A tad better, in the sense she's been able to talk a little better, yesterday was just mumble. Her sister did get her to drink some ensure, but she's still not eating. Dr came in and said they should know the specific strain of bacteria in her blood today, and when they do, they can use specific antibiotics for that. Right now they're just pumping her full of stuff, hoping to fight it. She's weak, that's what worries me, wondering if her body can fight, but she's trying. She's tried to get her phone to answer people, but can't, I have to. She'll type a few letters, and can't hold the phone up, or her eyes open. Not trying to sound dramatic, but that's how weak she is. Just needs prayers, she's trying to fight, Tuesday just nearly got the best of her. I mean I've said it was bad, but I can't describe how bad she was for a while, the Dr, nurses, and me didn't think she'd make it. I'm saying that to help everyone understand what I mean when I say her body just isn't in great shape to fight, but she's trying. It's hard seeing her like this, just keep praying for her, and my girls. Love you all.