Today's Karma in the news.

Just curious, at what point/year do you view the USA at their peak?
I'll go with mid 70s. We had just gone to the moon and were building the shuttle. The best music of our lives was coming out.... Vietnam was winding down.. The Cardinals were kicking ass in baseball...
I think also there is a disconnect in that she evidently advocated for eliminating the police and was the victim of a crime, but the police were not eliminated and still did not stop this crime.

In other words, the outcome here was not in any sense drive by her politics as, whether there was a police department or not (and there was), it did not stop this crime from occurring.
I would disagree to an extent. By her refusing to assist police, along with others in her area, criminals and bad people in general become emboldened. If a predator feels they have a good chance of getting away with something they'll act. Her actions contributed to the conditions that made what happened to her more likely.

Crime is up across the country, in areas where they have embraced her line of thinking towards police crime has skyrocketed in some places increased by 300%. While what happened to her is tragic and ironic the spike in violent crime has been predicable.
Music sucked though and there was no space technology. But you do make a great case.
We had space technology. Of course it was still from the 1970s and involved strapping astronauts underneath a giant fuel fuel tank sandwiched between two ginormous bottle rockets and having them go nowhere other than low earth orbit just like we had done since the early 1960s.
And music wasn’t ALL terrible
We had space technology. Of course it was still from the 1970s and involved strapping astronauts underneath a giant fuel fuel tank sandwiched between two ginormous bottle rockets and having them go nowhere other than low earth orbit just like we had done since the early 1960s.
And music wasn’t ALL terrible

Cold day in hell before I watch any of your videos after that swedish thing...
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I would disagree to an extent. By her refusing to assist police, along with others in her area, criminals and bad people in general become emboldened. If a predator feels they have a good chance of getting away with something they'll act. Her actions contributed to the conditions that made what happened to her more likely.

Crime is up across the country, in areas where they have embraced her line of thinking towards police crime has skyrocketed in some places increased by 300%. While what happened to her is tragic and ironic the spike in violent crime has been predicable.

You are assuming that the people that did this were in any way influenced by her own political position (or by the positions of those like her) and we have no idea whether that is the case. The logical extension of your position is that each person that opposes one bad police action is in some sense responsible for any subsequent criminal activity, no matter how attenuated, simply by virtue of some "contribute to the criminal mentality" theory.

Having dealt with the criminal element when they make civil claims I can safely say I have never come across one that had a sophisticated thought at all in this regard, and certainly not that they were emboldened to commit crimes because people were critical of the police at some other time.

I agree with you that crime is a problem particularly in certain communities and cities and that now is no time to abandon policing. I just don't buy that people criticizing police misconduct in Memphis causes some thug in Califonia to rob a store owner.
tbh... I couldn't care less about this story. (But I'll comment anyway)

The only real interesting part is that her family doesn't want the killers to go to prison. How stupid are these people?
IKR that is the dumbest thing I have ever heard.. so they want the person out there running around killing other people.. good Lord
You are assuming that the people that did this were in any way influenced by her own political position (or by the positions of those like her) and we have no idea whether that is the case. The logical extension of your position is that each person that opposes one bad police action is in some sense responsible for any subsequent criminal activity, no matter how attenuated, simply by virtue of some "contribute to the criminal mentality" theory.

Having dealt with the criminal element when they make civil claims I can safely say I have never come across one that had a sophisticated thought at all in this regard, and certainly not that they were emboldened to commit crimes because people were critical of the police at some other time.

I agree with you that crime is a problem particularly in certain communities and cities and that now is no time to abandon policing. I just don't buy that people criticizing police misconduct in Memphis causes some thug in Califonia to rob a store owner.
I think you're missing the point entirely. Her views as part of a larger collective seed the environment they exist in. Her views as stated were not to cooperate with police. Refuse to call them, refuse to help in criminal investigations. All these things help to create an environment where criminality thrives.

In environments like the one she fostered through her own actions criminals become emboldened. They know or at least believe there is less risk of being caught and get away with it. Whether or not her killer(s) knew what her political stance was on police is immaterial. The end result is the same, her and others views towards criminals and the police helped create an environment of high crime, violent and otherwise. That's what makes her views ironic in this tragic case.
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I think you're missing the point entirely. Her views as part of a larger collective seed the environment they exist in. Her views as stated were not to cooperate with police. Refuse to call them, refuse to help in criminal investigations. All these things help to create an environment where criminality thrives.

In environments like the one she fostered through her own actions criminals become emboldened. They know or at least believe there is less risk of being caught and get away with it. Whether or not her killer(s) knew what her political stance was on police is immaterial. The end result is the same, her and others views towards criminals and the police helped create an environment of high crime, violent and otherwise. That's what makes her views ironic in this tragic case.

