'20 TN RB Tee Hodge (UT SIGNEE)

Man, Randall Cobb was where I first started realizing Fulmer wasn't doing whatever you needed to do to do everything there was to win. Obvious talent who wasn't gonna be a QB at the next level...I don't know how the Clawfense and he couldn't get along. Eric Berry was playing QB for goodness's sakes's.
Started letting the “experts” pick his players almost exclusively. Star system brought his team building down a few notches imo. He had long got high end talent and had mixed in some dogs that gave us a talent and chemistry dynamic superior to most programs.
I was telling a friend at work that if we’re going to lose under Pruitt, I’m at least glad to know I will be watching a UT team of very large human beings giving it their all. I have no idea if Pruitt is the guy but I’m done with underweight, undersized UT players getting manhandled by Vanderbilt. Pruitt ball will be much more rewarding to watch.

Glad to see Tee come on board. Good get!
There will be snide comments about where he is ranked... but I like to see us land a kid from Maryville HS. It is the best public high school program in east Tennessee, even though they don't produce many major college prospects. I can think of Carl Stewart (Auburn), Cade Thompson (South Carolina) Nick Black (Clemson), Patton Robinette (Vanderbilt) and Dylan Jackson (Stanford). The only one I can think of who signed with Tennessee was Aaron Douglas (R.I.P) and he wound up at Alabama.

Edit: Just remembered a kid named Tyler Maples from Maryville, who signed with Tennessee near the end of Fulmer's tenure, but he never played and transferred out after Kiffin was hired.
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CJP didn't let this Tee get away!

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