This winter is killing two of the biggest scare tactic lies ever told...

No, they changed it to climate change because some (not pointing fingers) people read "warming" and think things should just be warmer everywhere. Anyone who actually studied or decided to read a little about global warming would've known that it's much more complicated than that. The people that don't understand start threads like this one every time it snows.

No one is saying that just the record snow falls alone prove that global warming or climate change is a hoax. By most accounts we have been cooling since the mid to late 90s. The earth has warmed and cooled for as long as we know, we can't cause it nor can we stop it. THis past summer some cities had some of their coolest summers ever. This whole thing is a lie and hoax.
They're like real life "choose your own adventure" novels.

And lame stream media has lost most all credibility among the American people.

No, they changed it to climate change because some (not pointing fingers) people read "warming" and think things should just be warmer everywhere. Anyone who actually studied or decided to read a little about global warming would've known that it's much more complicated than that. The people that don't understand start threads like this one every time it snows.

Well understand this, global warming aka climate change is based more on the works of Marx and the like rather than real science which has effectvely refuted the whole theory.

Not just that, the solutions presented don't even solve the theoretical problem but only accomplishes a huge transfer of wealth and you my friend can count yourself among the payees in the proposed wealth transfer.
Compare on a percentage scale the amount of effect of CO2 vs cosmic rays and solar activity as to the overall effect on Earth's climate, natural environment and the wealth or lack thereof among humans, domestic and wild fauna and flora.

(The total cannot be 100 % because of volcanic and naturally occurring oceanic temperature cycles which as yet are quite unpredictable.)

Now compare the amount of CO2 emmitted by human activity vs that which is and has been occurring since before the dawn of mankind and also appears to be cyclic in nature.

It's hard to put a percentage comparing CO2/atmospheric composition to solar activity and cosmic waves. Without insolation, CO2 would mean diddly. But insolation with more CO2 does increase the trapping of outgoing long wave radiation. Good thing too, because we'd be in trouble if it didn't at all.

CO2 from volcanoes vs. CO2 emitted from humans:

Scientists have calculated that volcanoes emit between about 130-230 million tonnes (145-255 million tons) of CO2 into the atmosphere every year (Gerlach, 1991). This estimate includes both subaerial and submarine volcanoes, about in equal amounts. Emissions of CO2 by human activities, including fossil fuel burning, cement production, and gas flaring, amount to about 27 billion tonnes per year (30 billion tons) [ ( Marland, et al., 2006) - The reference gives the amount of released carbon (C), rather than CO2, through 2003.]. Human activities release more than 130 times the amount of CO2 emitted by volcanoes--the equivalent of more than 8,000 additional volcanoes like Kilauea (Kilauea emits about 3.3 million tonnes/year)! (Gerlach et. al., 2002)

Volcanic Gases and Their Effects
No one is saying that just the record snow falls alone prove that global warming or climate change is a hoax. By most accounts we have been cooling since the mid to late 90s. The earth has warmed and cooled for as long as we know, we can't cause it nor can we stop it. THis past summer some cities had some of their coolest summers ever. This whole thing is a lie and hoax.

And most of the Pacific Northwest had one of their warmest, or at least one of the warmest summers on record.
And most of the Pacific Northwest had one of their warmest, or at least one of the warmest summers on record.

Nick, we can always count on you to be sharp as a marble!! :)

Copenhagen, Denmark where the recent UN climate fiasco was held set a new coldest day on record, conincidentally on the day the confab kicked off.


The UN's top climate change official, Yvo de Boer, has resigned in the latest blow to the debate over global warming.

It's hard to put a percentage comparing CO2/atmospheric composition to solar activity and cosmic waves. Without insolation, CO2 would mean diddly. But insolation with more CO2 does increase the trapping of outgoing long wave radiation. Good thing too, because we'd be in trouble if it didn't at all.

CO2 from volcanoes vs. CO2 emitted from humans:

Volcanic Gases and Their Effects

You're just flat out wrong about AGW, no matter what you may have been indoctrinated by on PBS et al.

Read this.

Even if the AGW hypothesis were correct, which has been disproven, human activity accounts for less than 1% of the CO2 in the atmosphere.

And BTW it isn't hard to put a number to compare CO2 effect vs solar/cosmic effect on Earth temperature.

Solar/cosmic activity is 99+% of the cause of the mean temperature on Earth. (Although as you pointed out, without an atmosphere we would more like a round ice cube in the grand scheme of things.) :p

(another factor we havn't discussed is Earth's own planetary magnetic field)

For intance the going theory is that Mars once had an atmosphere but the planetary magnetic field may have failed, allowing the solar wind to blow Mars' atmosphere away into space.

