Top US General Publicly Disagrees With Trump Over Syria

I think Assad already has them.

Unless they meant US forces in Syria.
My bad..,it probably is Syrian forces but says Syria forces.
They probably should of fought to end as they will be dead anyways.
Wonder if those American girls are part of the capture? Waiting on the libs to demand their safety and repatriation.
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How many days until BHO makes a statement taking credit for this?
Seriously I hope Assad has them and convicts with s death sentence.These fighters are from all over world and you will start to see demands for repatriation to their home countries.
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Probably when idiots quit believing he founded it...yea that’s a thing

That's a stretch and you know that is not what has been said before. Most, if not all statements regarding BHO having a hand in facilitating ISIS (ISIL) are in response to his sudden troop reduction in Iraq and by 2011, most US forces had left the country. Fast forward to 2013 and ISIS has gained a foothold in Iraq and Syria. By the next year, BHO brushes them off and publicly referring to them as the JV team. In the latter part of 2015, ISIS had grown to the largest terrorist network and thousands of death in the region that the group were solely responsible for.

So I'd have to disagree with you there.
That's a stretch and you know that is not what has been said before. Most, if not all statements regarding BHO having a hand in facilitating ISIS (ISIL) are in response to his sudden troop reduction in Iraq and by 2011, most US forces had left the country. Fast forward to 2013 and ISIS has gained a foothold in Iraq and Syria. By the next year, BHO brushes them off and publicly referring to them as the JV team. In the latter part of 2015, ISIS had grown to the largest terrorist network and thousands of death in the region that the group were solely responsible for.

So I'd have to disagree with you there.
JV team...had forgotten that one
That's a stretch and you know that is not what has been said before. Most, if not all statements regarding BHO having a hand in facilitating ISIS (ISIL) are in response to his sudden troop reduction in Iraq and by 2011, most US forces had left the country. Fast forward to 2013 and ISIS has gained a foothold in Iraq and Syria. By the next year, BHO brushes them off and publicly referring to them as the JV team. In the latter part of 2015, ISIS had grown to the largest terrorist network and thousands of death in the region that the group were solely responsible for.

So I'd have to disagree with you there.

Didn’t the Iraqi “Army” (term loosely applied here) turn, tuck tail and run when ISIS was kicking their ass leave behind Abrams, APC’s and HUMVEES and ISIS snagged some our armor? Then Seen rolling down the highway towards Mosul painted all black.
Islamic State on Caliphate Fall: ‘What Is Our Crime? We Just Wanted to Apply Sharia’

The Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL), even as its so-called caliphate continues to crumble, disseminated a new propaganda film this week urging the jihadi remnants in the group’s last sliver of land in Syria not to worry about their possible demise because they will end up in “paradise” while their enemies will go to “hell.”

“Tomorrow, God willing, we will be in paradise and they will be burning in hell,” an ISIS militant identified as Abu Abd al-Azeem in the video said, Reuters reported Wednesday as the fighting continued.

Al-Azeem later argued that all ISIS wanted to do is apply God’s law in the form of sharia, a strict set of Islamic rules accused of undermining women’s rights.


Islamic State on Caliphate Fall: 'What Is Our Crime? We Just Wanted to Apply Sharia'
ISIS has Officially Crumbled and Last Stronghold Liberated

BAGHOUZ, Syria -- The caliphate has crumbled, and the final offensive is over. While the official announcement hasn’t yet been made – Fox News has been told that this village, the last ISIS stronghold, is liberated.

It’s the first time since we’ve been here in Syria for five days that the bombs have stopped dropping and the gunfire has disappeared. We have witnessed the end of the caliphate – the brutal empire that once ruled over 8 million people – is gone.

Troops here are now bringing down the black flags of ISIS. The flags no longer fly over the town, instilling fear.

ISIS has officially crumbled and last stronghold liberated
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has warned that his country cannot handle a "new refugee wave" from Syria.
Tens of thousands of people have fled towards the Turkish border amid increased bombardment of the rebel-held Idlib province in north-west Syria. Turkey already hosts some 3.7 million Syrian refugees

Mr Erdogan said more than 80,000 people from Idlib had fled to areas near the Turkish border amid heightened bombardments from Syrian and Russian forces. "If the violence towards the people of Idlib does not stop, this number will increase even more. In that case, Turkey will not carry such a migrant burden on its own," he said.

The Turkish president warned of a repeat of the 2015 migrant crisis - when more than a million people fled to Europe - if the violence did not end. He said a Turkish delegation was set to go to Moscow on Monday to discuss the situation. A ceasefire negotiated by Russia and Turkey halted a Syrian government assault on Idlib in August. But skirmishes and bombardments are still an almost daily occurrence.

Turkey wants Syrian refugees to return to a "safe zone" in the north-east of Syria that was seized from Kurdish-led forces in October.
Mr Erdogan has called for support for the plan, saying he would otherwise be forced to "open the gates" for Syrians to enter Europe.
Turkey's offensive in northern Syria drew widespread international condemnation, and its safe zone plan has had little backing from allies.
"We call on European countries to use their energy to stop the massacre in Idlib, rather than trying to corner Turkey for the legitimate steps it took in Syria," Mr Erdogan said on Sunday.

Erdogan says Turkey can't handle more refugees
Cheney and Bush created the environment for ISIS. Obama severely underestimated them.

Kick the can like you always do. Stop blaming Republicans for everything. Bush Cheney never drew a red line and kept moving it. Your such an idiot. You probably blame Schwarzenegger for homelessness in California.

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