You need to offer some evidence of the highlighted above. Each seems a real stretch to me.
You need to offer some evidence of the highlighted above. Each seems a real stretch to me.
I would say the areas across the country that have voiced anti police sentiment Places like Portland, Minneapolis etc have seen huge leaps in violent crime. Some areas I've seen numbers posted double or triple the normal homicide rate. Area where they pull police back and where the locals don't cooperate with police have the highest crime rates in the country hands down.

I'm not tech savvy so I can't copy and paste but I've seen some numbers, they're easily searched.
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We had space technology. Of course it was still from the 1970s and involved strapping astronauts underneath a giant fuel fuel tank sandwiched between two ginormous bottle rockets and having them go nowhere other than low earth orbit just like we had done since the early 1960s.
And music wasn’t ALL terrible

This music was fantastic.......had never heard of this group so did some research and ended up buying some of their work. Thanks for posting.
This music was fantastic.......had never heard of this group so did some research and ended up buying some of their work. Thanks for posting.
Three Albums and then they were gone. We Fans keep hoping for new music but it has been in vain so far ☹️
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I would say the areas across the country that have voiced anti police sentiment Places like Portland, Minneapolis etc have seen huge leaps in violent crime. Some areas I've seen numbers posted double or triple the normal homicide rate. Area where they pull police back and where the locals don't cooperate with police have the highest crime rates in the country hands down.

I'm not tech savvy so I can't copy and paste but I've seen some numbers, they're easily searched.

And I've seen numbers showing crime going up in areas with plenty of policing.

Policing is one factor in the puzzle but it varies by area and there are a ton of other factors going into it that weigh far more heavily than local political protests.
I'll go with mid 70s. We had just gone to the moon and were building the shuttle. The best music of our lives was coming out.... Vietnam was winding down.. The Cardinals were kicking ass in baseball...

I'd go with almost any time from the 50s through the 70s, but there were some rocky years in the 60s, and Jimmy Carter managed to trash the end of the 70s.
I would disagree to an extent. By her refusing to assist police, along with others in her area, criminals and bad people in general become emboldened. If a predator feels they have a good chance of getting away with something they'll act. Her actions contributed to the conditions that made what happened to her more likely.

Crime is up across the country, in areas where they have embraced her line of thinking towards police crime has skyrocketed in some places increased by 300%. While what happened to her is tragic and ironic the spike in violent crime has been predicable.

Yes...see: Asheville, NC

That city, once the most beautiful city in NC, and perennially chosen as a "top 30 cities in the US" for quality of life etc...over the last 10 years of extremely Dimwit leadership, including the tipping point when the BLM grift scam riot/debacle took place...when the residents voted to defund their police and rebuked them en masse.

Since those riots and the calls to defund, Asheville lost 46% of their police force. Some were laid off and others quit due to the spit in their collective faces by the progressive morons....guess what has happened over the last couple years???
Murders have more than doubled.
Burglary and Breaking/entering are up 300% (three hundred percent)
Robberies and other violent crimes have more than doubled.
Drug overdoses have more than doubled, and the deaths from them

This is not Portland.

This is not L.A. or Detroit..

This is a city smaller than a Red state that always votes Republican for potus...up in the mountains, surrounded by beautiful spaces, Biltmore House being the largest single family home in the US, UNCAsheville....just 8 years ago, i used to drive the 2 hours up there to take my wife and kids on a weekend in the fall. The Moose Cafe restaurant right off I40 next to the farmers market is 1 of my favorite places on Earth, and the farmers market is neat....

Now i wouldnt take my family downtown. Its too crappy and very dangerous, even in daytime. I see articles frequently now TRASHING Asheville because of the crime, drugs, death, and liberal politics..
The liberal "progressive" politics have completely destroyed that once great less than a DECADE. Destroyed it. Property values are going DOWN in Asheville...while in Raleigh and Charlotte they continue to climb and both cities are in the top 25 fastest growing in the country last i saw...Charlotte is top5 again.

This is what liberal policies do.
NOT just out west, or up north.
Dimwit liberals destroy any city they control...and Asheville SHOULD be the canary in the coal mine. Should be an example for us all...but it will not. Liberals never learn. The same idiots that moved to Asheville and destroyed it, moved there from somewhere else that liberal policies had ALREADY destroyed...that is why they moved.

You would think they would learn...never. Seems they will never realize that their garbage policies and beliefs are actually the cause of all this destruction, depravity, and downfall. It is shameful
Yes...see: Asheville, NC

That city, once the most beautiful city in NC, and perennially chosen as a "top 30 cities in the US" for quality of life etc...over the last 10 years of extremely Dimwit leadership, including the tipping point when the BLM grift scam riot/debacle took place...when the residents voted to defund their police and rebuked them en masse.

