'20 TN CB Keshawn Lawrence (UT SIGNEE)

I have to take Miami seriously for 2 reasons.
1.Despite that trash azz stadium, "U" and fanbase, the city has a lot to peak a young man's interest.

2. I don't care if the school has tried to clean up, they can't monitor the sleaze outside of the program. Lots, and I mean lots, of money, rides and "hangouts" down there. Hell, everyone knows the history. Our underground taco campaign ain't competing with that 😄
Lol thinking that dump of a stadium is better than the rock.

- "Insider" on the Miami Board

- More nonsense from the "insider".

I was slightly worried reading the first post, but after reading the second one, I knew he was FOS. Pruitt pulling Lawrence's offer... guy is clueless. Also, "he doesn't want to go to TN at all" yet he has visited unofficially 3 times in the last 3 months.

Anyways, its going to be fun to go back and revisit their board here in a week or two when he commits to the VOLS.

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