Earth has a cycle in which the positive/negative magnetic poles switch polarity, we are presently undergoing such a change and thus far I havn't seen the first educated guess as to how that might or might not affect global climate.

Perhaps you can enlighten me on that one?

I think the study of climate is an important matter and I consider the most important question to be this: What triggers ice ages??

We do know that in the past when Earth enjoyed a pleasant, hospitable climate such as now, the Earth has gone into an ice age that endured for thousands of years in a period as short as twenty years.

We also know CO2 levels was NOT the trigger.

Debate over AGW is a waste of everyone's time.
We just disagree. I won't run us in circles.

As far as climatic consequences to a change in magnetic field polarity, I don't think there will be any major consequences. It switches on aregular cycle over several thousand years, and things seem to stay stable ( as ever, anyway). I have heard it could be a big deal for some of our technology though, but that isn't something I really know much about.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
I have done very little reading on this subject and for the most part do not pay attention to it. I decided to "google" it on a slow day last week and found an interesting take on the subject. As I said, it may have been discussed and I was not paying attention, but the guy (and it was only his take on it) said global warming may not be a bad thing. I've always put a bad connotation on it, but he said the earth has survived much warmer temperatures and plant life, obviously, prefers the warmer temps and extra rain.

I serve this up to those smarter than me
Posted via VolNation Mobile
I have done very little reading on this subject and for the most part do not pay attention to it. I decided to "google" it on a slow day last week and found an interesting take on the subject. As I said, it may have been discussed and I was not paying attention, but the guy (and it was only his take on it) said global warming may not be a bad thing. I've always put a bad connotation on it, but he said the earth has survived much warmer temperatures and plant life, obviously, prefers the warmer temps and extra rain.

I serve this up to those smarter than me
Posted via VolNation Mobile

It depends on the scale of time that you look at it on, and how you measure "good." Biodiversity will take a serious hit in the short term.
It depends on the scale of time that you look at it on, and how you measure "good." Biodiversity will take a serious hit in the short term.

He also said that the earth has warmed (minimally) since the mid 1800's but that period was experiencing some of the lowest numbers in 8000 years. No idea where he got these numbers.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
We just disagree. I won't run us in circles.

As far as climatic consequences to a change in magnetic field polarity, I don't think there will be any major consequences. It switches on aregular cycle over several thousand years, and things seem to stay stable ( as ever, anyway). I have heard it could be a big deal for some of our technology though, but that isn't something I really know much about.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

I agree we disagree and I've shown plenty of evidence that debunks AGW completely, (although we are part of the equation for sure,) and you just dance around the factoids.

Tesla figured out a way to use such naturally occuring phenomina to propose to furnish free electricity to everyone.


Google up 'Tesla towers' and read up on it.

They pulled funding and stopped his project when they found out he didn't propose to put up meters anywhere to charge everyone, and since then have been tryiing to figure out how to charge us for sunshine, cap and tax does just that.

I have done very little reading on this subject and for the most part do not pay attention to it. I decided to "google" it on a slow day last week and found an interesting take on the subject. As I said, it may have been discussed and I was not paying attention, but the guy (and it was only his take on it) said global warming may not be a bad thing. I've always put a bad connotation on it, but he said the earth has survived much warmer temperatures and plant life, obviously, prefers the warmer temps and extra rain.

I serve this up to those smarter than me
Posted via VolNation Mobile

Smart or not smart, anyone with one eye and half sense upon examining the facts can assertain that the end result of all this bs, 'cap and tax', is nothing but a gigantic rippoff.

If there be such a thing as global warming, then it should be embraced rather than fought.

In the last few million years the best times were when Earth was at it's warmest.

It depends on the scale of time that you look at it on, and how you measure "good." Biodiversity will take a serious hit in the short term.

I doubt that also, I believe just the opposite, the warmer the better for biodiversity.

He also said that the earth has warmed (minimally) since the mid 1800's but that period was experiencing some of the lowest numbers in 8000 years. No idea where he got these numbers.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

The dark ages and the little ice age were identical.

If you really want an education on the subject, look back over the pages of this board and read the material in threads I've started, probably november and december are good dates.

Google up '1816, the year of no summer.'

plants and animals have been going bye bye long before the age of man.

Adapt or die, that is nature's way, the endangered species act, based on the fig newton of paranoid thinking should be repealed today.

One of the funniest things to have happened recently was that Senator Inhofe's family built an igloo during the recent snow storm in Washington within sight of the Capitol building and put up a sign that read; "Future home of Al Gore!" :eek:lol:
You may have missed it because you were gone gs, but I did talk about why I disagreed with cap and trade, and why I think it would only make things worse. For the record.
Tesla figured out a way to use such naturally occuring phenomina to propose to furnish free electricity to everyone.


