Today's Karma in the news.

Please show where I crafted a defense of anything?

To me, yall are two sides of the same coin. Yall deserve each other.

hard for some to understand you don't have to be on one side or the other. I view the original post as ghoulish as I did when many of the contributors to this thread gleefully posted about anti-vaxxers dying from Covid (as you pointed out earlier).
Some of you have no problem forcing the rest of society around you to take our civilization down a path of certain self destruction, and then want to try and claim moral high ground when we laugh at what we knew the result would be. (Fine, Go Think about what you have done, while fornicating in perpetual motion) You wanted it you got it. We tried to warn you. I'm more pissed about all the innocent people who knew better but were dragged along into the chaos thanks to your collective stupidity. I am fresh Fing out of sympathy. We had the greatest civilization in the history of this world and your ideology is systematically destroying the good in it and the world.
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Just curious, at what point/year do you view the USA at their peak?

Pretty much any point in the last century would be preferable to today. I'm kinda sweet on the 80's, and the 80's are not even that good it's just so much worse now by comparison.
Nonsense. The two wrongs make a right defense is the defense of cowards. Make a freaking stand for once in your life.

Ah. So the one wrong was Ok when it was libtards basking in the suffering of conservatives?

Pretty much any point in the last century would be preferable to today. I'm kinda sweet on the 80's, and the 80's are not even that good it's just so much worse now by comparison.
Our country took centuries to get to a point where everyone could use the same toilet. If we reached a point of greatest then it was extremely sorry lived and easily surpassed. Constantly whining about minute changes and acting as if they are destroying the country is really over dramatic. Not everything is an either/or choice

Celebrating the deaths of people you disagree with does not make the great society you're pining away for
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Our country took centuries to get to a point where everyone could use the same toilet. If we reached a point of greatest then it was extremely sorry lived and easily surpassed. Constantly whining about minute changes and acting as if they are destroying the country is really over dramatic. Not everything is an either/or choice

Celebrating the deaths of people you disagree with does not make the great society you're pining away for

There should still be limitations regarding the toilet.
Seems like an odd thing to celebrate.
I am not sure celebratory is what many of us are feeling. It is sad beyond measure. I am wondering Just what it will take for some people to wake up (awake being something totally different that „woke“ btw). It is tragic when folly ripens into disaster. It saddens me when someone is so wedded to an obliviously erroneous world view that they blindly wander into the path of an oncoming train (metaphorically speaking). This was by all accounts an individual who cared deeply about the community and its problems but made all of the wrong assumptions about the causes and needed remedies. That care and passion could have done so much good.
It is a good opportunity to examine ourselves and wonder what things we each may be similarly wrong about. There but for the Grace of God as the saying goes..:.
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Our country took centuries to get to a point where everyone could use the same toilet. If we reached a point of greatest then it was extremely sorry lived and easily surpassed. Constantly whining about minute changes and acting as if they are destroying the country is really over dramatic. Not everything is an either/or choice

Celebrating the deaths of people you disagree with does not make the great society you're pining away for

Centuries as in multiple?
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Yes, movements toward emancipation began a long time before the actual event. People didn’t just decide that slavery was wrong overnight.

We didn't become a country until 1776. Segregated bathrooms ended in the late 60's.
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I am not sure celebratory is what many of us are feeling. It is sad beyond measure. I am wondering Just what it will take for some people to wake up (awake being something totally different that „woke“ btw). It is tragic when folly ripens into disaster. It saddens me when someone is so wedded to an obliviously erroneous world view that they blindly wander into the path of an oncoming train (metaphorically speaking). This was by all accounts an individual who cared deeply about the community and its problems but made all of the wrong assumptions about the causes and needed remedies. That care and passion could have done so much good.
It is a good opportunity to examine ourselves and wonder what things we each may be similarly wrong about. There but for the Grace of God as the saying goes..:.

I think also there is a disconnect in that she evidently advocated for eliminating the police and was the victim of a crime, but the police were not eliminated and still did not stop this crime.

In other words, the outcome here was not in any sense drive by her politics as, whether there was a police department or not (and there was), it did not stop this crime from occurring.
I think also there is a disconnect in that she evidently advocated for eliminating the police and was the victim of a crime, but the police were not eliminated and still did not stop this crime.

In other words, the outcome here was not in any sense drive by her politics as, whether there was a police department or not (and there was), it did not stop this crime from occurring.
But if there HAD been a policeman there? You can advocate for the elimination of a preventative measure and not see the irony in falling victim to the condition the measure was meant to alleviate.
A couple of weeks in a world without police would convince the most ardent anti cop advocate of the foolishness of their position.
It's sad she was killed. I don't understand the sentiment of not wanting her killers jailed. Makes absolutely no sense to me. Unless they just want them executed. That I could understand.

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