Please fix the new season ticket holder seats

There's a lot of issues with Neyland seating but a lot of it boils down to the design and the changing size of spectators. The lower bowl, I believe, was designed in the 1920s. There's really no data going back that far but based on data tracking that started in the 1960s, it's estimated the average US male back then was 5'7" and 155lbs. Today we're around 5'9" and 199lbs.
I know of some in the AD who texted back they had to sit side saddled as well so they are aware. Maybe we all just stand up the entire game.
Any hope of it getting some attention and they do something about it?
They are terrible. Black is not a great color to sit on for a summer game. 0 leg room when the people in front recline back. My wife has bruises on her knees. I liked the old gray cushion seats better.
Seems like they continue to try to find ways to make the bal games more difficult to enjoy. At least they could make them ridged to protect the fans sitting behind them.
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I’ll miss this weekend due to OT at work. Have family using my seats Saturday night, and I’m very curious to know what they changed. At least they’re listening.
My guess is that they fixed them where they won't lean back. Which is how they should have been to begin with.

We will not be at the game either, there is a marriage conference we go to every year this weekend. So I sold my tickets. But I'm anxious to hear what happens.
I haven’t received that email yet. Maybe they are just testing changes in another section? What section are you in?

REALLY happy to hear that are listening to trying to make it better however

I felt weirdly proud to know they were already addressing the issue. Like, who is running the place now? 😁
You guys are right. They are putting spacers in so they won’t recline as much. They won’t be able to get all the seats done by Saturday but will have them done by Florida.
Love hearing this. So they will have a slight ability to recline just not all the way? This will help a ton

Do you happen to know what all sections they have done?
I didn't go to the opener (12:45 kick in August? No thanks).

I will be at the game Saturday. My tickets are in Q. I'll be interested to see what the other regulars around me have to say
I didn't go to the opener (12:45 kick in August? No thanks).

I will be at the game Saturday. My tickets are in Q. I'll be interested to see what the other regulars around me have to say
It was hotter than hell fire dammit. At least we were in the shade fairly early. I don't know how people sit in full sun all day.
We are normally in the sun but the early kickoff worked on our favor and there was a breeze for us. It was getting hot and sunny when we left in 4 th quarter
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I’m curious to know what people thought about the changes made to some of the seats tonight. Any better?

Something HAS to be done. That was the most uncomfortable I’ve ever been at a game and heard many complaining around me. The people in front of us leaned back once and really scraped and bruised my guests legs as well.

I don’t know how to solve it. But it’s bad. If someone have those seat backs in front of you, good luck

I would pay double to remove the seats in front of me
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The biggest problem I see at the games is everyone is fat. These seats weren’t meant to house a bmi of 40 and greater. Future considerations should be to make the seats wider and stadium just a little bigger to accommodate the majority(sadly) of the population being so obese.
The biggest problem I see at the games is everyone is fat. These seats weren’t meant to house a bmi of 40 and greater. Future considerations should be to make the seats wider and stadium just a little bigger to accommodate the majority(sadly) of the population being so obese.
Wider seats wont help this problem. It’s the distance between rows that aren’t big enough and these new seats leaning back into the next row

I feel sorry for anyone who’s taller than me based on my experience

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