Trump Attempted To Abuse DOJ To Steal The Election

So much for State's rights and the will of the people. Donald Trump wanted to overturn the certified Election of Georgia and force Georgia to "find votes" to give the Election to him. Who thinks that would not be dictatorship? Trump was trying to dictate the outcome of the Election. He tried to dictate the result of the Election to Georgia election officials. When they would not kowtow to his demand, he tried to get the Department of Justice to enforce his demand.

"The Justice Department's top leaders listened in stunned silence this month: One of their peers, they were told, had devised a plan with President Donald J. Trump to oust Jeffrey A. Rosen as acting attorney general and wield the department's power to force Georgia state lawmakers to overturn its presidential election results."

Trump's second failed coup: Trump reportedly tried to oust acting attorney general with DOJ aide
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Who knew that the dimocrats and the deep state already had election fraud locked down!🤔👌

That allegation is widely regarded as a lie, because it has not been supported by verifiable evidence. It was a wild charge made by Trump before the Election even took place. The man claimed that he could not lose unless the Election was stolen. He was lying, plain and simple. Poll after poll showed that Trump's crazy behavior had alienated a lot of people. Most of them voted against Trump, so he lost.
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So much for State's rights and the will of the people. Donald Trump wanted to overturn the certified Election of Georgia and force Georgia to "find votes" to give the Election to him. Who thinks that would not be dictatorship? Trump was trying to dictate the outcome of the Election. He tried to dictate the result of the Election to Georgia election officials. When they would not kowtow to his demand, he tried to get the Department of Justice to enforce his demand.

"The Justice Department's top leaders listened in stunned silence this month: One of their peers, they were told, had devised a plan with President Donald J. Trump to oust Jeffrey A. Rosen as acting attorney general and wield the department's power to force Georgia state lawmakers to overturn its presidential election results."

Trump's second failed coup: Trump reportedly tried to oust acting attorney general with DOJ aide
Was the will of the people served when various states violated their own constitution to deliver this election?
That allegation is widely regarded as a lie, because it has not been supported by verifiable evidence. It was a wild charge made by Trump before the Election even took place. The man claimed that he could not lose unless the Election was stolen. He was lying, plain and simple. Poll after poll showed that Trump's crazy behavior had alienated a lot of people. Most of them voted against Trump, so he lost.
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Was the will of the people served when various states violated their own constitution to deliver this election?

What court ruled that states violated their own constitutions? That is just another lie, thrown like of mud at a wall to see if it sticks. It stuck in your mind, but not on the wall. Every court ruled against it. The Trump Campaign is not the decider of a State's constitution, and neither are you.
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What court ruled that states violated their own constitutions? That is just another lie, thrown like of mud at a wall to see if it sticks. It stuck in your mind, but not on the wall. Every court ruled against it. The Trump Campaign is not the decider of a State's constitution, and neither are you.
I've never said that was a Trump charge just that it happened. For example, PA was pretty clear yet mail in voting was allowed to happen. Read it for yourself and decide
I've never said that was a Trump charge just that it happened. For example, PA was pretty clear yet mail in voting was allowed to happen. Read it for yourself and decide

I read those reports and never saw how Pennsylvania's Constitution was supposed to forbid state and local election officials from conducting the election as they did. I know Trump told you that the covid-19 pandemic is a Democratic fraud, but it has proven to be a real concern which responsible people take seriously. You might have wanted voters to stand in line all day to vote in crowded rooms. Some people reasonably wanted to mitigate the risk of voting, instead of pretending there was no cause for concern.
Oh it's been topped.
Not even close. How can you honestly say that? Liberals aren’t even done with the whining. They’re working on a second impeachment, still trying to get Trump’s tax returns, and trying to punish anyone that supported him, which includes voters. I’m sure you forgot all about the riots that happened on Inauguration Day last year and it wasn’t just DC either. I don’t understand how someone could be so blind but you aren’t alone in your blindness.
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Not even close. How can you honestly say that? Liberals aren’t even done with the whining. They’re working on a second impeachment, still trying to get Trump’s tax returns, and trying to punish anyone that supported him, which includes voters. I’m sure you forgot all about the riots that happened on Inauguration Day last year and it wasn’t just DC either. I don’t understand how someone could be so blind but you aren’t alone in your blindness.

