I got a good deal on some great seats and cant wait till Sunday to come around to go support my Vols. As for others, its understandable if you're staying home for financial reasons, but if you can afford it, go help get Neyland at full capacity and crazy loud. Some of you will frown on what I say next but I'm gonna say it anyway. Some criticize those that don't drop hundreds of dollars to attend in person, but the real finger pointing should be at those that buy good tickets up and then try to make a big profit off it by selling at twice face value or more. Are those people VFL's? Some supposable VFL's would rather make a profit off a rival fan than sell their unused tickets at a fair price to fellow Vol fans. As a father of three, I have to save throughout the year to be able to attend a couple of games each season, and even then, I only bring one family member with me each game as I can't afford to bring a family of five. If I was wealthy, I would be at every game, but that's not the way it is. I try to attend the home opener every year and at least one good rivalry game each season. My wife and I are going this weekend, and then I will try to round up some good seats for my son and I to the Florida game, but outrageous ticket prices can make that difficult for the average blue collar worker. I'm not bashing anyone or looking for sympathy because that's not me. I'm just encouraging other Vol fans to not to criticize others that may not have the extra cash to be able to attend when they would probably love to be there. Rest assured, if I'm not there in person, I'm watching intensely at my home with other Vol fans still supporting our team.
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