'25 TN QB George MacIntyre (Tennessee commit)

The truth can be in the middle of your two extremes. His five star rating wasn’t affected by the disappointing on-field fortunes of his team. The “objective neutral” observations seem to have occurred AFTER he committed to UT over Bama and BEFORE he played any real new football. Now he’s no sacred cow and the rationale expressed in dropping him doesn’t sound radical. Just the terminology depicting his arm as suspect with previous backdrops of inconsistent evaluations compared to commits of other programs lends to justified suspicion not tied to SUNSHINE PUMPING. Simply look at the two Bama QB commits in Nico’s class skyrocketing after they picked the RIGHT program. As you posted earlier, Heupel doesn’t care what these “experts” mutter…he got his QB.
There’s no objectivity to the understanding of how many programs wanted him and would let whoever they have committed right now walk if this guy wanted to be in their class…he was option A for a lot programs and now some option B’s are ranked higher because “reasons” when we know for a fact those players wouldn’t have been and option if they got Gmac from the beginning

The recruiting rankings are a farce now because it’s obvious from the amount of big teams we have beat out for our commits that these sites have objectively missed the mark and now we have to continue with the same negative BS from our resident fans because our team ranking has dropped because of said “evaluations” and “reasons” for their drop this offseason without any senior film to back it up. We went from possibly breaking into the top 5 to hopefully being 7-10 when it’s all said and done. Complete and utter BS

So yeah miss me with the reasonings and any other “opinions” about rankings in the offseason from evaluators wanting clicks
Idk about #1 overall player. Can’t find anything that says that or even shows volleyball player rankings

I guess I just assumed there were rankings based on articles like these prior to Nico committing. Probably not a lot of money in ranking Volleyball players though.
Shew, some of y’all need to take some advice from Aaron Rodgers…..


Y’all get so mad over recruiting analysts opinions, how players are ranked, what school they think they will commit to. Then you get mad at other posters opinions on those opinions. Then everyone (almost everyone) argues their opinion as fact.

It’s ok to see the information and take it for what it is. Place your own importance on it and let others place their importance on it.

At the end of the day it’s ALL opinions and not really worth letting your blood pressure rise 😆
There’s no objectivity to the understanding of how many programs wanted him and would let whoever they have committed right now walk if this guy wanted to be in their class…he was option A for a lot programs and now some option B’s are ranked higher because “reasons” when we know for a fact those players wouldn’t have been and option if they got Gmac from the beginning

The recruiting rankings are a farce now because it’s obvious from the amount of big teams we have beat out for our commits that these sites have objectively missed the mark and now we have to continue with the same negative BS from our resident fans because our team ranking has dropped because of said “evaluations” and “reasons” for their drop this offseason without any senior film to back it up. We went from possibly breaking into the top 5 to hopefully being 7-10 when it’s all said and done. Complete and utter BS

So yeah miss me with the reasonings and any other “opinions” about rankings in the offseason from evaluators wanting clicks
I’m not sure if you’re disagreeing with my post or not. I’m on the record as a services nerds skeptic. They’re a useful database that competent coaches can utilize or disregard on a selective basis…no more and no less.
Shew, some of y’all need to take some advice from Aaron Rodgers…..


Y’all get so mad over recruiting analysts opinions, how players are ranked, what school they think they will commit to. Then you get mad at other posters opinions on those opinions. Then everyone (almost everyone) argues their opinion as fact.

It’s ok to see the information and take it for what it is. Place your own importance on it and let others place their importance on it.

At the end of the day it’s ALL opinions and not really worth letting your blood pressure rise 😆
Thank you stuff don’t matter at all… people get so worked up over it and a good player is a good player no matter what the stars say… if heup and the staff likes a player I could care less what a recruiting service says about them.
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Thank you stuff don’t matter at all… people get so worked up over it and a good player is a good player no matter what the stars say… if heup and the staff likes a player I could care less what a recruiting service says about them.
Sure it doesn’t matter nobody cares about team recruiting rankings on this board right or posts about it daily? Lol
The truth can be in the middle of your two extremes. His five star rating wasn’t affected by the disappointing on-field fortunes of his team. The “objective neutral” observations seem to have occurred AFTER he committed to UT over Bama and BEFORE he played any real new football. Now he’s no sacred cow and the rationale expressed in dropping him doesn’t sound radical. Just the terminology depicting his arm as suspect with previous backdrops of inconsistent evaluations compared to commits of other programs lends to justified suspicion not tied to SUNSHINE PUMPING. Simply look at the two Bama QB commits in Nico’s class skyrocketing after they picked the RIGHT program. As you posted earlier, Heupel doesn’t care what these “experts” mutter…he got his QB.
I don't disagree. My aim was simply to suggest that him dropping was grounded in some actual tangible, eyewitness performance issues at two separate camps, and not just some arbitrary shuffling of players like many of our fans seem to think is the case any time one of our guys drops.

