(VolBeef88 @ Jun 6 said:
I disagree. I will use hates favorite punching bag as an example. Why did Peyton cme back? He would have went first coming out as a JR and made just as much money and could have avoided an injury to his knee. How about Jason Allen? There have been a ton of players at all schools who came back their SR year. Plus you can tell that most players do care about the fans and do have a ton of pride in their schools. So I don't think htat dog will hunt.
the only problem with any of this is that while i won't argue that for the fans both Manning and Allen coming back was pleasing to the fans, and as a result probably endeared them to the fanbase more than they already were, i don't think that the entire thought process for both of them coming back was to be a fan favorite. Yeah, it may have been a consideration, but it wasn't the overriding factor. In Peyton's case, it was simply a case of a guy that didn't NEED to come out for the money, and he really enjoyed college and college football. Plus, i think his main motiviation was to win a championship, which he did. In Allen's case, while he was rumored to possibly be a high draft pick after his JR year, i think he came back on some good advice that he needed one more year to solidify a 1st round pick. Which it did. the by product of all that was that the fans loved that they both came back.
And as for the tons of players that play for the fans etc...that may be true. there may be in fact more college football players that do care about the school, pride etc...than not. but those, in a lot of cases, not all, aren't the ones we are talking about that leave early. they are the ones that generally have marginal chance at a pro career or none at all. let's face it, more times than not, those that aren't true NFL caliber, don't leave early, it's not a choice, it's a matter of circumstance.
Leaving college early for the pro's in and of itself is an admission that there are more important things in your future than playing college football. What about Heath Shuler? He left early, and o/t than the comments that he made a mistake by doing so, he is not vilified for leaving early....but while he was here and even now, he is still a fan favorite to many. but he did the same thing. He put a pro career ahead of what was important to 'ol UT.
I don't always agree with hat, as we have had our spats in the past, but on this issue, i do see where he has a point.