Toughest places to play in the SEC



“Wanna play ball scarecrow “
Oct 23, 2005
IMO Home games at Tennessee have lost some of the intimidation factor over the last few years.That said,I think it's more about the team and coaches on the field and not so much fans in the stadium.Our key wins have been on the road over the last few seasons.I remember the good old days when Neyland was a feared place to play.I hope we turn it around beginning this season.
Man, remember when Miami came into to town a few years back............... :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

Not to mention Georgia! :cry:
(OrangeEmpire @ Jun 17 said:
Man, remember when Miami came into to town a few years back............... :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

Not to mention Georgia! :cry:
Yes.We have played the UGA Bulldogs better between the hedges.My UGA grad neighbor went to the UGA/TENN game when we last beat them in Athens.The next day, he came over and asked me "Did you see that massacre yesterday?I kept my emotions in check but man I was jumping up and down inside! It hasn't been too fun of late though. :banghead:
(utfantilidie @ Jun 17 said:
IMO Home games at Tennessee have lost some of the intimidation factor over the last few years.That said,I think it's more about the team and coaches on the field and not so much fans in the stadium.Our key wins have been on the road over the last few seasons.I remember the good old days when Neyland was a feared place to play.I hope we turn it around beginning this season.
That guy ovbiously has some bias in these rankings. Ranking us 8th in the league is absurd.
(vol_freak @ Jun 17 said:
That guy ovbiously has some bias in these rankings. Ranking us 8th in the league is absurd.
Exactly, given our dropoff in talent and the reticence of the ancient fan base to get up and make noise, I'd only be comfortable putting Kentucky and Vanderbilt below UT.
(hatvol96 @ Jun 17 said:
Exactly, given our dropoff in talent and the reticence of the ancient fan base to get up and make noise, I'd only be comfortable putting Kentucky and Vanderbilt below UT.
Not surprising.
(vol_freak @ Jun 17 said:
That guy ovbiously has some bias in these rankings. Ranking us 8th in the league is absurd.
All jokes aside, Matt Hayes kills Fulmer in print on a regular basis. If he said anything positive about the program, that would be newsworthy.
(hatvol96 @ Jun 17 said:
You can't disagree with the fact we have more muted bluehairs than anyone else in the league.
I agree and it drives me crazy sometimes but you could kick 20,000 of those people out and we would still be louder than several of the 7 listed above us.
I actually agree with a lot of the article. BUT. . .I'd put the Swamp #1. Jordan-Hare should drop a few notches. Arky and SC should be below Neyland.

Point for us: We ARE complacent. Maybe the team would get a little tougher and give a little effort if the crowd it's playing for would get off its collective keister. Neyland should be deafening. No excuse for the lack of intimidation at the current.
(vol_freak @ Jun 17 said:
I agree and it drives me crazy sometimes but you could kick 20,000 of those people out and we would still be louder than several of the 7 listed above us.
Have you ever been to Fayetteville? For atmosphere and noise, I'm not sure they don't beat Alabama. The Tide is probably second in the league in bluehairs.
that guy is out of his mind...although i agree weve lost some of our intimidation factor over the last few years, no way were 8th in the league. Behind arkansas and carolina?! Are you kidding me?
Alabama #5 -- NIU (as in Northern Illinois University) sure wasn't intimidated a few years ago :ninja: :w00t:
I've been to South Carolina...nnnoooot impressed w/ their noise. Most of their crowd noise was really a giant recording of a rooster screaming.
(jwells @ Jun 18 said:
I've been to South Carolina...nnnoooot impressed w/ their noise. Most of their crowd noise was really a giant recording of a rooster screaming.

Agreed. Columbia is not a tough place to play. I was there in '04 and was told the team's entrance was unbelievable. It consists of the Gamecocks running through smoke as 2001: A Space Oddessy plays. It is not impressive or intimidating. Of course, when the 'cocks got up on us 8-0, they were all kinda loud, but then of course, we came back at the end of the first half and the stadium was pretty quiet the rest of the game. There were also a lot of empty seats in the stadium. Plus, the tailgating was extremely lame. In fact, I'd say it was the worst tailgating atmosphere I have ever been to, including my high school.
(kptvol @ Jun 18 said:
Agreed. Columbia is not a tough place to play. I was there in '04 and was told the team's entrance was unbelievable. It consists of the Gamecocks running through smoke as 2001: A Space Oddessy plays. It is not impressive or intimidating. Of course, when the 'cocks got up on us 8-0, they were all kinda loud, but then of course, we came back at the end of the first half and the stadium was pretty quiet the rest of the game. There were also a lot of empty seats in the stadium. Plus, the tailgating was extremely lame. In fact, I'd say it was the worst tailgating atmosphere I have ever been to, including my high school.

Did you not ride the rides?
(utfantilidie @ Jun 17 said:
IMO Home games at Tennessee have lost some of the intimidation factor over the last few years.That said,I think it's more about the team and coaches on the field and not so much fans in the stadium.Our key wins have been on the road over the last few seasons.I remember the good old days when Neyland was a feared place to play.I hope we turn it around beginning this season.
yep, good point tilidie. neyland needs to gain back some of its attitude.

you can think our whiny fans for that.

all they do is complain instead of getting redneck and raising hell like florida fans or bama fans.

i say we start a raise some hell at neyland petition. come guys, lets drink a fifth of liquor before the cal game and support our team in stlye. :puke:
(vol_freak @ Jun 17 said:
That guy ovbiously has some bias in these rankings. Ranking us 8th in the league is absurd.
freak you have to admit that the other sec schools show more passion than us alot of times. dont you think that alot of our fans are stuck up and dont good to scream and shout and raise hell??
(checkerboard_charly @ Jun 18 said:
freak you have to admit that the other sec schools show more passion than us alot of times. dont you think that alot of our fans are stuck up and dont good to scream and shout and raise hell??
As a matter of fact I convinced a friend to go to Neyland last year to watch the Ole Miss game (he is a Rebel fan) and he came back pissed because somebody around him called the security guard cause he was cheering for the Rebels too loud... :huh:
here is the plan. Not this year but next, we should all buy out a big VN section to pile all the VN members in at Neyland and just raise hell. I think someone has to start it cause obviously our fans that are going now just ain't doing it.
If the whole stadium was like the student section then no one would ever want to play in Neyland.

And hman I've been told way too many times to sit down in there. John Adams had an article a few years ago about UT losing its advantage. He recommended all those offended by yelling should stay home and give their tix away. About the only time I've ever agreed with him.
The times Ive been to Neyland the seats are a lil too small(im 6' 255)and its hot most of the time. I go to the game a little beered up anyway so with the seating...everytime Ive went to a game 90% of the time I was standing and
(dan4vols @ Jun 18 said:
The times Ive been to Neyland the seats are a lil too small(im 6' 255)and its hot most of the time. I go to the game a little beered up anyway so with the seating...everytime Ive went to a game 90% of the time I was standing and

Imagine someone in Baton Rouge telling a loyal Tiger fan to stop yelling "Geaux" and to sit down?
(hmanvolfan @ Jun 18 said:
As a matter of fact I convinced a friend to go to Neyland last year to watch the Ole Miss game (he is a Rebel fan) and he came back pissed because somebody around him called the security guard cause he was cheering for the Rebels too loud... :huh:
that is b.s.

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