Top 5 horror movies (since Halloween getting close)

Top 5 list is hard for me to make. I love horror movies and there are so many to choose from. I left off Hellraiser, Dawn of the Dead, Zombi, etc, etc.

I got a orange UT blanket/snuggy with your name on it bro! lol

Yeah mine would change day to day almost, even if it was genre or decade based top 5 I would struggle.

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Takes of Halloween especially, fun anthology

I may have asked before but have you ever watched Three...Extremes? It is the opposite of a fun anthology, pretty messed up. Takashi Miike and Park Chan-wook are 2 of the 3 directors, so yeah lol
Watch this with Martyrs, Cannibal Holocaust, Ichi The Killer, and a Serbian Film all back to back and just slowly feel you brain rot away. Lol
Yeah I think my soul just Went out thinking about all those in a row. Might as well throw in irreversible to top it off
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I may have asked before but have you ever watched Three...Extremes? It is the opposite of a fun anthology, pretty messed up. Takashi Miike and Park Chan-wook are 2 of the 3 directors, so yeah lol
I haven’t. But I will. The Holiday horror anthology is pretty good to. And I mean come on, Jack Frost
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Well this certainly isn’t a top 5 but if we’re going for bottom 5 I just watched Wolf Creek as I heard good things about it but it flat out sucked. The protagonists were so prodigiously stupid that I started rooting for the killer. And holy plot hole Batman!

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