Wonder how many middle schoolers on here that love to trash DD now that he is gone will have the nads to call in and tell him some of the things they've posted about him?
Like u? Where is this holy fade coming from? U have been the biggest hater and trouble maker on this board for a long time, and now all of a sudden ur a saint that's calling everyone else out? The LULz are strong with u fade..
Like u? Where is this holy fade coming from? U have been the biggest hater and trouble maker on this board for a long time, and now all of a sudden ur a saint that's calling everyone else out? The LULz are strong with u fade..
I can't seem to figure out why talking bad about Dooley on a message board while he was coach and talking bad about him after he was fired are somehow different. I also can't figure out why Fade thinks it is up to him to decide there is a difference.