According to the incident report, obtained by First Coast News, an 18-year-old female told police Watkins punched her repeatedly, threw and chocked her and held her against her will.
Watkins allegedly became angry when, according to the report, he saw another football player liking the unnamed female’s Instagram pictures. The victim says she told Watkins she had never met the other player in person, but he didn’t believe her.
According to the report, Watkins called the other player via FaceTime, and asked him if he had met the victim. The other player said no. The report states that Watkins responded, “If you don’t tell the truth, I’ll kill her.”
According to the report, Watkins threw the phone down, and pinned [redacted] to the bed again. He began to choke [redacted] with both hands from a mounted position with his legs on either side of her waist. Watkins was on top, [redacted] laying on her back. According to [redacted] Watkins was aware [redacted] had asthma. He strangled her with two clasped hands around her throat cutting off her airway for about 15 seconds. He then paused, and continued strangling her for about 8 seconds, paused again, and then about 8 more seconds. Watkins got off of her and said “get out.” [redacted] wanted to leave, but Watkins was blocking the doorway preventing her exit, the report says.
She told police she was able to escape after she found a can of mace in her bag and sprayed Watkins. The report says Watkins believed the victim was pregnant.
"Watkins then cased her out the door and down the stairs, and he threw a hard wooden brush at [redacted's] left hand, causing a bloody mark and pain, as well as a container of hair grease at her hands, causing bleeding and swelling," the report said.