To hell with tee!

What did people think he was going to say ... "Well, looks like my old alma mater is really turning it around in recruiting. VFL Hurd". No, he's being paid hundreds of thousands of dollars by USC. That makes him a USC homer now. Our coaches certainly said the same things about recruits over and over in "private" this past year. I'm sure Thigpen was just gushing about the Barn and their players when that ee DE flipped to them a couple months ago.
This is much ado @ nothing. The mics just happended to be on and USC did their customary political apology. Might as well beat the crowd and move along now.
UT does not sign Tee's paycheck and Hurd was also a guy Tee had direct contact with. All he basically said was "didn't want him anyway" and the freakout commenced.

I never said UT signed Tee’s paycheck and saying someone is soft and terrible is a far cry from, Aaahhh I didn’t want him anyway. Tee was being derogatory toward Hurd with that statement the way I see it. It is what it is, it’s a statement that probably shouldn’t have been made and I am sure Tee wishes it had not been broadcasted to the world…live and learn I guess.
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Regardless of who it was, the comment was ignorant. Sure people act butt hurt on VolNation when guys leave us for our competition, but they also don't get paid lots of money by a university to recruit and act professional. You can't really think that someone at USC thought no one was listening when he made that comment? Whoever it was knew that what they said about Hurd was going to be leaked. That to me sounds like an intentional blow that was countered by an excuse by saying it was supposed to be a "private" setting.

Assuming it had some type of intent outside of just stating an opinion, what's the end game? If it was intentional or calculated what's the gain for USC? What's the negative for UT?
Regardless of who it was, the comment was ignorant. Sure people act butt hurt on VolNation when guys leave us for our competition, but they also don't get paid lots of money by a university to recruit and act professional. You can't really think that someone at USC thought no one was listening when he made that comment? Whoever it was knew that what they said about Hurd was going to be leaked. That to me sounds like an intentional blow that was countered by an excuse by saying it was supposed to be a "private" setting.

Tee has never been accused of being the smartest QB of all time. He's still in his mid thirties, and thot he was among confidants. Just being himself imo, and found another way to mature IMO.
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Assuming it had some type of intent outside of just stating an opinion, what's the end game? If it was intentional or calculated what's the gain for USC? What's the negative for UT?

Whoever said this said it out of frustration. As a UT fan I honestly could care less what someone all the way across the country says. Whoever it was simply said something negative about Hurd because they couldn't get him, but whoever said it said it in a setting where it was heard by more the just the coaching staff. No one wins or losses here. People say dumb stuff when they are rejected in life, it's just human nature to express yourself in a protective manner when someone else tells you that you don't have what he/she wants.
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and saying someone is soft and terrible is a far cry from, Aaahhh I didn’t want him anyway.

no it's not. When a recruit UT is after commits elsewhere the response is amazingly similar and sometimes even worse. If Hurd had committed to USC his shoulder would have required amputation by his soph year.
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Has anyone else ever dissed their school to this extent? What a piece of freaking garbage! It was one thing for him to publicly diss us in favor of the little weezle. But now to blatant bash one of the best talents our state has produced of late...USC has had to issue a formal apology because it's gotten so much publicity. I can't ever remember a school having to issue an apology to a high school kid. And of all people, Tee Martin. To everyone that defended him when he made a spectacle of us...what say you now?

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Whoever said this said it out of frustration. As a UT fan I honestly could care less what someone all the way across the country says. Whoever it was simply said something negative about Hurd because they couldn't get him, but whoever said it said it in a setting where it was heard by more the just the coaching staff. No one wins or losses here. People say dumb stuff when they are rejected in life, it's just human nature to express yourself in a protective manner when someone else tells you that you don't have what he/she wants.

In other words, a mole hill at best.

You would think this statement magically makes Hurd "soft or terrible". If Im UT'S staff I embrace it and use it.
no it's not. When a recruit UT is after commits elsewhere the response is amazingly similar and sometimes even worse. If Hurd had committed to USC his shoulder would have required amputation by his soph year.

