'24 TN DB Boo Carter (Tennessee)

Well distance is a factor too.
He wants his mom to see him play every Saturday. He likes our culture.
He committed for multiple reasons.

But don't count out the Deion effect.
And he'd get to play with Travis Hunter for a year. He'd learn the whole 2 way system that's in place for him.

Colorado is a different place from East Tennessee.

And did I mention Deion lol. We'll need to keep recruiting Boo even after he's on campus.
Your love affair for Deion is beyond weird.
What would you expect the kid to say?

“I like what Deon is selling, and I’m gonna go talk to him in person and see for myself” ?

The kid said the right thing. Hopefully he does the right thing. I’d say the chances are better he still signs with us.

That said - it’s certainly not a good thing that he’s going out there. Hope we weather it.
Saw an interview with Deon, and he said he felt sorry for High School kids cause with the Transfer portal he wasnt going to be taking many. He said we might take 3 or 4, but why would I take kids I have no idea what they can do, when I can take players from other teams that I know what they can do. So unless he can make the top 3 or 4 on Deons list there probably aint a spot anyways.
Well he isn’t going to live by the portal every year. If he stays more the 3 years which I doubt he will have to recruit more than just portal players. It was a good stop gap being low on players but at some point he will have to recruit more players out of high school. Once his son is gone if he is doing well he will bolt to a better job once he gets it. Nothing wrong with that just facts. GBO!
Saw an interview with Deon, and he said he felt sorry for High School kids cause with the Transfer portal he wasnt going to be taking many. He said we might take 3 or 4, but why would I take kids I have no idea what they can do, when I can take players from other teams that I know what they can do. So unless he can make the top 3 or 4 on Deons list there probably aint a spot anyways.
Deion won’t be coaching on 2 years from now anyways. Everyone just needs to relax and enjoy what Deion is doing for the time being. His health is not going to let him continue coaching. Once both his kids move on to the NFL he will retire due to health reasons. Doctors already want to amputate his leg from the knee down due to circulation issue. He has already had 2 toes removed. After he accepted the Colorado job he was hospitalized for a couple days and that’s when the doctors had told him that he was going to need to amputate his leg but they will do all they can to prolong it. Don’t be surprised as soon as the season ends if he doesn’t have it done.
Deion won’t be coaching on 2 years from now anyways. Everyone just needs to relax and enjoy what Deion is doing for the time being. His health is not going to let him continue coaching. Once both his kids move on to the NFL he will retire due to health reasons. Doctors already want to amputate his leg from the knee down due to circulation issue. He has already had 2 toes removed. After he accepted the Colorado job he was hospitalized for a couple days and that’s when the doctors had told him that he was going to need to amputate his leg but they will do all they can to prolong it. Don’t be surprised as soon as the season ends if he doesn’t have it done.
I believe this to be an accurate estimation.
Deion won’t be coaching on 2 years from now anyways. Everyone just needs to relax and enjoy what Deion is doing for the time being. His health is not going to let him continue coaching. Once both his kids move on to the NFL he will retire due to health reasons. Doctors already want to amputate his leg from the knee down due to circulation issue. He has already had 2 toes removed. After he accepted the Colorado job he was hospitalized for a couple days and that’s when the doctors had told him that he was going to need to amputate his leg but they will do all they can to prolong it. Don’t be surprised as soon as the season ends if he doesn’t have it done.
that's terrible. is he diabetic ?
Deion won’t be coaching on 2 years from now anyways. Everyone just needs to relax and enjoy what Deion is doing for the time being. His health is not going to let him continue coaching. Once both his kids move on to the NFL he will retire due to health reasons. Doctors already want to amputate his leg from the knee down due to circulation issue. He has already had 2 toes removed. After he accepted the Colorado job he was hospitalized for a couple days and that’s when the doctors had told him that he was going to need to amputate his leg but they will do all they can to prolong it. Don’t be surprised as soon as the season ends if he doesn’t have it done.

It is easy to acknowledge his physicals skills and the level he achieved applying them. Still, I don't like how he acted on the field, or his TV gigs. I particularly detest the way he dumped and robbed from his JSU gig and how he dumped a reported 60 or so kids from the CU roster. That said, I would not wish this type of physical plight on anyone. I will hope they can fix him up and he can fail in reasonable health. Rewarding high level snarky will only inspire more of it.
What would you expect the kid to say?

“I like what Deon is selling, and I’m gonna go talk to him in person and see for myself” ?

The kid said the right thing. Hopefully he does the right thing. I’d say the chances are better he still signs with us.

That said - it’s certainly not a good thing that he’s going out there. Hope we weather it.

Wish he was visiting in mid-October during a big snow. My mom lives out there now and she hates how it starts snowing in October and goes through May.
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Don't think so. From all I've read about Carter, he has an outgoing and infectious personality. Seems like he's a lot like Deon in that regard. Something tells me they'll hit it off in a big way.

I hope the content of his character makes him uncomfortable around Prime. Confidence and cocky are not the same thing. Hope he figures out that he is much more likely to get left in the dust by leadership at CU than UT.
That is good since I am almost 43. 🤣

The thing is, and I know all these kids don't always have someone helping them think long term, but that is the job of their parents. To look at a situation and helping their son see that while playing both ways in high school is one thing, but college and hopefully beyond, it isn't in their best interest. Kids don't always think logically and run off of emotion and social media hype.
I think his mom has done a really good job in guiding Boo through this process. She seems to be a smart lady and well grounded.
Boo said Tuesday during the Bradley HS football YouTube stream that TN plans to play him primarily at DB, PR,KR and occasionally on the offensive side of the ball. He is also an early enrollee and will room with Marcus Goree who is also an early enrollee.
This is probably a dumb question, but isnt Boo and Gore HS teammates?
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Everyone relax. We aren’t Dabos Clemson and force kids to not visit. Deion whether you like him or not is exciting and a show especially with high school prospects. I personally love what he’s doing in Colorado. They’ll take their lumps this year but Colorado is not a team we are really ever connected to in any sport nor in most recruitments so it’s fun to see what they do. I was in Boulder last year and it was awesome and Deion will bring back a lot of excitement there. Boo is still a Vol.
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