Well, there are the added matters of Trump trying to overthrow the Election and obstruct a joint session of the U.S. Congress, in front of God and everybody. One could go on.
I've never said that was a Trump charge just that it happened. For example, PA was pretty clear yet mail in voting was allowed to happen. Read it for yourself and decide

What you are saying is something bad about the election. Why? Because your guy lost. Are you some kind of Pennsylvania Constitutional scholar? I doubt it. You prolly just took something thrown out in the media like scraps to stray animals and swallowed it down. Right? Isn't that about what you did?
What you are saying is something bad about the election. Why? Because your guy lost. Are you some kind of Pennsylvania Constitutional scholar? I doubt it. You prolly just took something thrown out in the media like scraps to stray animals and swallowed it down. Right? Isn't that about what you did?
wow, you're all kinds of wrong

1) I didn't vote for guy this election.
B) that section of their constitution is a pretty easy read. No where is irrational fear or media induced panic listed as a reason for mail in voting
Lastly, I don't buy much from the media. You simply aren't paying attention
wow, you're all kinds of wrong

1) I didn't vote for guy this election.
B) that section of their constitution is a pretty easy read. No where is irrational fear or media induced panic listed as a reason for mail in voting
Lastly, I don't buy much from the media. You simply aren't paying attention

OK, I haven't looked at it in a while, but nowhere do I recall seeing prohibitions on mail-in ballots in the PA Constitution. You are free to refresh my memory if you want.
OK, I haven't looked at it in a while, but nowhere do I recall seeing prohibitions on mail-in ballots in the PA Constitution. You are free to refresh my memory if you want.
Nah, the system obviously failed to do so and I don't have the patience to try. Keep spouting nonsense if it makes you feel better
Nah, the system obviously failed to do so and I don't have the patience to try. Keep spouting nonsense if it makes you feel better

Now wait a minute. Hold the phone. My feelings are not the subject of this discussion. That's an uncalled for cheap shot. What are you trying to do, validate your VN membership?
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Well, there are the added matters of Trump trying to overthrow the Election and obstruct a joint session of the U.S. Congress, in front of God and everybody. One could go on.
Seriously. This is why you have zero credibility. Dems have been working to overthrow the 2016 election. The 2020 election is in the books and they are still obsessed. Yet here you are claiming Trump is worse and I’m sure you see nothing wrong with anything Dems have done. The Russian collusion hoax, the 2 ridiculous impeachments, the last of which took a whopping 2 hours, the lying about things Trump said and did, keeping cities shut down effectively destroying them just to kill the economy and make Trump look bad, and one could easily go on.
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Seriously. This is why you have zero credibility. Dems have been working to overthrow the 2016 election. The 2020 election is in the books and they are still obsessed. Yet here you are claiming Trump is worse and I’m sure you see nothing wrong with anything Dems have done. The Russian collusion hoax, the 2 ridiculous impeachments, the last of which took a whopping 2 hours, the lying about things Trump said and did, keeping cities shut down effectively destroying them just to kill the economy and make Trump look bad, and one could easily go on.

I keep up with current events and haven't seen Democrats working to overthrow the 2016 Election. Are you having psychotic hallucinations or just repeating lines from the right wing lie factories?
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Nah, the system obviously failed to do so and I don't have the patience to try. Keep spouting nonsense if it makes you feel better

Well, you just admitted that you have no valid reason for the things you've been saying. Then you called my posts nonsense. Duh.

"Was the will of the people served when various states violated their own constitution to deliver this election?" This allegation is just a lie fabricated by the losers, to overthrow a lawfully certified election and seditiously incite insurrection against our lawfully elected government.
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