To you who "thought Sal was coaching"

Dude, I don't drink. You're the drunk one if you don't realize out d has a long ways to go.

Against one of the toughest offenses in America. You do realize that an NFL team couldn't stop it, as in the Redskins. We need depth, more talent, and more experience in our system. Calm down and sober up Alkie.
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Against one of the toughest offenses in America. You do realize that an NFL team couldn't stop it, as in the Redskins. We need depth, more talent, and more experience in our system. Calm down and sober up Alkie.

Dude I understand where you're coming from but wake up. Our D sucks. I'm usually a "sunshine pumper" but that was sad to see we are no better than Virginia. In fact Oregon could of scored 80 and that's unacceptable I don't care who you're playing. It's that simple.
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Our defense was in position several times tonight to make plays and simply got ran by. Those Ducks are fast. Our defensive line is not very good and got little pressure against a talented Oregon O Line. There were several plays where their hurry up caused us problems with matchups. Hopefully we can regroup and get after Florida next week. I don't think our problem tonight was as much scheme as it was players.
Dude, I don't drink. You're the drunk one if you don't realize out d has a long ways to go.

How about the D is only 1 deep at most positions and was absolutely gassed with Worley sucking eggs again. That also goes for our effective run game requires a QB that can throw the damn ball and hit his targets.
How about the D is only 1 deep at most positions and was absolutely gassed with Worley sucking eggs again. That also goes for our effective run game requires a QB that can throw the damn ball and hit his targets.

How about no? No excuses. We suck. Period. I hope we know how to improve a me from game. I pray that
Dude I understand where you're coming from but wake up. Our D sucks. I'm usually a "sunshine pumper" but that was sad to see we are no better than Virginia. In fact Oregon could of scored 80 and that's unacceptable I don't care who you're playing. It's that simple.

You're an idiot. You are stating the obvious and you have blinders on. Of course, it's not good to give up 59, but there hasn't been an offense like Oregon. Be realistic, we matched up terribly with them. Our lack of depth and experienced was exploited, therefore Oregon took advantage in a hurry.

Don't just point to the score like a blind mule without looking at how and why those points were scored.
...Seriously people, this isn't all going to be fixed with one hire. Oregon didn't just win because of some new fangled thing like speed (although that helped). They win because of continuity and stability--TWO things UT football hasn't had in quite sometime.
Solid assessment.
...what does that say about the ability of our coaches to make adjustments)?
Nothing, try to make a storm shelter out of cardboard and no matter how much adjusting you do, it's still cardboard and going to get soggy, fold, and blow away. Not knocking our players so much as the lack of continuity and previous coaching. Butch and staff could be the second coming and still; they can only do so much with what they have.
...Butch and Co have a lot of coaching to do
I agree, see above. It will take more than one season. They definitely have their work cut out.
...We need depth, more talent, and more experience in our system. Calm down and sober up Alkie.
Our defense was in position several times tonight to make plays and simply got ran by. Those Ducks are fast. Our defensive line is not very good and got little pressure against a talented Oregon O Line. There were several plays where their hurry up caused us problems with matchups. Hopefully we can regroup and get after Florida next week. I don't think our problem tonight was as much scheme as it was players.
Sal's defense looked pretty good early against NC State as well - so what - we all know how things turned soon after that. It's really reaching to give this defense any credit after what happened tonight. Oregon could have scored 100 if they wanted after they got going (I had a feeling they could keep running their offense for 2 days straight and our defense would never stop them - what does that say about the ability of our coaches to make adjustments)?

Did you just make ANY similarity between Oregon and NC St? LMBO you sir have mde the dumbest post ever and should lose your Volnation liscense. Made me laugh tho!
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Read my post carefully dude. I was strickly talking about the defense.

And to the other poster, my other post was meaning I've never seen such meltdown on here they're going crazy lol

Meltdowns are common on VN.
As to the defense. Many will suffer the same at the hands of the ducks this season.
You can't practice for them, because you can't simulate what they do.
They play the up tempo game almost to perfection.
17 seconds between snaps.
They were snapping while our guys were lining up.
Imagine what that did to the minds of our young secondary.
I knew Oregon was good but I was actually in awe of their execution.
Play the down and clear your mind.
I like how we give our current coaches passes for the same stuff the previous group did (bad coverages and busted assignments led to at least half the scores yesterday), yet in a few years when we get new guys for one reason or another we will start bashing the current group no differently than Dooley's or Kiffin's.

