Top US General Publicly Disagrees With Trump Over Syria

"The US commander who has been leading the war against ISIS told CNN Friday that he disagreed with Donald Trump's decision to pull troops out of Syria and warned that the terror group was far from defeated, in a stark public break with the President."

So on the one hand we desperately need to pull our troops back home because we have had enough of this war, fighting and dying in a sand box that will always be at war . On the other hand we desperatly need to stay in the sand box to fight and die because if we leave it will only get worse . It’s a no win situation and I don’t care who the president is . Being honest with ourselves here .. you can’t blame Trump on this either way , if we stay he’s just another Warhawk , if we leave he doesn’t care about our troops , our country or peace in the world .
... Ecred if you know what Clint Eastwood would call this after being asked to describe it by his superior officer .
So on the one hand we desperately need to pull our troops back home because we have had enough of this war, fighting and dying in a sand box that will always be at war . On the other hand we desperatly need to stay in the sand box to fight and die because if we leave it will only get worse . It’s a no win situation and I don’t care who the president is . Being honest with ourselves here .. you can’t blame Trump on this either way , if we stay he’s just another Warhawk , if we leave he doesn’t care about our troops , our country or peace in the world .
... Ecred if you know what Clint Eastwood would call this after being asked to describe it by his superior officer .

Our troops are in a support role they are not on the front line. The job is closer to being done than before but there is no logic in pulling out at this stage when you've invested years into the effort. It's just another dumb, completely uninformed decision by the idiot in charge.
Our troops are in a support role they are not on the front line. The job is closer to being done than before but there is no logic in pulling out at this stage when you've invested years into the effort. It's just another dumb, completely uninformed decision by the idiot in charge.

We are fast approaching 20 years in the sand box right now.

Do you think we need to spend another score of years over there?
I'm not so sure at this point that anyone that doesn't support this pull out isn't just someone worried about their retirement job drying up with some military contractor. Now these guys with Pentagon and Langley ties will have to go out and find honest work to make ends meet.
No one should be surprised a General wants to keep troops deployed. Job security.
We are fast approaching 20 years in the sand box right now.

Do you think we need to spend another score of years over there?

No, of course not. We could probably complete the job in less than 5. Probably closer to 2 years max.

No one should be surprised a General wants to keep troops deployed. Job security.

A top general doesn't publicly disagree with the president over job security. He is simply in agreement with the likes of Mattis and a lot of other people with a brain who have actual first hand intel of the situation. It's quite obvious Trump woke up one day and just made this decision himself without consulting anyone. Which is pretty much what Trump does on the daily.
I am truly thankful for the amazing military leadership we have, they are the best in the world at what they do I believe.

However you don’t ask Generals or Admirals if we should go somewhere and fight or if we should overstay our welcome after a fight.

Stars are not given out for fearlessly leading marines, sailors, airmen, and soldiers into domestic combat CONUS from behind a desk. It’s a conflict of interest for them to offer a policy position. Plain and simple.
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No, of course not. We could probably complete the job in less than 5. Probably closer to 2 years max.

A top general doesn't publicly disagree with the president over job security. He is simply in agreement with the likes of Mattis and a lot of other people with a brain who have actual first hand intel of the situation. It's quite obvious Trump woke up one day and just made this decision himself without consulting anyone. Which is pretty much what Trump does on the daily.
Being factually correct isn't important. #woke
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From all accounts ISIS has been largely disrupted and displaced if not decimated. Take the pressure off and they might regroup in 6 months? Whodathunkit! But there is no disputing it’s been hell being ISIS the last couple years. So in that sense Trump has done what he promised and what Barry would not, which is to unleash the dogs of war. But bringing them back now is also consistent with Trump doctrine, and if things get out of hand over there again no doubt these same generals will be happy to redeploy some assets off our southern border for another year or two.
Who else is there? Jordan? Maybe, but not on their own. Can’t trust Turkey these days. Saudi? They got their own problems and I don’t trust them either, other than the fact they hate Iran. I’m not sure the generals are so much thinking about ISIS as they are the vacuum of power created by a permanent Russian/Iranian/Syrian state that will constantly provoke and take pot shots at Israel. At that point I wouldn’t be surprised to see a total sell out by Turkey as they go to the dark side. This is end of times s**t we’re talking about here fellas. I think GV said it. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.
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Another day to find crap to bash Trump over. That's all the left has....rinse & repeat the same way tomorrow.
Hey, a janitor at the Pentagon doesn't like what Trump said about Jim Acosta...let's bash Trump over it.
Who else is there? Jordan? Maybe, but not on their own. Can’t trust Turkey these days. Saudi? They got their own problems and I don’t trust them either, other than the fact they hate Iran. I’m not sure the generals are so much thinking about ISIS as they are the vacuum of power created by a permanent Russian/Iranian/Syrian state that will constantly provoke and take pot shots at Israel. At that point I wouldn’t be surprised to see a total sell out by Turkey as they go to the dark side. This is end of times s**t we’re talking about here fellas. I think GV said it. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.
When has Iran ever threatened or attacked Israel?

Have the Saudis ever attacked Israel?
When has Iran ever threatened or attacked Israel?

Have the Saudis ever attacked Israel?

Iran has fought a proxy war via Hezbollah vs Israel for years. Saudis have not, that’s not what I meant by that statement. They just don’t like the Iranians and I really don’t trust them.
Should have never been there in the first place. This is the result of very short sighted foreign policy. Why do we continue to do that same thing expecting different results
If we wasn't there wouldn't it have just gotten worse that much faster as the General is implying?
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