Not sure what good 2 or 3 would accomplish. Lincoln, Jefferson, Reagan, and FDR are just four President's considered "great" who did not serve in the military.
#1 is pretty dumb IMO. MOST of the harm done by Presidents has been after they no longer had to face voters. Obama has already given hints that he will become much more radical and ignore Congress/Judiciary/Constitution even more if re-elected.
Unfortunately the most likely alternative is the same guy politically speaking but with a country club membership.
Yeah, the advancement of society through procreation is a choice all should reconsider if they don't want their freedoms infringed upon by a government.
I guess you're all for the Chinese 1 child policy too? After all, they are choosing to procreate!
Requiring everyone to pay taxes and requiring everyone to serve their nation - aren't totally different.
It's not a strongly held opinion at all, I just think there are merits to it that most people ignore because they personally wouldn't want to serve. Not very different than how most people personally wouldn't want to pay taxes. It's really just a matter of opinion to which is preferable.
Amongst other things, I still wouldn't serve my military in conflicts I do not believe in. However, if you asked for public service that would be better, but still, forcing adults to do anything is not my idea of conservative government.
The other things being that in no way do I think I needed the military. I needed an education, I got it. It was my own free doing as it should be.
edit: I believe many of the things our military does is not to protect our freedom. I absolutely believe soldiers, individually are sacrificing for their country. But that does not mean I will blindly (or under force) support our military and participate. I will always support the soldiers that serve. However, under circumstances where I do believe our freedoms, and future generations, need protecting, I would volunteer.