Time to unfollow Rucker

I write posts on a message board in my spare time. (Which I invite you to ignore, by the way, since I can't recall you having anything interesting to say in, well, ever.) "Sports journalists," in contrast, set off after college and say, "This is what I'm going to do with my life. I spent all that time in journalism school, but instead of covering anything that means anything, I'm going to go spend 30 years talking to jocks in locker rooms. But I'm still a journalist, dammit!"

Sports don't matter? Better not tell the billions of people that show up to sporting events worldwide every year.
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Sports don't matter? Better not tell the billions of people that show up to sporting events worldwide every year.
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Humans spend an enormous amount of time and energy on fundamentally meaningless activities. Bright people have some perspective about it.
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Humans spend an enormous amount of time and energy on fundamentally meaningless activities. Bright people have some perspective about it.
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I'll certainly keep that in mind next time I'm faced with the choice of curing world hunger or going to the game.
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I'm not a fan of Rucker's recent ass kissing of Pearl. Other than that, I haven't followed him enough to know if I like his journalism or not. But, the crap he's been writing lately is nothing but Griffithesque Pearl fluff.
Since the switch to 247, Rucker's been much more of a homer, behind the news, and flat out wrong in the interest of prolonging the story. With TFP he was on top of things, got good info out and was generally unbiased. It's painful to see the change in his twitter feed.
Humans spend an enormous amount of time and energy on fundamentally meaningless activities. Bright people have some perspective about it.
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Hemingway once wrote, "happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know.". We may have perspective on it, but bright people also acknowledge the therapeutic importance that distractions have in coping with what you would consider "important journalism.". So don't be so vain as to come on a sports message board and attempt to relegate the role of sports in society. No distractions would make humans go crazy, unless u are advocating that people never go to the movies, never listen to music, never develop hobbies, etc.
Hey, did you guys know he mentioned Martin's name when the UT job opened? Don't sweat it if you did, because he'll probably mention it again in 15 minutes.
He just called ut fans morons on twitter. I told him he was classless for that. He responded he didn't call people morons, he called morons morons.

If I was his boss and this happened, id be highly pissed. That is potential customers being called morons. Bad business.
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He's bitter because he was way behind on another story.

For an alleged journalist/reporter/radio host who has accomplished as little as he has, he sure loves him some him... and thinks everyone else does too.
Clay Travis is about 10x worse right now, IMO... he has done nothing but bash UT for the Pearl firing and is now bashing Martin.....
Hemingway once wrote, "happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know.". We may have perspective on it, but bright people also acknowledge the therapeutic importance that distractions have in coping with what you would consider "important journalism.". So don't be so vain as to come on a sports message board and attempt to relegate the role of sports in society. No distractions would make humans go crazy, unless u are advocating that people never go to the movies, never listen to music, never develop hobbies, etc.

Try reading with context next time. Obviously sports is an important piece of entertainment for me, just like it is for everybody else who posts here. But that's all it is. I compared Rucker and other sports journalists negatively to what I called real reporters, which are the guys who go out and cover stories that affect people's lives. I stand by that. The poor guy who goes out and covers city council meetings every day for the KNS does more important work than what the vast majority of sports journalists will do in their entire career. Sports journalists are basically gossip columnists for men.
It's what he does.

Yeah, I get that he is a gimmick guy, but hearing him on Memphis radio last week was about all I could take.

He referred to himself as the "Pulse of the Vols and its fans." Said he was the leading reporter on the Vols and broke more stuff than any of them...yadda yadda...

He said that TN should have rode with Pearl because they are getting buried by the NCAA regardless... blah blah...
People don't understand that as a Journalist,not a columnist,you have to be out in front of the news. You don't want to be the last guy reporting something or you will lose your job. Being a beat writer is hard during season. You lose a lot of your life for 5-6 months and it's not a ton of money. Most people on here have trouble constructing a sentence much less a 3000 word article.

Dude rucker is almost last. Clay Travis tweeted before this guy. And clay is an idiot.
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Guy gets more annoying everyday. Perfect example of someone who desperately needs a twitter account to post (Premium) info that was probably reported four hours earlier and a personal twitter account for those who give a damn about his girlfriend, the Cubs or his attempt at being the Savior of the South in the face of last week's destruction.
Guy gets more annoying everyday. Perfect example of someone who desperately needs a twitter account to post (Premium) info that was probably reported four hours earlier and a personal twitter account for those who give a damn about his girlfriend, the Cubs or his attempt at being the Savior of the South in the face of last week's destruction.

I care about the Cubs. But his opinions on them are usually way off. He is a moron. The bashing of Pujols kills me. He is a cardinal. I despise the cardinals. But, Pujols is a great player and one helluva guy. No need to show the disrespect he does.

I LOL'd at the savior of the south thing. I saw that today. Him giving his money from his show is a joke. That is like me saying I will be giving what money I make off of my craigslist sales to Alabama. It would prolly be around 20 dollars, which is probably equal to his.
I use Tennessee vols buzz(volsbuzztap) on twitter and twitter-search-#vols. I have those 2 on favorites setting on my computer. Plus what ever we get on govolsxtra.com
Yeah, the whole "south shall rise again" was a bit much. I liberated my twitter account from rucker finally. He's just not useful anymore.
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I mean, like him or not, some of you act as if he owes you something. It's twitter...on the internet. If you don't like it, don't follow. I'm not going to pitch a fit over the idea that a guy getting paid by a company to make premium articles is asking for people to view and pay for premium articles.
Rucker will be tweeting tomorrow afternoon that bin laden is dead.
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I mean, like him or not, some of you act as if he owes you something. It's twitter...on the internet. If you don't like it, don't follow. I'm not going to pitch a fit over the idea that a guy getting paid by a company to make premium articles is asking for people to view and pay for premium articles.
I don't think anybody feels entitled to anything. Just more a comment on how drastically Rucker's tweets have changed since he moved from TFP to 247. You just don't get much in the way of breaking news out of him now.
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I don't think anybody feels entitled to anything. Just more a comment on how drastically Rucker's tweets have changed since he moved from TFP to 247. You just don't get much in the way of breaking news out of him now.

Seems more to me like a facet of his job. If someone is paying me to do something, I step in line.
Seems more to me like a facet of his job. If someone is paying me to do something, I step in line.
No doubt. I don't really blame him for what he is tweeting. It's just not of much use to me.

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