Total lack of respect and discipline (RUMOR)

And the quote given in the OP was not just one curse word. That phrase would have never happened without consequence. We have had players severely disciplined for less abusive language before.
The only part of the post that I have absolute difficulty believing is the absence of any description of the a**whipping that some punk would receive if he openly called any coach the name attributed in this post. It is almost inconceivable to me that an exchange like that could take place and nothing else come of it. I don't care who it is attributed to, it is just hard to believe.
Well what if he just said it as he walked it possible Fulmer didn't hear him? I'm sure no one would say it Fulmer's face, but he can't possibly hear everything said about him on the sidelines.
Yeah I don't really think it was said directly to him either. I could see some of these guys saying it behind his back or something like that maybe.
The OP was saying that it was said to Fulmer. That was what I took from it.

That is the way i took it too. CPF had pulled his headset down off of his ears and was giving an arm motion saying you got to do it like this and mcclendon never broke stride as mouthed off. and if somebody could give some names and examples of other players who cursed at a coach and what punishments were issued. and was that when cutcliffe was here or not. I am not a big cutcliffe fan but it goes without saying that there was a lot more discipline on this team when he was here.
Yeah I don't really think it was said directly to him either. I could see some of these guys saying it behind his back or something like that maybe.

the other players that were talking trash were doing it behind CPF back were he could hear them.
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I think this post is possible, but I'm sick of the "I heard from a friend of a friend of a guy that once got to pet Smokey" posts. Personally I think this guy saw the whole episode with the laughing on the sideline, which even ESPN talked about, and spun this tale from it. Or possibly his friend did.
So says your "friend", right? You don't know any of this to be true, and I don't believe that you actually have a friend who witnessed the events you described in the OP. Not as they were described.
I'm sick of it. It's all this board has been lately - someone who knows someone on the sideline/inside the athletic dept./that washes Nick Stephens' shorts.... Here's a tip. If you think you know something that's substantiated, blab it to a newspaper. People on a message board are just gonna make fun of you. We'll read about it after the paper publishes your "breaking news".

So Let me get this straight you dont believe a post on a message board but you would believe what a newspaper wrote???? You know those guys get paid to write things that you like to hear not neccessarily the truth!
IMO I believe that there are people that have friends and family or whoever that are close to the players and the organization. But he is not asking you to believe it he just said listen to this....
I know a player that is on the team as well and has said the same thing that we have players that think they are above coaching and dont want to listen. Hell Peyton said it during the game he was on the sideline for! He said "If these guys would just listen to Coach Fulmer he knows what he is talking about". I think we got players on this team that are playing for themselves and not for the team. I think we have a lot of problems on this team and I dont think its just coaching!
Well that's what happens when you don't discipline your team. Every time we throw and interception or do something wrong CPF just slaps them on the but or just claps.

Dang have you watched any other SEC coaches?

Never seen them do anything of this nature, they would be flipping out.

I've never seen Fulmer get up in a refs face or anything, not to say he hasn't, because i'm sure he has, but you have to get fired up and let some people have it from time to time.

I don't care what anyone says loosing Trooper Taylor hurt Tennessee, because he always had them pumped up before games, and i just don't see it this year.
virgin post here
transplanted Missourian in Knox. past 8 years. I have seen some lean times for a football program. Love my Tigers & love the Vols too. It took Pinkle a couple years to turn MU into a solid program. Now hes getting some top recruites and looks to keep the team a contender for years to come.

I believe CPF has lost the team, the fans, and the direction doesnt look good for the future either.
Bama 2000 was my 1st game at Neyland I was in awe at the fan base and support. I got goosebumps. I dont see it now. I took my late father and mother to Vol walk and Bama game in 06'. 67 year old mother still cracks up when recalling Trooper Tayler chest bumped me on the Vol walk. I guess thats where i was going with this. Goliver24, you 100% on TT remark. Not 1 player would dare mouth off to TT, he would hand them their ass & probly walking papers. He had the respect and motivation of his players, and a fine recruiter too, was a sad day when i heard he went to OSU.

Sorry if i rambled, peace all. :victory:
virgin post here
transplanted Missourian in Knox. past 8 years. I have seen some lean times for a football program. Love my Tigers & love the Vols too. It took Pinkle a couple years to turn MU into a solid program. Now hes getting some top recruites and looks to keep the team a contender for years to come.

