You said: "Your analysis of my postion would seem to be more applicable to that of Jtrain who opined that Lakin and the Ft Hood shooter were the same"
Sooo, he put them in the same category, an absurd statement on the face of it.
I said: You need to look up the word classification, because that is what Jtrain said, "classification." Classification has many meanings, it does not mean that Lakin and the Ft. Hood shooter were the same. It just means they can be classified similarly: ie: people that should be loathed.
That was his assertion, not mine.
Feel free to re-read post 32. I have already stated quite "why" it is that I am calling you a hypocrite.
Post 32 makes no more sense now that it did then.
Perhaps you should consider the beam in your own eye before pointing out some speck you perceive in mine.
Lighten up. Calling you out on the fact that you flip flop isn't a personal attack.
Look, you flop flop, You are a damned hypocrite yourself.
Now you can get on with your lighten up program!
And I still fail to see just how I flip flopped.
I can't predict the whims of the US Government. If they feel the need to insert themselves into a military hearing, then they will, plain and simple. There are Congrits for a reason.
What's 'congrits' a contraction of congress critters?
I suppose you don't know that congress wrote the UCMJ which is one of the finest legal documents ever written and are responsible for seeing that it is followed.
Would they be wasting their time, yes. Does a Lt. Col have the right to question the CiC? No.
They may not be wasting their time if they serve justice.
You are also flat out dead wrong that a Lt Col doesn't have the right to question the CIC (through the chain of command.) In this case the chain of command let him down.
How you perceive things seem to be more like what it was like in Hitler's Germany or Stalin's USSR.
So far the United States of America hasn't descended into such tyranny.
We are a nation of just (or at least more just than most) laws and the US Constitution is the basis for all those laws.
Don't forget that.
If he isn't satisfied with Obama's Hawaiian live birth copy, too friggen bad. The CiC does not answer to paltry requests by mid-level officers.
I don't know where you picked up the idea that the live birth certificate satisfies the legal requirement but you are flat out dead wrong on that.
Secondly that Hawaiian live birth certificate has been proven to be a forgery and the man who forged it has admitted to the forgery.
When and if we ever get to the point that the CIC doesn't have to answer to legal requirments we will be living in a tyrany.
Unfortunately there seems to be no shortage of brainwashed young fools who would prefer to have it that way.
His entire plight should be despised, not for his view, that is his and his to determine, but by the way he set out to accomplish his goal. It is unbecoming.
How so, he is being faithful to his oath to uphold the constitution, we need more like him, particularly in the political arena.
late to the thread but the dude (refusin deployment) in question is moron.
I give up, why do you call him a moron??