This weekend rapped up a good weekend.

Conservative economics brought us the Great Recession of 'o8, you conservatives are FOS, and blame your ills on every one but the ones that bare the responsibility. The OP made a bad decision , it's his fault he lost his job ! :roll eyes: :rtfm: :bs::bs::bs: Here we go again mods. ! Good luck finding employment OP, despite the efforts of a certain party, the economy is looking up.:yes:

Not true my friend, non-vetted housing loans for people with bad credit/no credit/ no income proof caused it (fannie/freddie, etc).

Easy loans were started under Carter, expanded by Clinton. Europe warned us in 04 about the problem and W. Bush asked congress to find a solution but the four biggest recipients of payola from government owned fannie and freddie were #1 senator barrack obama, #2 senator Hillary clinton, #3 senator Christopher dodd and #4 congressman barney frank, all democrats, put the kibosh on that reform.

Would fannie and freddies still have failed down the line? Absolutely, but the problem would have been much less severe. Also, stimulips prolonged Great Obama Recession by wasting resources and reducing available investment capital for private enterprise, especially small business.
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You know who the absolute worst politician is right now? the one in office. You know who is the absolute best politician and will be the savior of the economy? whoever gets voted in next..Check the history books, it has been that way since the Roman Empire......
Thanks. Don't know if I can make a case. I was told a start date, turned in notice, when I quit job week later got welcome letter signed up for insurance to be ready for 1st day orientation. I never signed a contract but would have on orientation day. I never made it to orientation because day after welcome letter they withdrew offer. I may look into it. I had a jealous supervisor that could not get on with them and she trashed my name for spite.

You may have recourse with the supervisor then. Most companies will not give detailed job references to avoid getting sued
Good luck in ur future endevours
You may have recourse with the supervisor then. Most companies will not give detailed job references to avoid getting sued
Good luck in ur future endevours
My supervisor got orders from Eastman supervisor and heard from co workers that she told eastman supervisor untrue things about me. Most people disagree how she handled things but did not want to jeapardize their job.
You know who the absolute worst politician is right now? the one in office. You know who is the absolute best politician and will be the savior of the economy? whoever gets voted in next..Check the history books, it has been that way since the Roman Empire......

That's a pretty cool way to look at it.

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