Tommy Tuberville is running for the US Senate in Alabama in 2020

There's only one jerkoff in this issue--and that's the moron from Aly-bamy. Another moron from Aly-bamy.

Most all of them fit the category in my book. Because most of them fiddle while Rome burns.
Yeah man, burn it down. Screw military preparedness right now. These are just minor skirmishes.
Those bigwigs just screw wars up.
All they have to do is not kill babies. You Dems have much in common with Hamas
All of these promotions could have been handled individually as they came up.

Senators like pushing them through en masse.

One of the complaints I’ve seen with regards to individual votes is that it opens the officers up to “questions”.
All of these promotions could have been handled individually as they came up.

Senators like pushing them through en masse.

One of the complaints I’ve seen with regards to individual votes is that it opens the officers up to “questions”.

It's a function of time.
All of these promotions could have been handled individually as they came up.

Senators like pushing them through en masse.

One of the complaints I’ve seen with regards to individual votes is that it opens the officers up to “questions”.
Better to get them right.
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It's a function of time.
Yes. It takes longer, as it is an actual process.

It becomes a big time problem when 300+ are allowed to pile up.

They don’t want the process. Partly because of the “questions”.

They want to pass them thru en masse. It’s easier.

But Tommy Tubby hasn’t restricted the promotions from going thru.
He’s restricted the preferred method.
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My understanding is it's both. For the big wigs they are taking them up one by one, because they have to.
The ones they are pushing thru are administrative positions with no combatant command authority.

Lisa Franchetti is outside the chain of command.
Lisa Franchetti is our newest Joint Chiefs pencil pusher.

It doesn’t get much more political than her as far as military promotions go.

Once the Senate was forced to take her up and actually vote, she was confirmed 95-1.
Taking them up individually wouldn’t have changed the outcome of a single officer.

It might have gotten a few of them “on the record” with regards to DEI or other political topics.

But I’d be shocked if any weren’t confirmed.
Then bring each one up for vote without debate. done in one day.
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Here is the list. Seems odd to me why there are so many openings.


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