Google up 'Tesla towers' and read up on it.

They pulled funding and stopped his project when they found out he didn't propose to put up meters anywhere to charge everyone, and since then have been tryiing to figure out how to charge us for sunshine, cap and tax does just that.

Tesla IMO the most overlooked mind in our history, his inventions and ideas are the basis of most techs today, as for the Wardenclyffe tower in your picture, his theory was to pulse the ionosphere with its naturally resonance till it began spinning and excited, then towers all around the world could gain a small potential with almost unlimited current supply. Your right J.P. Morgan pulled his funding once he relized Tesla's goal was to give the world free energy, damn bankers.

Im not sure if i understand what u are implying but anything to do with gobal warming is not my understanding. Below is a off-topic but very interesting link about a contuination of Tesla's Idea. HAARP
I agree we disagree and I've shown plenty of evidence that debunks AGW completely, (although we are part of the equation for sure,) and you just dance around the factoids.

Tesla figured out a way to use such naturally occuring phenomina to propose to furnish free electricity to everyone.


Google up 'Tesla towers' and read up on it.

They pulled funding and stopped his project when they found out he didn't propose to put up meters anywhere to charge everyone, and since then have been tryiing to figure out how to charge us for sunshine, cap and tax does just that.

Smart or not smart, anyone with one eye and half sense upon examining the facts can assertain that the end result of all this bs, 'cap and tax', is nothing but a gigantic rippoff.

If there be such a thing as global warming, then it should be embraced rather than fought.

In the last few million years the best times were when Earth was at it's warmest.

I doubt that also, I believe just the opposite, the warmer the better for biodiversity.

The dark ages and the little ice age were identical.

If you really want an education on the subject, look back over the pages of this board and read the material in threads I've started, probably november and december are good dates.

Google up '1816, the year of no summer.'

Adapt or die, that is nature's way, the endangered species act, based on the fig newton of paranoid thinking should be repealed today.

One of the funniest things to have happened recently was that Senator Inhofe's family built an igloo during the recent snow storm in Washington within sight of the Capitol building and put up a sign that read; "Future home of Al Gore!" :eek:lol:

If the Earth warms the polar ice caps will melt and the sea levels will rise. There is already irrefutable proof of this happening. This will start to erode the coasts of every nation except the European nations that have already built lochs to stem the rising tides. This will affect all economies, namely the US. Have you ever looked at Manhattan? It sits right on the water. If you say you'd be OK with Manhattan being overtaken by the sea, then you're not being sane. A warmer world is a worse world because of current levels of development near large bodies of water. The majority of the Earth's population lives near water. Below is an article that shows unmistakable proof that the sea level is rising. Glenn Beck can't stop the waters from rising with his chalkboard and talking points.

Climate change 'an issue of human survival' for sinking island nation -
I can't believe any rational person would still fall for the "global warming/climate change" scam after all the accounts of the wrong data and lying by scientists that are pushing it.
Tesla IMO the most overlooked mind in our history, his inventions and ideas are the basis of most techs today, as for the Wardenclyffe tower in your picture, his theory was to pulse the ionosphere with its naturally resonance till it began spinning and excited, then towers all around the world could gain a small potential with almost unlimited current supply. Your right J.P. Morgan pulled his funding once he relized Tesla's goal was to give the world free energy, damn bankers.

Im not sure if i understand what u are implying but anything to do with gobal warming is not my understanding. Below is a off-topic but very interesting link about a contuination of Tesla's Idea. HAARP

Well the whole of the global warming/climate change bugaboo is all about controling energy supply worldwide.

I can't believe any rational person would still fall for the "global warming/climate change" scam after all the accounts of the wrong data and lying by scientists that are pushing it.

+1!!!!! (plus ten really) :)
You may have missed it because you were gone gs, but I did talk about why I disagreed with cap and trade, and why I think it would only make things worse. For the record.

I know you have been opposed to a crap and tax bill, why???

FWIW, the GCC hypothesis is in an unprecedented free fall, it's hard to tell which is falling faster, the science, politics or economics of it.
Well the whole of the global warming/climate change bugaboo is all about controling energy supply worldwide.

+1!!!!! (plus ten really) :)

my opinion has changed over the last year on global warming, not because i dont believe it or believe it. I supported taking action to control our emissions, however now i no longer support retro active action (cap and trade) but want to see major funding and manhattan style project to work on the future such as fusion power. Below is a great lecture given at ted about the future of it. Its only a few minutes so i encourage watching it.

Fusion Energy

VN Store
