Trafficking thread

To me, this sounds very similar to thise who say the marketplace (free association economies) are too complex to simply be left alone to figure out how to connect goods and services. Yes, there is complexity. But people are the better than laws at diguring how to get together.
Who knew that the answer to not only our problems, but rather the worlds problems are right here in this thread on Volnation. McDad knows everything.

Prostitution isn’t alcohol. Murder isn’t jaywalking. Rape isn’t mail fraud. C’mon man.
Who knew that the answer to not only our problems, but rather the worlds problems are right here in this thread on Volnation. McDad knows everything.

Prostitution isn’t alcohol. Murder isn’t jaywalking. Rape isn’t mail fraud. C’mon man.
I really should be exalted supreme leader of the planet.
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Please, please, please. I’m in the process of trying to do just that.
I think west WA is more scenic but agree with the political climate more in Spokane. Seattle politics is killing WA.
I think west WA is more scenic but agree with the political climate more in Spokane. Seattle politics is killing WA.
Indubitably. I love Washington. We have a rainforest and a desert. Two mountain ranges. I lived in a valley on the foothills of the Rockies (close to a third mountain range). 0 in the winter, 100 in the summer. Nothing but mountain sports in winter and mountain/lake sports in the summer. Awesome. No humidity.
Okay I got to drive home. I'll chat with you later
You're a lousy repeater.
I apologize for being family into this, seriously. That was totally unnecessary.

But my point was that you are equating women (even though human trafficking involves men and is much more complex than sex trafficking) to alcohol. The supply isn’t the same. At all. Not to mention, are you aware of the work conditions of the trafficked? No domestic woman is willing to do that. It would take 10 or more willing ones to do what one does. It’s disgusting.
I apologize for being family into this, seriously. That was totally unnecessary.

But my point was that you are equating women (even though human trafficking involves men and is much more complex than sex trafficking) to alcohol. The supply isn’t the same. At all. Not to mention, are you aware of the work conditions of the trafficked? No domestic woman is willing to do that. It would take 10 or more willing ones to do what one does. It’s disgusting.
No worries. McRib doesnt know so you're safe.

Seriously, im not trying to equate alcohol and prostitution/ sex slavery.

Im trying to equate the smuggling of the two. Anybody who didnt grow up in the PNW would know that.
Interesting this topic came up here as well a fb group.

I’m still trying to figure out how legalizing prostitution will stop trafficking.

View attachment 195548
I dont think it stops it. Just as decriminalization doesnt stop all illegality. And, im in favor of retaining laws which punish people who take advantage of kids.
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“Just legalize it” is an overly simplistic cure-all view in here. It requires zero thought into the complex specifics and moving parts into everything involved. It’s no surprise your simple mind would come up with this.

You know if prostitution was legalized, governments at every level would tax it ... in the name of keeping everybody safe, not that the taxed revenue would actually go for that. There would just be a different pimp claiming the "right" to protect everybody by pumping out endless streams of new legislation and regulations ... who knows ATF might just become a bigger bureaucracy called ATF&P That made me realize (the McDad factor at work) that bootlegging after a prohibition whether booze, cigarettes, or presumably women is always about the taxes. "Sin taxes" are high enough that there's a healthy profit in avoiding them by going black market. So I have to agree with you that simple things can never be easy or uncomplicated, and governments would spawn mini and major bureaucracies like rabbits in heat, and off the book prostitution and all the assorted evils would still be around.

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