Legions of the Miserable
Did you just make ANY similarity between Oregon and NC St? LMBO you sir have mde the dumbest post ever and should lose your Volnation liscense. Made me laugh tho!

The similarity is very clear. Just because defense makes a few plays early against the first decent opponent they face that does not mean they have improved compared to the previous year. The defense vs Oregon looked even worse than the worst we have seen last year (which is hard to believe possible but they have managed to accomplish that). And just like Sal did not make any adjustments when we were getting burned last year same thing happened yesterday.
Sorry if that was too hard for you to comprehend.
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I like how we give our current coaches passes for the same stuff the previous group did (bad coverages and busted assignments led to at least half the scores yesterday), yet in a few years when we get new guys for one reason or another we will start bashing the current group no differently than Dooley's or Kiffin's.

Legions of the Miserable

Why wouldn't we give them a pass this year? It was their 3rd game here.... Not their 3rd season.

A lot of irrational thoughts on here. If anyone honestly thought "Hey, we have a new Head Coach.... so now we will win 10+ games started day 1!"... that is completely irrational.

Our Offense being terrible going 3 and out all night did NOT help our Defense at all. They were worn out from Oregon's up tempo game and the fact they were having to back out after every 3 and out gave them no chance to rest or regroup. Though, that doesn't excuse missed tackles and poor discipline.

And to be quite honest, you know how demoralizing it was as us for fans to watch Worley underthrow and miss receivers? Imagine now that you have to go back out there and defend a new play every 17 seconds against the fastest offense in football. Talk about demoralizing.
The similarity is very clear. Just because defense makes a few plays early against the first decent opponent they face that does not mean they have improved compared to the previous year. The defense vs Oregon looked even worse than the worst we have seen last year (which is hard to believe possible but they have managed to accomplish that). And just like Sal did not make any adjustments when we were getting burned last year same thing happened yesterday.
Sorry if that was too hard for you to comprehend.

There is no similarity dude. They looked good vs NC ST cuz the Wolfpack sucked. UT had the same ol problems that lost them the game (big time), but looking decent for a quarter vs Oregon is something to build on. Long way to go.
Not sure about that but right now I'm looking for the Hire Back Chaney and Chavis (or at least Wilcox) party.

You must of forgotten about the Ky debacle. That happened because we couldn't score.
You are trully retarded fans who have zero knowledge of football. To even consider the product we saw today is similar to the defense that got SPANKED by Vanderbilt and Troy is trully the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Perhaps you didn't mean literally, just alluding to the fact they were bad. Yes, they were bad. Yet for the 1st few series I saw a much MUCH improved defense from last year. Tackling wasn't awful and they could actually contain the run plays.
Obviously, you don't realize how good Oregon is and how much speed KILLS UT because UT isn't build for that (see Alabama for slight example). Talent is LOW and depth is LOW and I thought those players played hard for what they're worth and had.
Did I expect better? Yes. CBJ and offensive play calling is not what I'm talking about right now. I always hated how Bama fans thought they were always invincible even during down years and always came up with excuses to why they lost-a fluke or didn't play like they can. Heck, at least they stand behind their team and believe in them. Some of you I don't understand why you even watch the games.
Ala'Bubba's defense would have caved just as badly if their offense put them out on the field that often. What Stanford does, beyond good defense (they don't have anymore team speed than we do), is they can sustain drives and keep Oregon from getting into a rhythm. We didn't do that, and it spells disaster for any team that plays them.

The way we played most of the first qtr. showed what this team COULD be...scored on them with a long drive and played well on defense. But, Oregon's system is aimed at exposing weaknesses, and ours was the QB position. The only reason Bama would have a decent chance is that they are good at ball control offense. Even though an uptempo team like TAM was able to score 42 points on their was their offense that put a TAM victory out of reach.

I personally think Oregon would have stomped Bama in the NC.
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Tennessee just doesn't have the team speed on defense that They need right now. That makes Them look really bad against quick teams like Oregon. I think Tennessee will get quicker with the good recruiting that Butch has been doing.
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Tennessee just doesn't have the team speed on defense that They need right now. That makes Them look really bad against quick teams like Oregon. I think Tennessee will get quicker with the good recruiting that Butch has been doing.
That's a fallacy. We have as much team speed as Stanford and TAM. Both of those teams play toe to toe with Oregon and Bama, respectively. We just aren't as deep, have a 1st yr staff, and have not even figured out our QB situation. That is NEVER a situation you want to face going against teams like Bamer and the Ducks.
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Our situation is probably not going to get any better until all these Dooley era players that have been taught to quit when it gets tough are gone.
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