I believe CPF has lost the team, the fans, and the direction doesnt look good for the future either.
Bama 2000 was my 1st game at Neyland I was in awe at the fan base and support. I got goosebumps. I dont see it now. I took my late father and mother to Vol walk and Bama game in 06'. 67 year old mother still cracks up when recalling Trooper Tayler chest bumped me on the Vol walk. I guess thats where i was going with this. Goliver24, you 100% on TT remark. Not 1 player would dare mouth off to TT, he would hand them their ass & probly walking papers. He had the respect and motivation of his players, and a fine recruiter too, was a sad day when i heard he went to OSU.

Sorry if i rambled, peace all. :victory:

Thanks! Everyone has to miss all of the chest bumping!
A soph. (Stephens) having to discipline a senior (Briscoe) says it all. Do you think Stephens would have said anything if Briscoe weren't making light of his reception coming up short?
So Let me get this straight you dont believe a post on a message board but you would believe what a newspaper wrote???? You know those guys get paid to write things that you like to hear not neccessarily the truth!
IMO I believe that there are people that have friends and family or whoever that are close to the players and the organization. But he is not asking you to believe it he just said listen to this....
I know a player that is on the team as well and has said the same thing that we have players that think they are above coaching and dont want to listen. Hell Peyton said it during the game he was on the sideline for! He said "If these guys would just listen to Coach Fulmer he knows what he is talking about". I think we got players on this team that are playing for themselves and not for the team. I think we have a lot of problems on this team and I dont think its just coaching!

Don't these problems you're describing all come from bad coaching? Isn't it up to the coaches to 1) recruit players with character, 2) instill discipline in the team, and/or 3) get rid of the ones who don't treat the coaches with respect or play their hardest?
A soph. (Stephens) having to discipline a senior (Briscoe) says it all. Do you think Stephens would have said anything if Briscoe weren't making light of his reception coming up short?

Was it ever clear of what Briscoe was laughing at? I mean he could have been laughing at something that a fan said, coach said, player said, something he thought about....I'm pretty sure he wasn't laughing at the fact that he didn't get the first down....I'm not positive, but i don't think that someone would laugh at that.
Don't these problems you're describing all come from bad coaching? Isn't it up to the coaches to 1) recruit players with character, 2) instill discipline in the team, and/or 3) get rid of the ones who don't treat the coaches with respect or play their hardest?

I agree with you that these problems are a result of bad coaching. One of the things that drove me crazy was when CPF was talking about how discipline was going to get alot better after they announced Cutcliffe was coming back. I was like so you are just admitting that you have no control over the team if you need another coach here to get this in order.
So says your "friend", right? You don't know any of this to be true, and I don't believe that you actually have a friend who witnessed the events you described in the OP. Not as they were described.

what reason do i have to lie about this, I don't have any hidden agenda, I don't make any decisions or have any influence on anyone who makes decisions over there. I don't need friends or popularity from a message board. I am a 32 year old father of 3 who enjoys football, off-roading, and riding my harley (which is a '00 Fatboy hence my screenname for the guy who made fun of it). and I have a friend, that I work with, who we go some of the games and tailgate and he occasionlly gets to work on sideline for the home games
Was it ever clear of what Briscoe was laughing at? I mean he could have been laughing at something that a fan said, coach said, player said, something he thought about....I'm pretty sure he wasn't laughing at the fact that he didn't get the first down....I'm not positive, but i don't think that someone would laugh at that.

I don't know what Briscoe was laughing at but he shouldn't be in a laughing mood with the team down 20 something to 3 at that point. I hate to give any complements to Alabama or Florida but I bet if they were getting thumped none of their players would be laughing it up.
If CF puts Foster on the bench after the 15 yd penalty/back talk when he came off the field...maybe players wouldn't be having such a good time on the sideline. There's not much if any drop off at the position, it would've sent a message to the team and might have given AF a hint that he's not gonna cake walk it to the record books or the NFL draft. Obviously, I'm still steamed over that one.
Since when did we have to start putting 'rumor' in the thread title?

It's like saying a Bammer is stupid after you've already identified it as a Bammer.
Go ahead and take your shots at me but a security guard that was assigned to the Tennessee sideline during the Florida game (yes, he's a Vol fan) told me he knew who was going to win the game before the kickoff. Right before the kickoff many of the Vol players were talking about what they were going to do after the game - their mind was elsewhere before the first down was ever played.
Go ahead and take your shots at me but a security guard that was assigned to the Tennessee sideline during the Florida game (yes, he's a Vol fan) told me he knew who was going to win the game before the kickoff. Right before the kickoff many of the Vol players were talking about what they were going to do after the game - their mind was elsewhere before the first down was ever played.

It's hard to concentrate before Bama when, after giving it all you had, your coaching staff couldn't beat UCLA.

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