Trae's dad hinted at real reason for leaving in article?

I don't if I agree with that. A kid at the end of his 3rd year and on pace to graduate in 4 is "nowhere near" close to graduating early either. It's not like you can knock out 32 semester hours (assuming 16 hours a semester) over the summer.

True. The way they worded it just surprised me. Could've easily said, he's on pace to graduate in his 4 years still, but is lacking the credits to make it in 3....the "nowhere close" surprise me a bit.
True. The way they worded it just surprised me. Could've easily said, he's on pace to graduate in his 4 years still, but is lacking the credits to make it in 3....the "nowhere close" surprise me a bit.

Maybe, but it is a "source" being quoted as saying "nowhere near" close iirc. So, I think that needs to be taken into consideration before trying to get any hidden meanings out of said quote.
You seem to act as though this is a big conspiracy or cover up, what is it that you've heard or think went down that led to his transfer?

The weird thing is, inventing "multiple plagiarism/cheating infractions" as a cover up is...... a little extreme.

Has the University released a statement yet that confirms that he's being kicked out of school for cheating or plagiarism? I mean an actual release or statement FROM UTK, not a "source within the University".
You seem to act as though this is a big conspiracy or cover up, what is it that you've heard or think went down that led to his transfer?

I'll go as far to say that Quinn initially said he was told academics or internal issues. Is this the same source who then threw in "repeated plagiarism"? Who knows.

Do I think there's more to this story than academic standing, yeah...can I prove it, no.

Let's remember Coach Martin confirmed nothing today, the University can't confirm it, I s' the source that leaked the plagiarism line has about as much credibility as anyone on this board.
I'll go as far to say that Quinn initially said he was told academics or internal issues. Is this the same source who then through in "repeated plagiarism"? Who knows.

Do I think there's more to this story than academic standing, yeah...can I prove it, no.

Let's remember Coach Martin confirmed nothing today, the University can't confirm it, I s' the source that leaked the plagiarism line has about as much credibility as anyone on this board.

Will be interesting to see what the University comes out and states as the reason for Golden leaving, if the University ever makes a statement at all.
I'll go as far to say that Quinn initially said he was told academics or internal issues. Is this the same source who then through in "repeated plagiarism"? Who knows.

Do I think there's more to this story than academic standing, yeah...can I prove it, no.

Let's remember Coach Martin confirmed nothing today, the University can't confirm it, I s' the source that leaked the plagiarism line has about as much credibility as anyone on this board.

dang guy.... cheap shot. :gun:
And for those who haven't seen the comments, Martin and Trae's dad have both said they knew this was coming for a while. Martin said "a few weeks" and Trae's dad said they (he and Trae) started talking about it 3 months ago.

People who've been to college know that you don't get busted for "repeated plagiarism" and stay in school at all, much less staying in good academic standing to preserve your eligibility. Plagiarism gets you in serious hot water, and repeated plagiarism gets you dismissed the SECOND the appeals process has run it's course. Trae could have gotten busted a while back and taken this long to go through appeals, but there is NO WAY he sets foot on a basketball court while appealing a dismissal for plagiarism.

Either people are flat lying about the time-frame, or he's not being kicked out b/c of cheating. Unfortunately there is not clear evidence either way at this point, and the only people who know are telling a strange story that doesn't add up.

Isn't it odd that a student gets kicked out of college for plagiarism and yet a politician like Joe Biden gets elected VP of the United States.
Why Biden's plagiarims shouldn't be forgotten. - Slate Magazine.

This fact doesn't make it excusable, but I do find it a little troubling.
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The weird thing is, inventing "multiple plagiarism/cheating infractions" as a cover up is...... a little extreme.

Has the University released a statement yet that confirms that he's being kicked out of school for cheating or plagiarism? I mean an actual release or statement FROM UTK, not a "source within the University".

That's the thing! Kids get booted over academics and internal issues all the come out with this kind of leak is out of the ordinary, where they insinuate something they aren't s'posed to even comment on...seems like overkill...why do it?
That's the thing! Kids get booted over academics and internal issues all the come out with this kind of leak is out of the ordinary, where they insinuate something they aren't s'posed to even comment on...seems like overkill...why do it?

Leaks happen all the time with athletes.
I also think its worth noting that Trae himself has not denied it yet. One would think he would have denied that by now.
That's the thing! Kids get booted over academics and internal issues all the come out with this kind of leak is out of the ordinary, where they insinuate something they aren't s'posed to even comment on...seems like overkill...why do it?

I think they had to considering Trae was going into his 4th year. Us fans know CCM is a keep it under wraps kinda coach. But no WAY we could have lost Golden and him not have to answer why.

Having a hard time figuring out why their has to be more to it.? Doesnt it make sense that Trae's dad is gonna back his son? Doesnt it make sense that UT did him a favor by allowing the transfer before rather than suspending him or making him academically ineleigible to play? And doesnt it make sense that the plagiarism is true, or Trae would be everywhere screaming UT lied and screwed me?
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Maybe, but it is a "source" being quoted as saying "nowhere near" close iirc. So, I think that needs to be taken into consideration before trying to get any hidden meanings out of said quote.

No that was according to UT director of compliance.
Leaks happen all the time with athletes.

This is true, but I can't remember a time where a player's academic record was discussed publicly like this. I don't pretend to know all of the rules/laws involved but, it seems odd the director of compliance would come out like that and say what he did...that is the player's business, not the public's. The leak, well...who knows, I'd fire that person, that's just me.
]I think they had to considering Trae was going into his 4th year. Us fans know CCM is a keep it under wraps kinda coach. But no WAY we could have lost Golden and him not have to answer why.

Having a hard time figuring out why their has to be more to it.? Doesnt it make sense that Trae's dad is gonna back his son? Doesnt it make sense that UT did him a favor by allowing the transfer before rather than suspending him or making him academically ineleigible to play? And doesnt it make sense that the plagiarism is true, or Trae would be everywhere screaming UT lied and screwed me?

Well, CCM has released a statement and he went on the radio, he never said anything regarding what happened or why Golden is gone. He didn't say it was a mutual decision. He didn't say it was up to him, or whether his hands had been tied by University policy. He said what coaches always say, wish him luck, he'll be fine...etc...

I've never once said that the "source" lied about the plagiarism.
Half the time he did not show up anyway, i hate to see it end this way but after looking back he didnt show up at crunch time about half the time.
It's easy.... just tell the damn truth... geeze !
Patrick Brown said it was grades in his article today. :dunno:
Isn't it odd that a student gets kicked out of college for plagiarism and yet a politician like Joe Biden gets elected VP of the United States.
Why Biden's plagiarims shouldn't be forgotten. - Slate Magazine.

This fact doesn't make it excusable, but I do find it a little troubling.

I find it highly troubling the people voted in a man in SC who cheated on his wife and used taxpayer money to fly to argentina far more than plagiarism.

See what you can do when you pick bad stories?

can we get back to golden now and not politics?
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