Since those riots and the calls to defund, Asheville lost 46% of their police force. Some were laid off and others quit due to the spit in their collective faces by the progressive morons....guess what has happened over the last couple years???
Murders have more than doubled.
Burglary and Breaking/entering are up 300% (three hundred percent)
Robberies and other violent crimes have more than doubled.
Drug overdoses have more than doubled, and the deaths from them

This is not Portland.

This is not L.A. or Detroit..

This is a city smaller than a Red state that always votes Republican for potus...up in the mountains, surrounded by beautiful spaces, Biltmore House being the largest single family home in the US, UNCAsheville....just 8 years ago, i used to drive the 2 hours up there to take my wife and kids on a weekend in the fall. The Moose Cafe restaurant right off I40 next to the farmers market is 1 of my favorite places on Earth, and the farmers market is neat....

Now i wouldnt take my family downtown. Its too crappy and very dangerous, even in daytime. I see articles frequently now TRASHING Asheville because of the crime, drugs, death, and liberal politics..
The liberal "progressive" politics have completely destroyed that once great less than a DECADE. Destroyed it. Property values are going DOWN in Asheville...while in Raleigh and Charlotte they continue to climb and both cities are in the top 25 fastest growing in the country last i saw...Charlotte is top5 again.

This is what liberal policies do.
NOT just out west, or up north.
Dimwit liberals destroy any city they control...and Asheville SHOULD be the canary in the coal mine. Should be an example for us all...but it will not. Liberals never learn. The same idiots that moved to Asheville and destroyed it, moved there from somewhere else that liberal policies had ALREADY destroyed...that is why they moved.

You would think they would learn...never. Seems they will never realize that their garbage policies and beliefs are actually the cause of all this destruction, depravity, and downfall. It is shameful
Been a couple decades since I've been, but that's a beautiful area. Biltmore mansion was truly impressive.
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Yes...see: Asheville, NC

That city, once the most beautiful city in NC, and perennially chosen as a "top 30 cities in the US" for quality of life etc...over the last 10 years of extremely Dimwit leadership, including the tipping point when the BLM grift scam riot/debacle took place...when the residents voted to defund their police and rebuked them en masse.

Since those riots and the calls to defund, Asheville lost 46% of their police force. Some were laid off and others quit due to the spit in their collective faces by the progressive morons....guess what has happened over the last couple years???
Murders have more than doubled.
Burglary and Breaking/entering are up 300% (three hundred percent)
Robberies and other violent crimes have more than doubled.
Drug overdoses have more than doubled, and the deaths from them

This is not Portland.

This is not L.A. or Detroit..

This is a city smaller than a Red state that always votes Republican for potus...up in the mountains, surrounded by beautiful spaces, Biltmore House being the largest single family home in the US, UNCAsheville....just 8 years ago, i used to drive the 2 hours up there to take my wife and kids on a weekend in the fall. The Moose Cafe restaurant right off I40 next to the farmers market is 1 of my favorite places on Earth, and the farmers market is neat....

Now i wouldnt take my family downtown. Its too crappy and very dangerous, even in daytime. I see articles frequently now TRASHING Asheville because of the crime, drugs, death, and liberal politics..
The liberal "progressive" politics have completely destroyed that once great less than a DECADE. Destroyed it. Property values are going DOWN in Asheville...while in Raleigh and Charlotte they continue to climb and both cities are in the top 25 fastest growing in the country last i saw...Charlotte is top5 again.

This is what liberal policies do.
NOT just out west, or up north.
Dimwit liberals destroy any city they control...and Asheville SHOULD be the canary in the coal mine. Should be an example for us all...but it will not. Liberals never learn. The same idiots that moved to Asheville and destroyed it, moved there from somewhere else that liberal policies had ALREADY destroyed...that is why they moved.

You would think they would learn...never. Seems they will never realize that their garbage policies and beliefs are actually the cause of all this destruction, depravity, and downfall. It is shameful

Stopped at an exit to get gas one time, probably on the perimeter of the city. There were homeless drug addicts crawling all over the place. Looked like I was in a large city.
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Our country took centuries to get to a point where everyone could use the same toilet. If we reached a point of greatest then it was extremely sorry lived and easily surpassed. Constantly whining about minute changes and acting as if they are destroying the country is really over dramatic. Not everything is an either/or choice

Celebrating the deaths of people you disagree with does not make the great society you're pining away for
And thats why I always leave the toilet seat up. A small act of defiance.
This is what I would call "dramatic irony". Or inverse poetic justice. Its like having a chimp named Travis that you trained to be an animal actor and treated well for its entire life then it tears the face of your friend off and the harsh reality hits that you tried to humanize and domesticate a wild ass animal. Feel free to replace Travis with a cat named Mr. Whiskers that eats your face after you die alone at home watching reruns of the Masked Singer. Which ever analogy makes you feel better.

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