Now, our fans can feel free to rush to his defense if they must, but calling the justification provided for dropping him "terrible reasoning" isn't sensible. Dropping him for not attending the E11 event would have been terrible reasoning. It just seems like we have a faction of fans who don't want to hear any measure of criticism, and instead just blow it off as hot air. I just don't think that's always the case, especially when there was some sound reasoning provided by the person responsible for dropping his rating.

To your point, I do think some of these services do cater to "name" programs such as Bama, and they do bump up their commits simply because they commit to certain schools. It's lazy and predictable, but I don't think GMac explicitly got dinged for being a Tennessee commit in this case. I think he got dinged for his camp performances in the only actual football environment he's performed in over the last 7 months. I think he was discovered as a projectable player early on in high school, got offers from everyone, and then didn't blow the doors off in his junior year. Rather than punish him for his team's poor performance, the evaluators allowed him to attempt to buoy that lofty ranking at spring camps and he didn't do enough in their eyes to stay there. Would that be different if he were committed to Bama/UGA/Ohio St.? We can certainly speculate.
I don't disagree. My aim was simply to suggest that him dropping was grounded in some actual tangible, eyewitness performance issues at two separate camps, and not just some arbitrary shuffling of players like many of our fans seem to think is the case any time one of our guys drops.

Now, our fans can feel free to rush to his defense if they must, but calling the justification provided for dropping him "terrible reasoning" isn't sensible. Dropping him for not attending the E11 event would have been terrible reasoning. It just seems like we have a faction of fans who don't want to hear any measure of criticism, and instead just blow it off as hot air. I just don't think that's always the case, especially when there was some sound reasoning provided by the person responsible for dropping his rating.

To your point, I do think some of these services do cater to "name" programs such as Bama, and they do bump up their commits simply because they commit to certain schools. It's lazy and predictable, but I don't think GMac explicitly got dinged for being a Tennessee commit in this case. I think he got dinged for his camp performances in the only actual football environment he's performed in over the last 7 months. I think he was discovered as a projectable player early on in high school, got offers from everyone, and then didn't blow the doors off in his junior year. Rather than punish him for his team's poor performance, the evaluators allowed him to attempt to buoy that lofty ranking at spring camps and he didn't do enough in their eyes to stay there. Would that be different if he were committed to Bama/UGA/Ohio St.? We can certainly speculate.
I think for most people its the arbitrary nature of it that really bothers them, or at least it is for me. doesn't matter up or down.

If they were able to come out with a consistent standard, and schedule for updates, it wouldn't seem so bad. sorta like the playoff committee. like the playoff committee they just have a different set of rules based on who the school is, and its frustrating and makes it impossible for me to take seriously.

the last event, that I could find, that George participated in and didn't look great apparently, was in April. Here we are in July, and suddenly now its time to update him? We heard about the arm strength comments back then, but they kept him high.
I think for most people its the arbitrary nature of it that really bothers them, or at least it is for me. doesn't matter up or down.

If they were able to come out with a consistent standard, and schedule for updates, it wouldn't seem so bad. sorta like the playoff committee. like the playoff committee they just have a different set of rules based on who the school is, and its frustrating and makes it impossible for me to take seriously.

the last event, that I could find, that George participated in and didn't look great apparently, was in April. Here we are in July, and suddenly now its time to update him? We heard about the arm strength comments back then, but they kept him high.

Here lies the problem.

They knew he had questionable “arm strength” and didn’t perform that well in the Elite 11 Regionals, despite being in April.

Yet, why did they have them ranked that high to begin with instead of waiting 4 months later to drop his ranking over a pointless camp?

