Top O-Line prospect Orlando Brown commits to UT

Two little brothers -who look like they will be Olinemen in the future. Can you say legacy commit!!!!!
maybe you could spell then,but you can't spell now,brainiac...maybe if you removed those things from your skull you might be a happier poster and remember how to spell your own name...Go Vols
Excellent counterpoint, you really hit all the high spots.

Is this sort of dialogue considered incisive debate in your circles or merely witty banter?

For anyone hung up on stars, how does a 3* players get offers from every SEC team and a good selection of non-SEC teams, according to ESPN?

He has weight issues. Was up to 400 lbs at one point. Doing better though.
Good pick up by you guys. He was a consensus 4* then dropped a few points in every rating service at the same time. I expect him to be a solid 4* again by NSD.
Would now be a good time to start the 'I don't think these mid-major yahoos from the midwest will be able to recruit in the SEC' thread???

Can anyone remember a class this good this early? I like how these kids are stepping up to the plate and making that commitment now to help better focus on academics, football, and actually enjoying their senior year. With that recruiting list, can you imagine just how much mail is coming to the Brown house each and every day???
Two things:

1. His nickname is "Zeus"
2. He's got a mean streak

I love it!

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