U.T.
This has been a tough year for me and my family. After I was offered a job I dreamed about for several years at one of the biggest companies in the state they decided at last minute that I was not right for them after I fulfilled my notice at my job. My wife, 2 year old daughter and I had to move in with mother and father in law due to finicial problems due to temp and seasonal jobs. My wife works with some BMS season tix holders and they ordered extra tix and my best half managed to order 2 for us for the Battle in Bristol UT vs VT. My wonderful wife made my birthday a great weekend. We live in Tri Cities and always hear how great VT is and how much better they are. Let's fill Bristol up and kick VT butt.

There has to be some legal action you can take, if they offered you the job and signed it. That's the only reason you quit your other job.

Disclaimer**, I'm not a lawyer so don't beat me up if I'm wrong.

Something you can look at is Promissory Estoppel, Promises and Rescinded Job Offers -

Here's a case in Knoxville regarding similar issue and favored the plaintiff.
There has to be some legal action you can take, if they offered you the job and signed it. That's the only reason you quit your other job.

Disclaimer**, I'm not a lawyer so don't beat me up if I'm wrong.

Something you can look at is Promissory Estoppel, Promises and Rescinded Job Offers -

Here's a case in Knoxville regarding similar issue and favored the plaintiff.
Thanks. Don't know if I can make a case. I was told a start date, turned in notice, when I quit job week later got welcome letter signed up for insurance to be ready for 1st day orientation. I never signed a contract but would have on orientation day. I never made it to orientation because day after welcome letter they withdrew offer. I may look into it. I had a jealous supervisor that could not get on with them and she trashed my name for spite.
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