JG should have been an All American if we’re going by camp performances.
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Sure it doesn’t matter nobody cares about team recruiting rankings on this board right or posts about it daily? Lol
In what way shape or form will any of our recruits subjective recruiting ranking effect Tennessee’s win loss record ? Please explain if you can’t then no they don’t matter… ppl post all day on a million different topics that don’t matter this board is no different.
Thank you stuff don’t matter at all… people get so worked up over it and a good player is a good player no matter what the stars say… if heup and the staff likes a player I could care less what a recruiting service says about them.

I’d be the first one in favor of getting rid of recruiting services and back to the coaches evaluations.

Way less drama that way.
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In what way shape or form will any of our recruits subjective recruiting ranking effect Tennessee’s win loss record ? Please explain if you can’t then no they don’t matter… ppl post all day on a million different topics that don’t matter this board is no different.
That’s not my argument, it’s the constant BS from certain posters on the board who always make a note of team recruiting rankings to justify whatever argument in the offseason.

Perception isn’t always reality but we’re gonna have to deal with those ppl on here not recognizing the blatant politics of recruiting websites especially this year and how ridiculous the justifications on why On3 decided to get rid of our only 5 star committed so far and drop a few more of our recruits a little while knowing full well the context of who all was involved in trying to get them in said recruitment but won’t matter because “we barely got a top 10 class or some ish” in every discussion on here.

The point is it effects our team rankings and whatever perception from that. Does it mean anything in reality? Hell no

But rinse repeat every F’in year till the end of time on VN. ✌️sorry for the rant
What about Arch? Did he go to many of these camps? I seem to remember he didn’t.

His name carries a lot of weight. There were a lot of concerns about his level of competition in HS and how he didn’t dominate despite that. Yet the services never wavered on him.
I think for most people its the arbitrary nature of it that really bothers them, or at least it is for me. doesn't matter up or down.

If they were able to come out with a consistent standard, and schedule for updates, it wouldn't seem so bad. sorta like the playoff committee. like the playoff committee they just have a different set of rules based on who the school is, and its frustrating and makes it impossible for me to take seriously.

the last event, that I could find, that George participated in and didn't look great apparently, was in April. Here we are in July, and suddenly now its time to update him? We heard about the arm strength comments back then, but they kept him high.
I think the rankings update process may be a little more structured than some assume. Yes, the poor performance came months ago, but they couldn't evaluate every player in a weekend. It takes time if they're doing it correctly (which is possibly a topic of debate) to properly evaluate the number of kids that make up the top 300, plus additional kids who were previously unknown. I'd like to think they're taking the time since spring to evaluate junior film, spring camp performances, and then adjust their rankings to account for those who showed improvement, those who perhaps hit their ceiling, and those who were late bloomers. Is that perhaps pie in the sky? Maybe so.

While those concerns did exist in April, I'd like to think it took time to decide how he stacked up against other QBs and then other players overall based on their performances, as well. I think it would be more neurotic to constantly adjust on the fly after each performance and constantly have a moving target that gets updated on a whim. Ideally, initial rankings are updated between sophomore and junior year, following junior season, again in the summer ahead of senior season (after spring camp circuit), and then again following senior seasons. I think most sites follow a rough version of that timeline. It's an inexact science ripe with personal bias and human error, so that just has to be understood going in. It's all opinion, but the only opinion that really matters is that of the staff, and even they aren't going to bat 1.000.
He’ll rise again with a few strong performances. One thing I do know is Duece Knight is overrated, that kid looked like poop at Lipscomb and has never really put up much stats even in Mississippi. If we are basing these kids off athletic potential the George is ideal. 6’6 will push 220 easily, high level hooper. Nimble, can make the off platform throws. George is a 5 star QB, and Sabans personal pick for a reason.
He’ll rise again with a few strong performances. One thing I do know is Duece Knight is overrated, that kid looked like poop at Lipscomb and has never really put up much stats even in Mississippi. If we are basing these kids off athletic potential the George is ideal. 6’6 will push 220 easily, high level hooper. Nimble, can make the off platform throws. George is a 5 star QB, and Sabans personal pick for a reason.
Bingo! He looked awful in a lot of the games he played with them last year. He couldn’t make basic passes, had bad footwork, and bad body language. It appeared he didnt know what was going on at times. Maybe it was bad fit, which maybe why he transferred back to miss. No way he should have risen in the rankings if you watch his jr film.
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