Enjoy wasting your Saturdays watching a pissport team go 5-7 for the next couple of years and then making up Gruden rumors in 2015. Enjoy the moral victories over Austin Peay and South Alabama next year, cause that's the only team from Alabama that the Vols are going to beat in the future. Enjoy watching this team get crushed by Florida, Georgia, and Bama (like every year). Most of all, have fun losing to Vandy and competing with UK for last place in the SECEast.
Call me a fair weather fan, I don't care. But the occasional joy this team brings every 10 years doesn't outweigh the misery that this university causes me on a consistent basis. All my life I've been a fan and "given my all for UT" but it's not reciprocal. I'm sick of being disappointed and embarrassed to be a fan of this team. And I certainly won't be getting upset and crying when this team gets 70 put on them by Oregon next year on their road to 4-8.