Ticket Prices Are Dropping

I believe that they have 2 disability lots on lane avenue at the French field house, so if you have a handicapped tag then thats $30 and gets you very close to the stadium.
How well do they monitor it? My dad has a sticker but it doesn’t belong to him. He got it from a relative but he legitimately can’t walk very far.
I have not talked to any Ohio State fan that thinks this is an auto win, you're only looking at the idiots posting on forums to troll. We all know this will not be easy, there is a lot of respect for Tennessee up here.

On any forum you will always find a mix of realistic and outlandish takes. Nobody I know is treating this game as a given. In fact, the opposite is true. A good number of people still reeling from the TTUN loss think this is an auto-loss given Day's history in big games. The optimists are confident but not assured. The pessimists are assuming we are going to lose but are not sure how it happens this time - will it be a last second FG shanked into the stands or Day calling for a run play up the middle on 4th and 27 ? I would say it's a pretty even mix. But folks that frequent forums tend to express more extreme opinions and the group dynamic reinforces the opinions.
Sorry to bump the thread and hope it's not against the rules, but still trying to sell one ticket in 2A. Trying to get $175 which is less than any in the section on TM. Can handle via Venmo to avoid fees. Will be next to (at least) 2 other great VFLs. PM me if interested.
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I bought four tickets, two in 13A row 30 and two in 17A. I no longer need the 13A seats. My Dad and uncle can't make the trip as originally planned. I would like to sell the two in 13A via mobile transfer. PM me if interested. Those online interchange fees kill both the buyer and the seller. Only serious inquires please. Would like to keep orange in the seats.

weird that people still believe cold temps can make you sick

While it is true that cold temps do not directly make one sick, they can lower immunity in the nose and make one more susceptible to viruses. It is really around not sitting by someone else who is sick and let them sneeze or cough on you - especially around your nose. Or just keep your nose covered up.
Everyone still getting their spoon full of castor oil when they get a cough and leaches for fevers? Sorry! Thread is getting derailed.
Tickets are now under the $100 mark on vivid seats. Really surprised at this. This should be the marquee matchup of for the first round.

Typically, a low selling price indicates home team fans are not interested.

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