I'm not saying Calapari invented it. I'm saying they should get rid of the one and done rule. What's the point of them staying 1 year in college then going straight to the NBA? I say if they think they're good enough to go straight to the pros then let them prove theirselves. Most high caliber recruits think they're better than some NBA players anyway. Take this years incoming Kentucky recruits for example.
It is not the NCAA's rule. It is the NBA's rule. I have come around to believing that Calipari does right by these kids. He knows they should not have to spend a year between high school and the NBA in college. He knows they are being exploited. He knows that nobody in the NCAA, to include these kids, gives a damn about their education. He takes it as his number one task to get these kids from high school into a multi-million dollar contract in the NBA. It is actually refreshingly honest, in my opinion.