I wonder how many times before has an presidents legality has been questioned.
Don't know although the dems did quetion Juan McLame's eligibility.
Instead of spending $2+ million dollars in legal fees to keep his birth record secret, Barry could have done the honorable thing and produced his birth certificate, if he indeed does have one instead of prosecuting a good officer.
The thing about Obama is his extreme secrecy about everything concerning himself, that raises some serious questions itself.
For instance: (among other things.)
Records Obama is fighting to keep sealed
Passport records
Obama kindergarten records
Punahou School records
Occidental College records
Columbia University records
Columbia thesis
Harvard Law School records
Harvard Law Review articles
University of Chicago scholarly articles
Illinois State Bar Association records
Illinois State Senate records/schedules(said to be lost)
Medical records
Obama/Dunham marriage license
Obama/Dunham divorce documents
Adoption records
Long-form Certificate of Live Birth.
Barry has used several Social Security Numbers, the one most used was issued in a state in which never resided.
There are two afadavits on record in courts that claim Obama to have been born in Kenya.
Have Barry and Michelle both lost their Illinois law licenses?? If so, Why?
Every president up until now has been fairly open about all personal records.
If Obama ever has a presidential library it will probably have a guest register and a picture of the community organizer in chief and that will be about it.