Tired of "realism" on Thursday and Friday

We only struck once at Oregon. That in itself is a problem. Also, Oregon also runs about 15 plays every 10 seconds. Mix that with no depth on defense and that is what you get. Oregon is no OU, and Team 118 is no Team 117.:hi:

You, sir, are right on the money. You could see the fatigue set in on our defense in the second quarter of that game.
Here is part of a post I put in another thread the other day. Seems to fit in this one too.

"If you would care to look it up, you'll find that by definition, a fan is unrealistic and unreasonable. That is all part of being a fan. It is also one of the things that makes being a fan enjoyable.

I've never understood why people call themselves fans if they go into games thinking the worst before anything even transpires. Why even watch games or follow a team? It just absolutely makes no sense to me.

Thinking we will beat Oklahoma might be unrealistic and unreasonable, but by God until the scoreboard shows otherwise, I believe we can do it. Why? Because I'm a fan of UT Football!

Education, reality and fandom don't go hand in hand my friend. The third one stands alone and that's how it should be".
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Thinking we will beat Oklahoma might be unrealistic and unreasonable, but by God until the scoreboard shows otherwise, I believe we can do it. Why? Because I'm a fan of UT Football!

Harumph! Welcome!

If I may be so bold, and although it doesn't rhyme, I must say I like your entire epistle. Drinks all around! Except for the "59" guy. He's taking us to waffle house later.
Harumph! Welcome!

If I may be so bold, and although it doesn't rhyme, I must say I like your entire epistle. Drinks all around! Except for the "59" guy. He's taking us to waffle house later.

I like drinks.........and Waffle House.
This is my issue with all of the we are going to win/the game is decided on the field folks, you say all this and get all pissy when someone points out the odds against us and then claim you will be calling for coaches heads on Monday if we lose.

Who says you can't have it all 3 ways??:unsure:
Honestly.. the realists do this to prepare themselves in case by chance we are to lose.... if they speak of it.. they can prepare for the bad result....... lucky for me I bought some Gorilla Glue.... got my Orange glasses on nice and snug!

Go Vols!!:clapping::dance2::eek:k:
Who cares about odds? Thats for Vegas. Also anyone calling for Butchs head if we lose this game is beyond stupid and should have to turn in their Vol card. Say what you want but this whole I'm a realist schtick is pure BS. All that is is ammo to use after the game so if we do lose you can come on here and gloat that you "predicted" a loss.

First I would never gloat/or be happy about a loss. Do not give two ****s about e-cred. Secondly, I was not referring to Vegas odds but rather the numerous obstacles we would have to overcome to win this game. They have more talent, more experience, and are playing at home. Those present long odds for a young team. Butch will get us there over time. I agree that anyone who claims butch and co need to go after Saturday is an idiot.
Wouldn't be VN without the crazies, that's what makes it one of the best fan bases around. Still...I hate seeing the same posters who get hyped before the game, crying for coach firing a few days later.
It's Friday! Still plenty of time for optimism....


They have more talent, more experience, and are playing at home.

This is the game Maggit has been preparing his entire life for...over/under on his sack count at 2.5. Now who wants some over action?! #gitchoosum
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I'm with you OP!

I am so sick of seeing posts from the NegaVol squad. Our team has just as good of a chance coming into this game as any other underdogs playing this week. If you're a real fan, support our guys and show them we have confidence in them!

NegaVol'ing is for Sunday through Wednesday. Today is Friday, so put on your orange and support our team!

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I get realism every damn day - it's running a company with livelihoods on the line and trying to transform the world a little bit every day. And it ain't easy.

Tennessee football is not for "realists". It's about hope; it's about pageantry, tradition; it's about doing the impossible; it's about going into Norman and whippin' dey azz when we have no business doing so.

It's about Peyton Manning to Joey Kent. It's about Josh Smith hurdling #3. It's about Chuck Webb and Travis Stephens going wild. Sometimes it's about Pig Howard stretching for that goalline and coming up an inch short.

I don't want to hear about "reality" on Thursday and Friday. If OK put 59 on us like Oregon last year, I'm going to go total Negavol on Bajakian and Jancek and call them Dooley 2, Electric Boogaloo. But that's for Monday.

Right now, I believe we gone go to Norman and gone whip. dey. azz. :rock:

Thats fine, and dandy, and ever really respectable...as long as you are willing to live up to the other end of the same bargain by not whining, b&^%$%ing, and moaning about the team or coaches on Sunday and Monday if things don't go the way of your totally unrealistic expectations.

Being a "fan" is totally admirable before the game, as long as you are willing to be realistic in retrospect. What a program can't abide is "fans" who are totally disconnected sunshine pumpers on Friday and calling for the coach's head on Monday because he failed to live up to their completely unrealistic expectations.

And there's a lot of that going on here in VN. Hence, the threads started by the realists to temper all the pumpers' silliness.

Let's check back in on Monday and see if you can handle the responsibility of being a true fan. Should be a hoot, based on what I saw you do during basketball.:crazy:
How to get likes on VolNation:
1. Create a "Whoop Dey Azz" type of Thread
2. ???
3. Profit
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Just because we're not expecting a win doesn't mean we are less passionate about the team or this program nor does it mean we aren't going to cheer our lungs out on Saturday. It just means we have realistic expectations of this team and aren't going to be surprised or calling for anyone heads on Sunday if we lost. If we lose Saturday, all the sunshine pumpers today will be NegaVols and vice versa.
I want to believe the Vol's are going into Norman and come away with a win.

Seeing is believing
You know, I've been so hell bent on the reality of this road trip and our chances that I haven't even thought about winning.

It's Friday, so I'm dissing the realism, donning the glasses, and drowning in KoolAid! Where are we going to party in Knoxville tomorrow night?
I think it all comes down to this; Is your glass of orange Kool Aide half empty or half full? We each have to look into our own glass of that potent elixir and answer that question for ourselves. As for me I was a realist Sunday through today about noon..then that feeling you get when its almost football time in Tennessee came over me and "we gon wup dat azz" just started sounding so right. I mean really fellas when its about 8:05 tomorrow night and that stupid Sooner Schooner comes rolling out are you really going to be thinking rationally? I think not! GBO
OK maybe it's the beer im drinking here at the ole BWW but what the he!!.We gonna woop DAT AZZ
This is the game Maggit has been preparing his entire life for...over/under on his sack count at 2.5. Now who wants some over action?! #gitchoosum

Seriously? How many years has it taken him to get 2.5 sacks?

Has he even gotten that many sacks yet in his career on the Hill?

Oh look...................he is limping off the field again..

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