We will just have to agree to disagree Sir. I expect one of the top recruiters in the country to have a little more class than an anonymous poster on Volnation. I think he is and should be held to a higher standard than a message board poster. It was a personal attack that should not have happened. Would you be defending the comment if Tee was not a former Vol?
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For those of you defending Tee on this matter, I call BS! He was mad that Hurd didn't consider USC and now the kid is soft. Sounds like someone at USC got their little feelings hurt. And no it wasn't private. The coaches knew the recruiting room was being monitored. Whatever reason or excuse Tee uses is simply that an excuse. USC found it to be a big deal or they wouldn't have issued an apology. Tee needs to grow up!
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Honestly don't care. It's not like he took a dump on Smokey or something. It's 'getting so much publicity' because people get their panties bunched so easily these days.

I'll be glad when football is here again - offseason is a major drag.
We will just have to agree to disagree Sir. I expect one of the top recruiters in the country to have a little more class than an anonymous poster on Volnation. I think he is and should be held to a higher standard than a message board poster. It was a personal attack that should not have happened. Would you be defending the comment if Tee was not a former Vol?

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I think we are all missing the real question here. The real question Tee needs to answer is if Hurd is too tall.
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We will just have to agree to disagree Sir. I expect one of the top recruiters in the country to have a little more class than an anonymous poster on Volnation. I think he is and should be held to a higher standard than a message board poster. It was a personal attack that should not have happened. Would you be defending the comment if Tee was not a former Vol?

why do I care if Tee was a former Vol? Would you even be discussing this if he wasn't? This is idiotic
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For those of you defending Tee on this matter, I call BS! He was mad that Hurd didn't consider USC and now the kid is soft. Sounds like someone at USC got their little feelings hurt. And no it wasn't private. The coaches knew the recruiting room was being monitored. Whatever reason or excuse Tee uses is simply that an excuse. USC found it to be a big deal or they wouldn't have issued an apology. Tee needs to grow up!

You're probably right about a lot of that. But what's the big deal?
UT does not sign Tee's paycheck and Hurd was also a guy Tee had direct contact with. All he basically said was "didn't want him anyway" and the freakout commenced.

Just talked to Tee Martin: “Ive never had any dealings with Jalen Hurd and wish him nothing but the best at rTennessee.He’s happy his there”

— Jayson Swain (@JaysonSwain) February 17, 2014
I'm going to be honest. I welcome the comments. I think our guys need the fire. We need locker room fodder going into spring training. Your toe hurts and need to sit out a practice? OK soft boy. Go sit on the bench. You tired and can't get in one more rep in the gym? Cry me a river Nancy. We need guys with a chip on their shoulder going into next season. These are the sparks we need to get us there.
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For those of you defending Tee on this matter, I call BS! He was mad that Hurd didn't consider USC and now the kid is soft. Sounds like someone at USC got their little feelings hurt. And no it wasn't private. The coaches knew the recruiting room was being monitored. Whatever reason or excuse Tee uses is simply that an excuse. USC found it to be a big deal or they wouldn't have issued an apology. Tee needs to grow up!

i will always like tee and ppl like you make me like him more
some on here wouldve said much worse bout jalen had he decommitted
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You're probably right about a lot of that. But what's the big deal?

For those of you defending Tee on this matter, I call BS! He was mad that Hurd didn't consider USC and now the kid is soft. Sounds like someone at USC got their little feelings hurt. And now UT fans are getting their feelings hurt And no it wasn't private. The coaches knew the recruiting room was being monitored. Whatever reason or excuse Tee uses is simply that an excuse. USC found it to be a big deal or they wouldn't have issued an apology. Tee needs to grow up!

Its about feelings. Hurt ones at that.
Heard Swain on the Bill King College Sports Channel on sirius radio this morning. He didn't take up for Tee or throw him under the bus either. It was unprofessional of Tee to have said that, esp since it was about a player from the school Tee played at. Wouldn't be near as big a deal if Hurd had of signed with any other school. I lost some more respect for Tee & I bet he learned a lesson out of it! We can move on...
Has anyone else ever dissed their school to this extent? What a piece of freaking garbage! It was one thing for him to publicly diss us in favor of the little weezle. But now to blatant bash one of the best talents our state has produced of late...USC has had to issue a formal apology because it's gotten so much publicity. I can't ever remember a school having to issue an apology to a high school kid. And of all people, Tee Martin. To everyone that defended him when he made a spectacle of us...what say you now?

Is it this serious? Do you not have a family to put things in perspective? I'm certain one of our coaches, and many other coaches across the country, said something similar about a recruit that they didn't sign.

The only difference is Tee got caught. Big deal.

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